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so, as far as depends on me, am I ready to announce the glad tidings to you also who are in Rome.

Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, every one who judgest, for in that in which thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.

For as many as have sinned without law shall perish also without law; and as many as have sinned under law shall be judged by law,

For when those of the nations, which have no law, practise by nature the things of the law, these, having no law, are a law to themselves;

For circumcision indeed profits if thou keep the law; but if thou be a law-transgressor, thy circumcision is become uncircumcision.

If therefore the uncircumcision keep the requirements of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be reckoned for circumcision,

For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, neither that circumcision which is outward in flesh;

For what? if some have not believed, shall their unbelief make the faith of God of none effect?

Far be the thought: but let God be true, and every man false; according as it is written, So that thou shouldest be justified in thy words, and shouldest overcome when thou art in judgment.

Far be the thought: since how shall God judge the world?

For if the truth of God, in my lie, has more abounded to his glory, why yet am I also judged as a sinner?

What then? are we better? No, in no wise: for we have before charged both Jews and Greeks with being all under sin:

for the shewing forth of his righteousness in the present time, so that he should be just, and justify him that is of the faith of Jesus.

Do we then make void law by faith? Far be the thought: no, but we establish law.

for what does the scripture say? And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.

Does this blessedness then rest on the circumcision, or also on the uncircumcision? For we say that faith has been reckoned to Abraham as righteousness.

For it was not by law that the promise was to Abraham, or to his seed, that he should be heir of the world, but by righteousness of faith.

For if they which are of law be heirs, faith is made vain, and the promise made of no effect.

(for until law sin was in the world; but sin is not put to account when there is no law;

And shall not as by one that has sinned be the gift? For the judgment was of one to condemnation, but the act of favour, of many offences unto justification.

Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves bondmen for obedience, ye are bondmen to him whom ye obey, whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?

I speak humanly on account of the weakness of your flesh. For even as ye have yielded your members in bondage to uncleanness and to lawlessness unto lawlessness, so now yield your members in bondage to righteousness unto holiness.

For when ye were bondmen of sin ye were free from righteousness.

What fruit therefore had ye then in the things of which ye are now ashamed? for the end of them is death.

Are ye ignorant, brethren, (for I speak to those knowing law,) that law rules over a man as long as he lives?

so then, the husband being alive, she shall be called an adulteress if she be to another man; but if the husband should die, she is free from the law, so as not to be an adulteress, though she be to another man.

And the commandment, which was for life, was found, as to me, itself to be unto death:

Did then that which is good become death to me? Far be the thought. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death to me by that which is good; in order that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.

for the creature has been made subject to vanity, not of its will, but by reason of him who has subjected the same, in hope

According as it is written, For thy sake we are put to death all the day long; we have been reckoned as sheep for slaughter.

For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers,