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But I will send a fire into the house of Hazael, the same shall consume the palaces of Benhadad.

Verse ConceptsFortressesDestruction Of StrongholdsFire Of Judgement

Thus will I break the bars of Damascus, and root out the inhabiter from the field of Aven, and him that holdeth the scepter, out of the pleasant house: so that the people shall be driven out of fair Syria,' sayeth the LORD.

Verse ConceptsProphecy, Methods Of OtSceptreEdenExiled ForeignersGod KillingGod Will Kill The PeoplesLocks And BarsGod Killing Individualssyriadamascus

Thus sayeth the LORD, 'For three and four wickednesses of Gaza, I will not spare her: because they make the prisoners yet more captive, and have driven them into the land of Edom.

Verse ConceptsMorality, And CreationPersecution, Nature OfThree Or FourHanding Over PeoplePeople Exiled

Therefore will I send a fire in to the walls of Gaza, which shall devour her houses.

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of StrongholdsFire Of Judgement

I will root out them that dwell at Ashdod, and him that holdeth the scepter of Ashkelon, and stretch out mine hand over Ekron, that the remnant of the Philistines shall perish,' sayeth the LORD.

Verse ConceptsSurvivors DestroyedGod's HandGod KillingGod's Hands In OppositionGod Will Kill The PeoplesGod Killing Individuals

Thus sayeth the LORD, 'For three and four wickednesses of the city of Tyre, I will not spare her: because they have increased the captivity of the Edomites, and have not remembered the brotherly covenant.

Verse ConceptsCovenant ObligationsProphets, Role OfAbominations, Judgments OfCovenant RelationshipsHatred Between RelativesThree Or FourHanding Over PeopleForgetting Things

Therefore will I send a fire into the walls of Tyre, that shall consume her palaces.'

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of StrongholdsFire Of Judgement

"Thus sayeth the LORD, 'For three and four wickednesses of Edom, I will not spare him, because he persecuted his brother with the sword, destroyed his mother's womb, bare hatred very long, and so kept indignation always by him.

Verse ConceptsTemperUnkindnessAbominations, Judgments OfPitilessnessPitilessness CondemnedHatred Between RelativesThree Or FourEternal JudgementPeople Without Mercyrelentless

Therefore will I send a fire into Teman, which shall devour the palaces of Bozrah.'

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of StrongholdsFire Of Judgement

Thus sayeth the LORD, 'For three and four wickednesses of the children of Ammon, I will not spare them: because they ripped up the women great with child in Gilead, to make the borders of their lands the wider.

Verse ConceptsAbortionBoundariesThe Act Of OpeningPregnancyEnlargementSanctity Of LifeSuffering, Causes OfAbominations, Judgments OfAmmonitesThree Or FourOpening The WombHarming Pregnant Womenborders

Therefore I will kindle a fire in the walls of Rabbah, that shall consume her palaces: with a great cry, in the day of battle, in tempest and in the day of storm.

Verse ConceptsWindDestruction Of StrongholdsFire Of JudgementBattle CriesHurricanes

Thus sayeth the LORD, 'For three and four wickednesses of Moab, I will not spare him: because he burnt the bones of the king of Edom to ashes.

Verse ConceptsMineralsPersecution, Nature OfProphets, Role OfAbominations, Judgments OfThree Or FourBonesBurning People

Therefore will I send a fire into Moab, which shall consume the palaces of Kerioth: so that Moab shall perish with a noise and the sound of a shawme.

Verse ConceptsFortressesTrumpetDestruction Of StrongholdsFire Of JudgementBattle CriesTrumpets For BattleDisorder Among The NationsDeath Of Other Groups

I will root out the judge from among them, and slay all his princes with him,' sayeth the LORD.

Verse ConceptsGod KillingGod Will Kill The Peoples

"Thus sayeth the LORD, 'For three and four wickednesses of Judah, I will not spare him: because he hath cast aside the law of the LORD, and not kept his commandments: For why? They would needs be deceived with the lies that their forefathers followed.

Verse ConceptsAncestorsBad ParentsFalse GodsGuidance, Need For God'sRejecting ThingsRejection Of GodAbominations, Judgments OfThree Or FourBreaking God's Law

Therefore will I send a fire into Judah, which shall consume the palaces of Jerusalem.'

Verse ConceptsDestruction Of StrongholdsFire Of Judgement

Behold, I will crash you in sunder, like as a wain crasheth, that is full of sheaves:

Verse ConceptsCrushingAccidentsCartsHeavy BurdensReapingOverloadcrushes

Hear, what the LORD speaketh unto you, O ye children of Israel: namely, unto all the tribes, whom I brought out of Egypt, and said,

Verse ConceptsFamily, Showing God's RelationshipWord Of GodGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

When a lion roareth, who will not be afraid? Seeing then that the LORDE God himself speaketh, who will not prophesy?

Verse Conceptsevangelism, motivation forReverence, And God's NatureFear Is DueGod SpeakingOld Testament Claims Inspiration

'That when I begin to visit the wickedness of Israel, I will visit the altars at Bethel also: so that the horns of the alter shall be broken off, and fall to the ground.

Verse ConceptsHornsSin, God's Judgment OnHorns BrokenThings Falling

As for the winter house and summer house, I will smite them down: and the houses of Ivory, yea and many other houses shall perish, and be destroyed,' sayeth the LORD."

Verse ConceptsAdornment, Of BuildingsArtHousesIvoryProperty, HousesSummerDestruction Of HousesSummer And WinterHouses Under Attack

Ye made a thank offering of leaven, ye promised free will offerings, and proclaimed them. Such lust had ye, O ye children of Israel,' sayeth the LORD God.

Verse ConceptsFreewill OfferingBraggingLeavenedLoving Other ThingsPeople WillingFree Will

"'Therefore have I given you idle teeth in all your cities, and scarceness of bread in all your places: yet will ye not turn unto me,' sayeth the LORD.

Verse ConceptsNeedLackPoverty, Causes OfStomachsDentistryNot Returning To GodTeethFamine Coming From God

Wherefore two, yea three cities came unto one, to drink water: but they were not satisfied. Yet will ye not turn unto me,' sayeth the LORD.

Verse ConceptsNot Returning To GodCities Under AttackDrinking WaterTwo Or Three

'I have smitten you with drought and blasting: and look how many orchards, vineyards, fig trees, and olive trees ye had: the caterpillar hath eaten them up. But yet will ye not turn unto me,' sayeth the LORD.

Verse ConceptsFig treeGarden, NaturalBlightHorticultureLocustsMildewOlivesDestroying VineyardsNot Returning To GodScorching

'Pestilence have I sent among you, as I did in Egypt: your young men have I slain with the sword, and caused your horses be taken captive: I made the stinking savour of your tents to come up into your nostrils: yet will ye not turn unto me,' sayeth the LORD.

Verse ConceptsNosesPlaguesSmellsPestilenceNot Returning To GodGod KillingYoung People SufferingGod Killed His PeopleAcquiring Horses

'Some of you have I overthrown as I overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah: so that ye were as a brand plucked out of the fire. Yet will ye not turn unto me,' sayeth the LORD.

Verse ConceptsSodom And GomorrahSticksNot Returning To GodDestruction Of CitiesSaved From Fire

'Therefore thus will I handle thee again, O Israel: yea, even thus will I handle thee. Make thee ready then to meet thy God, O Israel.

Verse ConceptsReadinessMeeting GodPreparation

"'If no,' sayeth the LORD God, the God of hosts, 'there shall be mourning in all streets. Yea, they shall say in every street: alas, alas. They shall call the husbandman to lamentation; and such as can mourn, to mourning.

Verse ConceptsGesturesFarmersMourningRoadsMournersWailingCity SquaresGod As A WarriorHighways

In all vineyards there shall be heaviness, for I will come among you,' sayeth the LORD.

Verse ConceptsPassing ThroughDestroying VineyardsMourning Due To Catastrophe

Yea, like as when a man runneth from a lion, and a bear meeteth with him; or when he cometh into the house, and leaneth his hand upon the wall, a serpent biteth him.

Verse ConceptsBitingSnakesOther Supporting

And though ye offer me burnt offerings and meat offerings, yet have I no pleasure therein. As for your fat thank offerings, I will not look upon them.

Verse ConceptsFellowship OfferingMaking Cereal Offerings And LibationsPeace offeringsMeat offerings

Therefore will I cause you be carried away beyond Damascus,' sayeth the LORD, whose name is the God of Hosts."

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDExile, in assyriaExile In ProspectGod As A WarriorOther References To God's Name

ye that drink wine out of goblets, and anoint yourselves with the best oil: but no man is sorry for Joseph's hurt.

Verse ConceptsAnointing, Social CustomOintmentDrinking WineAnointing OneselfNot Mourning

"'The LORD God hath sworn even by himself,' sayeth the LORD God of hosts, 'I hate the pride of Jacob, and I abhor his palaces: and I will give over the city, with all that is therein:

Verse ConceptsGod As A WarriorGod Hating ThingsGod Opposes The Proud

So their next kinfolks and the dead buriers shall take them, and carry away their bones, and say unto him that is in the innermore house, 'Is there yet any more by thee?' And he shall answer, 'They are all gone. Hold thy tongue,' shall he say. For they would not remember the name of the LORD.

Verse ConceptsThe DeadBeing AshamedActing AlonePreparation For BurialProclaiming God’s NameCurbing SpeechRelatives Also Involved

Well, take heed, O ye house of Israel,' sayeth the LORD God of hosts. 'I will bring a people upon you, which shall trouble you: from the way that goeth toward Hamath, unto the brook in the meadow.'"

Verse ConceptsGod As A WarriorGod Saves From Sin And DeathTroubling Groups Of People

Now when they undertook to eat up all the green things in the land, I said, "O LORD God, be merciful, I beseech thee: who should else help up Jacob that is brought so low?"

Verse ConceptsSmall CreaturesAnimals EatingGod Forgive!

So the LORD was gracious therein, and the LORD said, "Well, it shall not be."

Verse ConceptsNeverGod Changing His Mind

So the LORD was merciful therein, and the LORD God said, "Well, it shall not be."

Verse ConceptsNeverGod Changing His Mind

Moreover, he showed me this vision: behold, the LORD stood upon a plastered wall, and a mason's trowel in his hand.

And the LORD said unto me, "Amos, what seest thou?" I answered, "A mason's trowel." Then said the Lord, "Behold, I will lay the trowel among my people of Israel, and will no more oversee them:

Verse ConceptsLooking And SeeingNot Sparing

but the high hill chapels of Isaac must be laid waste, and the churches of Israel made desolate: and as for the house of Jeroboam, I will stand up against it with the sword."

Verse ConceptsRuinsSanctuaryDestruction Of Satan's WorksGod's Sword

And Amaziah said unto Amos, "Get thee hence, thou that canst see so well, and flee into the land of Judah. Get thee there thy living, and prophesy there:

Verse ConceptsSeersProphecy Muzzled

And he said, "Amos, what seest thou?" I answered, "A mound with summer fruit." Then said the LORD unto me, "The end cometh upon my people of Israel, I will no more oversee them.

Verse ConceptsSummerPeople EndedLooking And SeeingNot SparingSummer Fruit

The LORD hath sworn against the pride of Jacob, "These works of theirs will I never forget.

Verse ConceptsNot Forgetting

Shall not the land tremble; and all they that dwell therein, mourn for this? Shall not their destruction come upon them like a water stream; and flow over them, as the flood of Egypt?

Verse ConceptsNot Being StillSwellingMourning In RegretNot Still

Your high feasts will I turn to sorrow, and your songs to mourning: I will bring sackcloth upon all backs, and baldness on every head. Yea, such a mourning will I send them, as is made upon an only begotten son, and they shall have a miserable end.

Verse ConceptsBaldness, Figurative UseBaldnessHairsHeadsMourningSorrowWeepingThe Only ChildNo MusicMourning DeathOnly Child Of PeopleFestivals DisregardedMourning Due To CatastropheBitterness

I saw the LORD standing upon the altar, and he said, "Smite the door check, that the posts may shake withal. For their covetousness shall fall upon all their heads, and their posterity shall be slain with the sword. They shall not flee away, there shall not one of them escape, nor be delivered.

Verse ConceptsDoorpostsVisions And Dreams In ScriptureNo SurvivorsDestruction Of The TempleGod ShakingThose Who Saw GodNo EscapeGod Will Kill His PeopleTop Of Things

If they go away before their enemies into captivity, then shall I command the sword there to slay them. Thus will I set mine eyes upon them, for their harm and not for their wealth.

Verse ConceptsExile, in assyriaCommands, in OTExile In ProspectGod Can Harm People

For when the LORD God of hosts toucheth a land, it consumeth away, and all they that dwell therein, must needs mourn: And why? Their destruction shall arise as every stream and run over them, as the flood in Egypt.

Verse ConceptsEarth On FireTouchTouching To HarmGod As A WarriorPeople Mourning CatastropheThings FallingThings Going Up

Behold, the eyes of the LORD are upon the realm that sinneth, to root it clean out of the earth: Nevertheless I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, sayeth the LORD.

Verse ConceptsGod, Human Descriptions OfJacob, The PatriarchGod Seeing The WickedNot DestroyedGod's People Sinning

For lo, this I promise: though I sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as they use to sift in a sieve: yet shall not the smallest gravel stone fall upon the earth.

Verse ConceptsSiftingGod ShakingSievingThings Falling

But all the wicked doers of my people, that say, 'Tush, the plague is not so nigh to come so hastily upon us,' those shall perish with the sword.

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceSinnersSecurity, FalseKilled With The Sword

"At that time will I build again the tabernacle of David, that is fallen down, and hedge up his gaps. And look: what is broken, I shall repair it. Yea, I shall build it again, as it was a fore time,

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDCovenant, God's with DavidKingship, HumanMessianic AgeArchaeologyBoothsGapsRepairingThings FallingBuilding Relationshipsshelterrebuilding

that they may possess the remnant of Edom, yea and all such people as call upon my name with them," sayeth the LORD, which doth these things.

Verse ConceptsTaking PossessionThe Gospel To The Nations

"Behold, the days will come," saith the LORD, "that the earer shall overtake the reaper, and treader of grapes the sower of seed. And the mountains shall drop sweetness, and the hills shall be earable.

Verse ConceptsFutureAlcoholGrapesHillsPloughingAbundance, MaterialCultivationIncreasing FruitOvertakingPlenty Of WinePloughmenReapersTreading GrapesBlessings From The Mountains

And I will turn the captivity of my people Israel: and they shall build the cities that are fallen in decay, and shall inhabit them, and shall plant vines and drink wine, and shall make gardens and eat the fruit of them.

Verse ConceptsFruitfulness, NaturalGarden, NaturalHorticultureBuilding CitiesVineyardPlanting VineyardsDrinking WineAbrahamic CovenantGardensrebuilding

And I will plant them their own land, and they shall not be any more plucked out of their land which I have given them," saith the LORD thy God.

Verse ConceptsNeverPlucking OutGod Gave The LandGod's People Plantedisraelland