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and out of the midst thereof, as burnished copper to look upon out of the midst of the fire; and out of the midst thereof, a likeness of four living ones, and this was their appearance, the likeness of a man, had they;

and their feet were straight feet, - and the sole of their feet was like the sole of the foot of a calf, but sparkling, as shining bronze to look upon;

As for the likeness of the living ones, their appearance was like live coals of fire burning up like the appearance of torches, the same went to and fro between the living ones, - and the fire had brightness and out of the fire, went forth a lightning.

The appearance of the wheels and of their structure was like a Tarshish-stone to look upon, and they four had one likeness, - and their appearance and their structure were just as would be a wheel in the midst of a wheel.

As for their rings, they were so high that they were terrible, -and their rings full of eyes round about, had they four.

And I heard the sound of their wings, as the sound of many waters, as the sound of the Almighty, when they went, the sound of a storm as the sound of a host, - when they stood, they let down their wings,

And above the expanse that was over their heads, as the appearance of a sapphire stone, was the likeness of a throne, - and upon the likeness of a throne, was a likeness as the appearance of a man upon it above.

And I saw as burnished copper to look upon, as the appearance of fire within it round about, from the appearance of his loins and upwards and from the appearance of his loins and downward, saw I as the appearance of fire, and he had brightness round about:

as the appearance of the bow which is in a cloud on a day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness round about, that was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Yahweh, and when I saw, I fell upon my face, and heard a voice of one speaking.

Then the Spirit entered into me as soon as he spoke unto me, and it caused me to stand upon my feet, - and I heard one speaking unto me.

and it is unto such sons - of shameless face, and emboldened heart, that I am sending thee, - therefore shalt thou say unto them, Thus saith My Lord, Yahweh.

Then said he unto me Son of man. Thy belly, cause thou to eat and thy bowels, fl thou with this roll which I am giving unto thee. So I did eat, and it became in my mouth, as honey for sweetness.

liner unto many peoples deep of lip and heavy of tongue, whose words thou couldst not understand, - surely if unto them I had sent thee, they would have hearkened unto thee.

Lo! I have made thy face bold like as their faces, and thy forehead bold like as their forehead.

As an adamant harder than flint, have I made thy forehead, - thou shalt not fear them neither shalt thou be dismayed at their faces, For a perverse house, they are!

But when I speak with thee, I will open thy mouth, and thou shalt say unto them. Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, - He that is minded to hear, let him hear, And he that is minded to forbear, let him forbear! For a perverse house, they are!

Thou, therefore, take thee wheat and barley and peas and lentils and millet and spelt, and put them in one vessel, and make them ready for thee as bread, - during the number of days which thou art lying on thy side. a hundred and ninety days, shalt thou eat it;

and as a barley cake, shalt thou eat it, - and the same with dung proceeding from man, shalt thou bake, before their eyes.

Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, This, is Jerusalem, In the midst of the nations, I placed her, - and of the countries round about her;

Therefore as live, Declareth My Lord Yahweh, - Surely because my sanctuary, thou hast defiled, with all thy detestable things, and with all thine abominations Even I also, will cut off, and mine eye I shall not spare, Yea even I will not pity.

Yet will I leave a remnant: In that ye shall have such as are escaped of the sword throughout the nations, when ye are scattered throughout the lands.

He that is far off by pestilence, shall die and He that is near by the sword, shall fall, and He that is left and is besieged by the famine, shall die; Thus will I make an end of mine indignation against them.

Thou therefore O son of man. Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, To the so of Israel, there is an end,- The end hath come upon the four skirts of the land.

Now is the end upon thee, Therefore will I send mine anger against thee, And judge these according to thy ways,- And lay upon thee all thine abominations;

Violence hath risen up as a sceptre of lawlessness, - There are none of them And none of their multitude And none of their throngs And no lamentation over them.

The time hath come. The day hath arrived, The buyer, let him not rejoice, and The seller, let him not mourn, - For indignation, is against all her multitude.

For the seller, unto that which is to be sold, shall not return, though yet among the living, were their life, for the vision is against all her multitude. He shall not return, And line man by his punishment, shall strengthen his life.

They have blown the trumpet, even to make All ready, Yet is there none going to the battle; For mine indignation is against all her multitude.

The sword without, and Pestilence and famine within, - He that is in the field by the sword, shall die, and He that is in the city famine or pestilence shall devour him;

While they who escape of them shall escape and become on the mountains as the doves of the valleys, all of them cooing, - -each one in his punishment.

Prepare thou a chain, For the land is full of the crime of bloodshed, And the city is full of violence.

So I looked, and lo! a likeness as the appearance of a man, from the appearance of his loins and downward fire, and from his loins and upwards as an appearance of shining, as the look of amber,

Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen Son of man what the elders of the house of Israel, are doing in the dark, every man in his image-chambers? for they are saying - Yahweh doth not see us! Yahweh hath forsaken the land!

Then said he unto me Hast thou seen O son of man? Is it too small a thing for the house of Judah, to be committing the abominations which they have committed here, - that they have fled the land with violence and have again provoked me to anger and there they are! putting the branch to my nose.

And he said unto me the iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah, is exceeding, great, and the land is filled with shed blood, and the city is full of over-reaching, - for they have said. Yahweh hath forsaken the land, - and Yahweh doth not see.

Therefore as for even me, Mine eye shall not shield. Neither will I pity, - Their way upon their own head, have I rendered.

Then looked I. and lo! in the expanses which was over the head of the cherubim as a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne, appeared over them.

And the sound of the wings of the cherubim was heard, as far as the outer court, - like the voice of the Almighty GOD when he speaketh,

and as for their appearance, one likeness had they our,-as might be a wheel in the midst of a wheel.

then the cherubim uplifted their wings and arose from the earth before mine eyes as they went forth, the wheels also in unison with them, - and it stood at the opening of the gate of the house of Yahweh that was toward the east, with the glory of the God of Israel over them, above.

And as for the likeness of their faces, They were the faces which I saw by the river Chebar, their appearances and themselves - every one straight before him, did they go.

who are saying, Not near! let us build houses, - It, is the caldron, and, we, are the flesh!

Therefore Thus, saith My Lord Yahweh, Your Main. whom ye have laid in her midst, They are the flesh, and She is the caldron, - when ye are taken out of her midst.

So hat ye now that I am Yahweh, In whose statutes, ye have not walked And whose appointments, ye have not executed, - But according to the appointments of the nations that are round about you, have ye done.

And it came to pass as I prophesied, that Pelatiah son of Benaiah died, - so then I fell down upon my face and made outcry with a loud voice and said - Alas! My Lord Yahweh! A full end, art thou making of the remnant of Israel?

Son of man Thine own brethren, thine own brethren the men of thy kindred, even all the house of Israel all of it are they to whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said, Get you far away from Yahweh, To us, it is that the land, hath been given, for a possession!

But as for them who having a heart for their detestable things and for their abominations after their own heart, do walk, Their way upon their own heads, will I render, Declareth My Lord Yahweh.

Thus went up the glory of Yahweh, out from the midst of the city, - and stood on the mountain, which is on the east of the city.

Therefore shalt thou take forth thy baggage as baggage for exe, by day before their eyes, - and thou thyself, shalt go forth in the evening, before their eyes, like them who go forth to exe.

And I did so, just as I was commanded, My baggage, took I forth as baggage for exe by day, and in the evening, I brake forth by myself through the wall, by force: in the twilight, I took it forth - on to my shoulder, I lifted it, before their eyes.

Say unto them, Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, - For the Bearer, is this burden, in Jerusalem, and for all the house of Israel such as are in their midst.

Say, I, am your sign: As I have done, so. shall it be done to them, Into exile - into captivity, shall they go.

Yea, the Bearer, who is in their midst, Upon his shoulder, shall lift it. In thick darkness, shall he go forth, Through the wall, shall they break to hear forth through it, - His face, shall he cover, to the end that his own eye may not see the land.

Son of man What is this proverb ye have, concerning the so of Israel, saying, - The days, are prolonged, Therefore shall every vision come to nought?

Therefore say unto them, Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, I will cause this proverb to cease, And they shall use it as a proverb no more in Israel, - But speak unto them, The days late drawn near, And the substance of every vision.

Son of man. Lo! the house of Israel are saying, the vision which he seeth is for many days, Yea for times far away, hath hell prophesied.

As jackals, among ruins, thy prophets O Israel have been.

Is it not a Vision of falsehood, ye have seen, and a Divination of lies, ye have spoken, Since ye are saying. Declareth Yahweh! when I have not spoken

Lo! when the wall hath fallen, shall it not be said unto you, Where is the coating, wherewith ye coated it?

Thus will I bring to an end mine indignation against the wall, and against them who were coating it with whitewash, And will say to you No more is the wall, And no more are they who were coating it:

to wit the prophets of Israel who are prophesying unto Jerusalem, and are seeing, on her behalf, visions of prosperity, - when there is no prosperity, Declareth My Lord Yahweh.

Therefore, Thus saith my Lord Yahweh, Behold me! against your oracle-cases where. with ye are hunting the souls to make them fly, And I will tear them off your arms, And let go the souls of them whose souls ye are hunting as birds;

For what man soever of the house of Israel Or of the sojourners who sojourn in Israel, Who shall estrange himself from following me And who shall bring up his manufactured gods, on his heart, And whose stumbling-block of iniquity, he shall set straight before his face, And then come in unto the prophet, to enquire by him of me. Yahweh will myself answer him on my own account;

So shall they bear their punishment, As the punishment of him that enquireth, So shall the punishment of the prophet be:

Were these three men in the midst thereof, As I live, Declareth My Lord Yahweh, Surely neither sons nor daughters, should they deliver, They alone should be delivered, But the land, should become a desolation.

Were these three men in the midst thereof, As I live! Saith My Lord Yahweh, They should deliver neither sons nor daughters, - For they alone, should be delivered.

Were Noah, Daniel and Job n the midst thereof, As I live, Declareth My Lord Yahweh, Surely neither son nor daughter, should they deliver, They, by their righteousness should deliver only their own lives.

Lo! into the fire, it is given up for fuel, - The two ends thereof, doth the fire devour, And the middle thereof is charred, Is it fit for any work?

Lo! when it was yet whole, it could not be made into any work, - how much less when !the fire hath devoured it. and it is charred, can it still be made into any work?

Therefore Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, As a vine-tree among the trees of the forest, which I have given up to the fire for fuel, so have I given up the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

I will therefore give up the land as a desolation, - because they have committed treachery, Declareth My Lord., Yahweh.

And as for thy birth in the day thou wast born, Thy navel-cord was not cut, And in water, wast thou not bathed to cleanse thee, - And as for being salted, a thou was not salted, And as for being bandaged, thou wast not bandaged.

And thou didst take thy sons and thy daughters, Whom thou hadst borne unto me, And didst sacrifice them unto them to be devoured,- Is this of thine unchastity. a light thing?

Thou didst therefore cause thine unchaste ways to abound unto the land of Canaan as towards Chaldea. Yet even herewith, wast thou not satisfied.

That thou couldst have but thy brothel at the head of every road, And thy height, couldst have made in every broadway,- Yet becamest not as harlot to lay claim to a harlots hire.

Thus saith My Lord Yahweh, - Because thy money was poured curl, and thy shame I was uncovered I, in thine unchastity, unto thy lovers, - and unto all thine abominable manufactured gods, even as the blood of thy children, whom thou didst deliver up unto them,

Lo! every one who useth proverbs, against thee, shall use a proverb saying, - Like the mother, so her daughter!

Yet not in their ways, didst thou walk, nor according to their abominations, didst thou do, - As though that were quite too little, thou didst corrupt thyself beyond them in all thy ways.

As I live, Declareth My Lord Yahweh, Very! Sodom thy sister had not done, neither she nor her daughters, - as thou and thy daughters have done.

Before thy wickedness was discovered, As now, thou art the reproach of the daughters of Syria and all round about her the daughters of the Philistines, - who are despising thee on every side.

As for thy crime and thine abominations, thou thyself, dost bear them, - Declareth Yahweh.

For Thus, saith My Lord, Yahweh, Therefore will I deal with thee just as thou hast dealt,- In that thou didst despise an oath by breaking a covenant.

To the end thou mayest remember and turn pale, and there be to thee no more, an opening of mouth, because of thy reproach,- In that I have accepted a propitiatory covering for thee as to all that thou hast done, Declareth My Lord. Yahweh.

Lo! therefore though it remain planted, shall it thrive? As soon as an east wind toucheth it, will it not utterly wither? On the beds where it sprang up, will it not wither?

That, the kingdom might be abased, so as not to lift itself up, - By the keeping of his covenant, might be made to stand.

As I live, Declareth My Lord Yahweh, Very! in the place where dwelleth the king that made him king, Whose oath he hath despised, And whose covenant he hath broken With him in the midst of Babylon, shall he die.

Therefore, Thus saith My Lord Yahweh As I live, Surely it is mine oath which he hath despised, and my covenant which he hath broken, Therefore will I bring it upon his own head:

And I will spread over him my net, And he shall be taken in my snare, And I will bring him into Babylon and will enter into judgment with him there, as to his treachery wherewith he hath been treacherous against me;

As I live, Declareth My Lord, Yahweh, Surely ye shall have occasion no longer to use this proverb, in Israel.

In my statutes, hath walked. And my regulations, hath observed to do them in truth, Righteous, he is, He shall surely live, Declareth My Lord. Yahweh.

But he hath begotten a son Who is a violent man A shedder of blood,- Who doeth the like of any of these things;

But as for the lawless man - When he shall turn back from all his sins which he hath committed, And observe all my statutes, And do justice and righteousness He shall surely live. He shall note die:

But when a righteous man I shall turn away I from his righteousness and do that which is perverse, Shall do according to all the abominations which the lawless man hath done Shall he live? None of his righteous acts which he hath done shall be remembered, In his treachery wherein he hath been treacherous, And in his sin wherein he hath sinned In them, shall he die.

When a righteous man shall turn away from his righteousness and do that which is perverse and die because of those things In his own perversity which he hath done, shall he die.

And they served her as staves of power For the sceptres of rulers, And high became the stature thereof With its interwoven foliage,- And it was seen by its height, By its multitude of branches.

Now, therefore, is she planted in a desert, -In a land parched and dry;

And there hath gone forth a fire out of her staves of rods. Her fruit, hath it devoured, And there is in her no staff of power. As a sceptre to bear rule. A dirge, it is, and hath been made a dirge.

Son of man, Speak thou with the elders of Israel, and say unto them, Thus, saith My Lord. Yahweh, To enquire of me, are ye coming in. As I live, very I will no be enquired of by you, Declareth My Lord Yahweh.