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These are the words of the Preacher, the son of David, king of Jerusalem.

All things are so hard, that no man can express them. The eye is not satisfied with sight; the ear is not filled with hearing.

Verse ConceptsDiscontentCuriosityBeing UnsatisfiedEvil EyesThe Faculty Of Hearing

The thing that is past, is out of remembrance; Even so the things that are for to come, shall no more be thought upon among them that come after.

Verse ConceptsAnonymityUnknown FutureThe Pastremembrancepast

applied my mind to seek out and search for the knowledge of all things that are done under heaven. Such travail and labor hath God given to the children of men, to exercise themselves therein.

Verse ConceptsUnder The SunTragedyexploring

Thus I have considered all the things that come to pass under the Sun, and lo, they are all but vanity and vexation of mind.

Verse ConceptsVanityPhysical LabourStraight ThingsUseless EndeavourFrustrationUnder The SunTime PassingSunexploringstrivingFutility Of Worldly Pursuits

for thereunto I applied my mind: that I might know what were wisdom and understanding, what were error and foolishness. And I perceived that this also was but a vexation of mind:

Verse ConceptsStudying InsanityUseless Endeavour

So I thought in my heart, to withdraw my flesh from wine, to apply my mind unto wisdom, and to comprehend foolishness until the time that among all the things which are under the Sun, I might see what were best for men to do, so long as they live under heaven.

Verse ConceptsAlcoholDrinking WineUnder The SunBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeEnjoying Lifeexploring

I bought servants and maidens, and had a great household. As for cattle and sheep, I had more substance of them than all they that were before me in Jerusalem.

Verse ConceptsOwning LivestockGroups Of Slaves

And look whatsoever mine eyes desired, I let them have it: and wherein soever my heart delighted, or had any pleasure, I withheld it not from it. Thus my heart rejoiced in all that I did, and this I took for the portion of all my travail.

Verse ConceptsEvil EyesReward For WorksSelf LoveBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeEnjoying Life

For the wise are ever as little in remembrance as the foolish, and all the days for to come shall be forgotten, yea the wise man dieth as well as the fool.

Verse ConceptsEquality Of FateForgetting PeopleDeath Is UniversalWise Man Or FoolWisdom

For who knoweth, whether he shall be a wise man or a fool? And yet shall he be lord of all my labours, which I with such wisdom have taken under the Sun. Is not this a vain thing?

Verse ConceptsUseless EndeavourUnder The SunWise Man Or Fool

He giveth unto man, what it pleaseth him; whether it be wisdom, understanding, or gladness. But unto the sinner he giveth weariness and sorrow, that he may gather and heap together the thing, that afterward shall be given unto him whom it pleaseth God. This is now a vain thing, yea a very disquietness and vexation of mind.

Verse ConceptsWealthBeing A BlessingEnjoyment, Lack OfBeing BlessedPromised JoyUseless EndeavourGod Judges The WickedPeople With KnowledgeGod Gives WisdomWisdomWisdom And GuidanceSaving Moneystriving

I communed with mine own heart also concerning the children of men: how God hath chosen them, and yet letteth them appear as though they were beasts.

Verse ConceptsGod Testing PeopleEverything Happening For A ReasonTestshumanityordermyself

For it happeneth unto men as it doth unto beasts, and as the one dieth, so dieth the other. Yea, they have both one manner of breath, so that - in this - a man hath no preeminence above a beast, but all are subdued unto vanity.

Verse ConceptsEquality Of FateUniversality Of DeathVanityAdvantagesUseless EndeavourCondition Of The BodyAnimals Having A Soulnatural Lifenatural DeathEverything Happening For A ReasonPetsThe Environmentbreathinghumanityfatebreath

So I turned me, and considered all the violent wrong that is done under the Sun, and beheld the tears of such as were oppressed; and there was no man to comfort them or that would deliver and defend them from the violence of their oppressors.

Verse ConceptsOppression, Examples OfComfortless LivesWeariness Of LifeOppressorsNo ComfortUnder The Sunoppressionoverworking

Wherefore I judged those that are dead, to be more happy than such as be alive.

Verse ConceptsWeariness Of LifeDesire For DeathDyingLoss Of A Loved One

Yea, him that is yet unborn to be better at ease than they both, because he seeth not the miserable works that are done under the Sun.

Verse ConceptsUnder The SunBabies Sinful From Birth

As for the people that have been before him, and that come after him, they are innumerable: yet is not their joy the greater through him. This is also a vain thing and a vexation of mind. (v17) When thou comest into the house of God, keep thy foot and draw nigh, that thou mayest hear: that is better than the offerings of fools, for they know not what evil they do

Verse ConceptsVanityUseless Endeavour

And why? Whereas are many dreams and many words, there are also divers vanities: but look that thou fear God.

Verse ConceptsBad DreamsDaydreamingMan's Conduct Towards GodMisleading DreamsPeople Being SilentFear God!

Whereas many riches are, there are many also that spend them away. And what pleasure more hath he that possesseth them, saving that he may look upon them with his eyes?

Verse ConceptsGrowth In WealthFinancesFamily ProblemsWealth And ProsperitySaving Money

A labouring man sleepeth sweetly, whether it be little or much that he eateth; but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep.

Verse ConceptsHard LaborWakefulnessMore Than EnoughHard WorkWorryingSleeping Peacefullyworkinghardworkworries

For who knoweth what is good for man living, in the days of his vain life, which is but a shadow? Or, who will tell a man what shall happen after him under the Sun?

Verse ConceptsPhysical LifeTravailWithheld KnowledgeUnknown FutureUnder The SunBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeEnjoying Lifeuncertainty

It is better to give ear to the chastening of a wise man, than to hear the song of fools.

Verse ConceptsReproving PeopleWise Man Or FoolFoolscriticismrebuking

Say not thou, "What is the cause that the days of the old time were better than they that be now?" For that were no wise question.

Verse ConceptsHaving A Good DayThe Pastpastwise

And I found, that a woman is bitterer than death: for she is a very angle, her heart is a net, and her hands are chains. Who so pleaseth God shall escape from her, but the sinner will be taken with her.

Verse ConceptsSexual ChastityWomen Doing WrongMan TrappingGodly WomanBitternessBreaking Chainsnagging

For I have oft seen the ungodly brought to their graves, and fallen down from the high and glorious place; insomuch that they were forgotten in the city where they were had in so high and great reputation. This is also a vain thing.

Verse ConceptsOblivionVanityUseless EndeavourBurying places

Because now that evil works are not hastily punished, the heart of man giveth himself over unto wickedness.

Verse ConceptsSecurity, FalseDivine DelaysPunishmentPunishmentsPunishment of the The WickedExerciseconsequences

I understood of all the works of God, that it is not possible for a man, to attain unto works that are done under the Sun: and though he bestow his labour to seek them out, yet can he not reach unto them: yea, though a wise man would undertake to know them, yet might he not find them.

Verse ConceptsBeing Found OutUnder The SunWisdomGod's PlanGod's WillSunThe MindGods PlanEverything Happening For A ReasonWorking For GodKnowing GodThe Beauty Of NatureGod Turning Bad Things Into GoodWorking For The LordChanging YourselfScriptureexploringworkingefforthardworkeverythingseekingmanwisetryingThe Complexity Of Nature

For all these things purposed I in my mind to seek out. The righteous and wise, yea and their servants also are in the hand of God: and there is no man that knoweth either love or hate, but all things are before them.

Verse ConceptsGod's HandHateGodly ManEverything Happening For A Reasonaccomplishmentsaccomplishment

Among all things that come to pass under the Sun, this is a mystery, that it happeneth unto all alike. This is the cause also that the hearts of men are full of wickedness, and mad foolishness is in their hearts, as long as they live, until they die.

Verse ConceptsBad SituationsPeople Acting MadlyTragedyfate

For man knoweth not his time, but like as the fish are taken with the angle and as the birds are caught with the snare: Even so are men taken in the perilous time, when it cometh suddenly upon them.

Verse ConceptsDisastersThe Right TimeThe Insecurity Of The WickedWithheld KnowledgeSudden DestructionSudden EventsUnreadinessNot Knowing The FutureGod TrappingBad DaysHard TimesBirdsGod's TimingTragedyGods TimingFishGetting Through Hard Timessurprises

Then said I, "Wisdom is better than strength." Nevertheless, a simple man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.

Verse ConceptsLimitations Of StrengthBenefits Of WisdomPoor PeopleFamily StrengthSaving Moneystrengh

If a principal spirit be given thee to bear rule, be not negligent then in thine office: for so shall great wickedness be put down, as it were with a medicine.

Verse ConceptsBeing CalmPeaceablenessStaying Strong And Not Giving UpAnger And Forgiveness

I see servants ride upon horses, and princes going upon their feet as it were servants.

Verse ConceptsPromotionRiding HorsesSlavesslaveryroyalty

The words out of a wise man's mouth are gracious, but the lips of a fool will destroy himself.

Verse ConceptsFools

Woe be unto thee, O thou realm and land, whose king is but a child, and whose princes are early at their banquets.

Verse ConceptsBreakfastIn The MorningUnsuitable RuleServant LeadershipLeadership Qualitiesmanhoodconsequencesbabyteenager

Wish the king no evil in thy thought, and speak no hurt of the rich in thy privy chamber; for a bird of the air shall betray thy voice, and with her feathers shall she betray thy words.

Verse ConceptsBedroomsCivic DutiesHonouring RulersDisclosuresDo Not TellThe Rich Lording ItUngodly CursingPrivate RoomsBirdsFunThoughtsAbusesecretscriticismrumorsriskgossiping

When the clouds are full, they pour out rain upon the earth. And when the tree falleth, whether it be toward the South or North, in what place soever it fall, there it lieth.

Verse ConceptsClouds, Natural UseCompassesNorth And SouthThings FallingWeather In The Last Dayscloudsinvesting

Now, like as thou knowest not the way of the wind, nor how the bones are filled in a mother's womb: Even so thou knowest not the works of God, which is the workmaster of all.

Verse ConceptsBabies In The WombUnborn FetusesBonesNot Knowing HowNot Knowing WheremomsTrusting God's PlanDirectionGrowingMotherhoodChange And GrowthMoralityHaving A BabybabystructureThe Complexity Of Nature

Cease not thou therefore with thy hands to sow thy seed, whether it be in the morning or in the evening: for then knowest not whether this or that shall prosper, and if they both take, it is the better.

Verse ConceptsBusynessVegetationNot Knowing The FutureAt Morning And EveningFrom Morning Till EveningCareer SuccessReaping What You SowPlanting SeedsSeedsSuccess And Hard WorkSowing Seedssowing

Before the silver lace be taken away, and or the golden band be broken; or the pot be broken at the well, and the wheel upon the cistern;

Verse ConceptsBreaking ContainersWater ContainersCordsWheelsThings Like GoldThings Like SilverNervousnessBreaking Chainslungs

For the words of the wise are like pricks and nails that go through, wherewith men are kept together: for they are given of one shepherd only.

Verse ConceptsNailsSharp Tools