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Should [this] be said, O house of Jacob? Is the patience of Yahweh shortened? [Are] these his deeds? Are my words not pleasing to him who walks upright?

The one who breaks out before them goes up; they break through and pass the gate, going out through it. Their king passes before them, Yahweh at their head.

[Those of you who are] haters of good and lovers of evil, [who] tear their skin from them and their flesh from their bones,

and who eat the flesh of my people, and strip their skin from them, and break their bones, and chop [them] like meat in the pot, and like flesh in the midst of a cooking pot."

Thus says Yahweh concerning the prophets who are leading my people astray, who are biting with their teeth and proclaim, "Peace," but whoever puts nothing into their mouths they declare war against.

he who builds Zion with blood and Jerusalem with wickedness.

"In that day," {declares Yahweh,} "I will assemble the one who limps, and I will gather the one who has been scattered, and [those] whom I have mistreated.

And I will make the one who limps a remnant, and the one driven far away a strong nation, and Yahweh will reign over them on Mount Zion from now to forever.

And now, many nations are gathered against you who are saying, 'Let her be defiled, and let our eyes gaze upon Zion.'

Therefore he will give them up until the time of she who is with child has given birth. And the rest of his brothers will return to the children of Israel.

And the remnant of Jacob will be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the wild animals of the forest, like a young lion among the herds of sheep which, when it passes through and treads [down] and tears in pieces, there is none who [can] deliver.

And in anger and in wrath I will execute vengeance on the nations who did not obey."

The faithful [person] has perished from the land, and there is none who is upright among humankind. All of them lie in wait; each hunts his brother [with] a net.

Then my enemy will see, and shame will cover her who said to me, "Where [is] Yahweh your God?" My eyes will look upon her; now she will become a trampling place, like mud in the streets.

Who [is] a God like you, forgiving sin and passing over rebellion for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, for he delights in loyal love.