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So I was by myself, and I saw this great vision, and all my strength went from me; and the colour went from my face.

And he said to me, O Daniel, you man dearly loved, take in the sense of the words I say to you and get up on to your feet: for to you I am now sent; and when he had said this to me I got on to my feet, shaking with fear.

And after he had said these words to me, I kept my face turned to the earth and was unable to say anything.

And he said to me, O man greatly loved, have no fear: peace be with you, be strong and let your heart be lifted up. And at his words I became strong, and said, Let my lord say on, for you have given me strength.

So the king of the north will come, and put up earthworks and take a well-armed town: and the forces of the king of the south will make an attempt to keep their position, even the best of his army, but they will not have strength to do so.

And as for these two kings, their hearts will be fixed on doing evil and they will say false words at one table; but it will come to nothing: for the end will be at the time fixed.

He will put the tents of his great house between the sea and the beautiful holy mountain: but he will come to his end with no helper.

Then I, Daniel, looking, saw two others, one at the edge of the river on this side and one at the edge of the river on that side.