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These [are] the words that Moses spoke to all [of] Israel {on the other side of} the Jordan in the desert, in the desert plateau opposite Suph, between Paran and between Tophel and Laban and Hazeroth and Dizahab.

{And it was} in the fortieth year, on the eleventh month, on [the] first [day] of the month, Moses spoke to the {Israelites} according to all that Yahweh had instructed him [to speak] to them.

Turn [now] and {move on}, and go [into] the hill of the Amorites and to all [of] the neighboring regions in the Jordan {Valley} in the hill country and in the Negev and in the coastal area along the sea, [into] the land of the Canaanites and [into] the Lebanon, as far as the great river Euphrates.

Choose for yourselves {wise and discerning and knowledgeable men} for [each of] your tribes, and I will appoint them as your leaders.'

You must not {be partial} {in your judgment}; hear [out] the small [person] as [also] the great [person]; {do not be intimidated by any person}, because the judgment [is] God's; and the case that is too difficult for you, bring [it] to me, and I will hear it [out].'

And so I instructed you at that time [concerning] all [of] the things that you should do.

"Then we set out from Horeb, and we went [through] the whole [of] that great and terrible desert that you saw [on] the way [to] the hill country of the Amorites as Yahweh our God had commanded us, and [so] we came up to Kadesh Barnea.

"Then all of you approached me, and [you] said, 'Let us send men {before us}, and let them explore the land for us, and let them bring back {a report} to us [concerning] the way that {we should take} [and concerning] the cities that we shall come to.'

Yahweh your God, who is going {before you}, will himself fight for you, {just as} he did for you in Egypt before your eyes,

and [just as he did] in the wilderness when you saw that Yahweh your God carried you, just as someone carries his son, all [along] the way [that] you traveled until {you reached} this place.'

'No one of these men of this evil generation will see the good land that I swore to give to your ancestors,

except Caleb, the son of Jephunneh; he himself shall see it, and to him I will give the land upon which he has trodden and to his sons because {he followed Yahweh unreservedly}.'

Joshua, the son of Nun, {your assistant}, will go there; encourage him because he will cause Israel to inherit it.

And your little children, who you thought shall become plunder, and your sons, who do not today know good or bad, shall themselves go there, and I will give it to them, and they shall take possession of it.

"You replied and said to me, 'We have sinned against Yahweh, [and now] we will go up and fight according to all that Yahweh our God commanded us'; and [so] each man fastened on {his battle gear}, and you regarded [it] as easy to go up [into] the hill country.

So Yahweh said to me, 'Say to them, "You shall not go up, and you shall not fight because I am not in your midst; you will be defeated {before} your enemies." '

and instruct the people, {saying}, "You [are] about to cross [through] the territory of your brothers, the descendants of Esau, who are living in Seir; they will be afraid of you, and [so] be very careful.

Do not get involved in battle with them, for I will not give you any of their land, not even {a foot's breadth} [of it]; since I have given Mount Seir [as] a possession for Esau.

The fact of the matter is, Yahweh your God has blessed you in {all the work you have done}; he knows {your travels} [with respect to] this great wilderness; forty years Yahweh your God [has been] with you; you have not lacked a thing." '

And Yahweh said to me, 'You shall not attack Moab, and you shall not engage in war with them, for I will not give you any of his land [as] a possession; I have given Ar to the descendants of Lot [as] a possession.'

Now the {length of time} that we had traveled from Kadesh Barnea until [the time when] we crossed the wadi of Zered [was] thirty-eight years, until the perishing of all of that generation; [that is], the men of war from the midst of the camp as Yahweh had sworn to them.

"{And then} when all the men of war {had died} from among the people,

This day I will begin to place {the dread of you} and the fear of you {before} the peoples under all the heavens. [They] will hear {the report about you}, and [so] they will shake and tremble {because of you}.'

'Let me cross through your land [and] {only along the road} I will go; I will not turn aside to the right or [to the] left.

Food for money you shall sell me, so that I may eat, and water for money you will give to me, so that I may drink; just let me cross on foot.

Then Sihon and all his people came out to meet us for battle at Jahaz.

And so Yahweh our God gave him over {to us}, and we struck him down, and his sons and all of his people.

So we captured all of his cities at that time, and we destroyed each town [of] males and the women and the children; we did not leave behind a survivor.

Only the land of {the Ammonites} you did not approach, [all along] the whole upper region of the Jabbok {River} and the towns of the hill country, [according to all] that Yahweh our God had instructed.

"Then we turned, and we went up the road to Bashan, and Og the king of Bashan came out to meet us, he and all [of] his army for the battle [at] Edrei.

And Yahweh said to me, 'You should not fear him, for I have given him and all [of] his army and his land into your hand. And [so] you will do to him as you did to Sihon the king of the Amorites, who [was] reigning in Heshbon.'

And [so] Yahweh our God also gave Og the king of Bashan, and all of his army into our hand, and we struck him down until not a survivor remained to him.

And we captured all [of] his towns at that time; [there] was not a city that we did not take from them.

All of these [were] fortified towns with high walls, gates, and bars, {apart from} very many [of] the villages of the open country.

But all [of] the livestock and the booty of the towns we kept as spoil for ourselves.

All of the towns of the plateau and the whole of Gilead and all of Bashan up to Salecah and Edrei, the towns of the kingdom of Og in Bashan.

And the remainder of Gilead and all of Bashan, the kingdom of Og, I gave to the half-tribe of Manasseh, the whole region of Argo. All of that [area of] Bashan was called [the] land of the Rephaim.

Jair the descendant of Manasseh acquired the whole region of Argob, up to the boundary of the Geshurites and the Maacathites, and he called it, [that is] Bashan, after his [own] name, Havvoth Jair, {as it still is today}.

"And I charged you [all] at that time [when I] said, "Yahweh has given you--to [all of] you--this land to possess. All the {warriors} shall cross over, ready to fight, before your brothers, the {Israelites}.

And I commanded Joshua at that time, saying, 'Your eyes see all that Yahweh your God has done to these two kings; so Yahweh will do to all [of] the kingdoms where you are about to cross over to.

Go up [to] the top of Pisgah and {look around you} toward the west, toward the north, and toward the east, and {view} [the land] with your eyes, for you will not cross this Jordan.

Now instruct Joshua and support him and encourage him because he himself will cross [over] before this people and enable them to inherit the land that you will see.'

But you, the [ones] holding fast to Yahweh your God, [are] all alive {today}.

And {you must observe them diligently}, for that [is] your wisdom and your insight before the eyes of the people, who will hear all [of] these rules, and they will say, 'Surely this great nation [is] a wise and discerning people.'

And what [other] great nation has for it just rules and regulations just like {this whole} law that I [am] setting {before} you {today}?

"However, {take care} for yourself and watch your inner self closely, so that you do not forget the things that your eyes have seen, so that they do not slip from your mind all the days of your life; and you shall make them known to your children and to {your grandchildren}.

[Remember] the day that you stood {before} Yahweh your God at Horeb {when Yahweh said to me}, 'Summon for me the people so that I can tell them my words, that they may learn to fear me all [of] the days they [are] alive on the earth and so [that] they may teach their children.'

{And do this so that you do not lift} your eyes [toward] heaven and {observe} the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of the heaven, and be led astray and bow down to them and serve them, things that Yahweh your God has allotted to all [of] the peoples under all [of] the heaven.

I call to witness against you today the heaven and the earth, that you will perish soon and completely from the land that you [are] crossing the Jordan into it to take possession of it; {you will not live long on it}, but you will be completely destroyed.

And Yahweh will scatter you among the peoples, and you will be left {few in number} among the nations {to where Yahweh will lead you}.

But from there you shall seek Yahweh your God and will find him, if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.

{In your distress} when all these things have found you in the {latter days}, then you will return to Yahweh your God, and you will listen to his voice.

For Yahweh your God is a compassionate God; he {will not abandon you}, and he will not destroy you, and he will not forget the covenant of your ancestors that he swore to them.

Or has a god [ever] attempted to go to take for himself a nation from the midst of a nation, [using] trials and signs and wonders and war, with an outstretched arm and with great and awesome deeds, like all that Yahweh your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes?

And you shall keep his rules and his commandments that I am commanding you {today}, [so] that {it may go well} for you and for your children after you, and so that {you may remain a long time} on the land that Yahweh your God [is] giving to you [during] all [of] those days."

and all [of] the Arabah beyond the Jordan, eastward, and as far as the Sea of the Arabah under the slopes of Pisgah.

And [then] Moses summoned all [of] Israel and said to them, "Hear, Israel, the rules and the regulations that I [am] speaking in your ears {today}, and you shall learn them, and {you must observe them diligently}.

You shall not take up the name of Yahweh your God for worthless purpose, for Yahweh will not leave unpunished [anyone] who uses his name for worthless purpose.

"These words Yahweh spoke to your whole assembly at the mountain from the midst of the fire and the very thick cloud [with] a loud voice, and {he did not add anything}, and [then] he wrote them on two tablets of stone and gave them to me.

{And then} {when you heard} the voice from the midst of the darkness, and [as] the mountain [was] burning with fire, and [and] all the heads of your tribes and your elders approached me,

And so then why shall we die, for this great fire will consume us if {we continue} to hear the voice of Yahweh our God [any] longer, and [so] we shall die?

For who [is there of] all flesh who has heard the voice of the living God speaking from the midst of the fire as we [have heard it] {and remained alive}?

[You] go near and hear {everything} that Yahweh our God will say; and [then] you tell us all that Yahweh our God tells you, and we will listen, and we will do [it].'

"And Yahweh heard the sound of your words {when you spoke to me}, and Yahweh said to me, 'I have heard the sound of the words of this people that they have spoken to you; [they] are right [with respect to] all that they have spoken.

{If only} {they had such a mind}'; [that is], to fear me and to keep all my commandments {at all times}, so that {it will go well} for them and for their children {forever}.

But you stand here with me, and let me tell you all [of] the commandments and the rules and the regulations that you shall teach them, so that they may do [them] in the land that I [am] giving to them to take possession of it.'

{In exactly the path} that Yahweh your God has commanded, you must go, so that you may live and {it will go well} for you and {you may live long} in the land that you will take possession of."

so that you may revere Yahweh your God by keeping all his statutes and his commandments that I [am] commanding you, you and your children and {grandchildren}, all the days of your life and so you may live long [lives].

And you shall hear, Israel, and be careful to observe [these instructions], so that {it may go well for you} and that you may multiply greatly, [just] as Yahweh, the God of your ancestors, {promised} you, [in] a land with milk and honey.

"And then it will happen [that] when Yahweh your God will bring you to the land that he swore to your ancestors, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give to you large and fine cities that you did not build,

and houses full of all [sorts] of good things that you did not fill, and hewn cisterns that you did not hew, vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant, and {you have eaten your fill},

You shall not go after other gods from the gods of the peoples who [are] all around you,

And you shall do [what is] right and good in the eyes of Yahweh, so that {it shall go well} for you and [so that] you may go and you may take possession of the good land that Yahweh swore for your ancestors,

by driving out all [of] your enemies {before you}, [just] as Yahweh {has promised}.

And [so] Yahweh commanded us to observe all [of] these rules [and] to revere Yahweh our God {for our benefit} {all the days that we live}, {as it is today}.

and Yahweh your God will give them {over to you} and you defeat them, you must {utterly destroy them}; you shall not make a covenant with them, and you shall not show mercy [to them].

For their sons and daughters will cause your son to turn away {from following me}, and [so] they will serve other gods, and {the anger of Yahweh would be kindled} against you, and he would quickly destroy you.

"Yahweh loved you and chose you not {because of your great number} exceeding all [other] peoples, for you [are] fewer than all of the peoples,

"{And then} because you listen [to] these regulations and you diligently keep and you do them, then Yahweh your God will maintain his covenant and his loyal love that he swore to your ancestors.

And he will love you, and he will bless you, and he will multiply you, and he will bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your soil, your grain, your wine, and your olive oil, and [newborn] calves of your cattle, and the [newborn] lambs of your flocks in the land that he swore to your ancestors to give you.

You shall be blessed more than all of the peoples; among you there shall not be sterility and bareness, even among domestic animals.

And Yahweh will turn away from you all the illness and all the harmful diseases of Egypt that you experienced; he will not lay them on you, but he will lay them on all [of] those who hate you.

And you shall devour all of the peoples [that] Yahweh your God [is] giving to you; {you shall not pity them}, and you shall not serve their gods, [which] will be a snare for you.

[then remember] you must not be afraid of them; you must well remember what Yahweh your God did to Pharaoh and to all [of] Egypt:

the great trials that your eyes saw and the signs and the wonders and the [workings of] the strong hand and the outstretched arm [by] which Yahweh your God brought you out; so Yahweh your God will do to all [of] the peoples {because of whom} you [are] in fear {before them}.

And, moreover, Yahweh your God will send the hornets among them until [both] the survivors and the fugitives {are destroyed} {before you}.

And Yahweh your God will clear away these nations {from before you} little by little; you will not be able to finish them off quickly, {lest} the {wild animals} {multiply} {against you}.

But Yahweh your God will {give them to you}, and he will throw them into great panic {until they are destroyed}.

And he will give their kings into your hand, and you shall blot out their names from under the heaven; anyone will not [be able to] stand {against you} {until you destroy them}.

And you must not bring a detestable thing into your house, or you will become a thing devoted to destruction like it; you must utterly detest it, and you must utterly abhor it, for it [is] [an] object devoted to destruction.

"All of the commandments that I [am] commanding you today you must diligently observe, so that you may live and multiply, and you may go and take possession of the land that Yahweh swore to your ancestors.

And he humbled you and let you go hungry, and [then] he fed you with that which you did not know nor did your ancestors know, in order to make you know that not by bread alone but by all [that] goes out of the mouth of Yahweh humankind shall live.