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For they are a garland of grace on your head,
And chains and ornaments [of gold] around your neck.

Indeed, it is useless to spread the baited net
In the sight of any bird;

But [when these people set a trap for others] they lie in wait for their own blood;
They set an ambush for their own lives [and rush to their destruction].

So are the ways of everyone who is greedy for gain;
Greed takes away the lives of its possessors.

Because they hated knowledge
And did not choose the fear of the Lord [that is, obeying Him with reverence and awe-filled respect],

“For the turning away of the naive will kill them,
And the careless ease of [self-righteous] fools will destroy them.

“But whoever listens to me (Wisdom) will live securely and in confident trust
And will be at ease, without fear or dread of evil.”

So that your ear is attentive to [skillful and godly] wisdom,
And apply your heart to understanding [seeking it conscientiously and striving for it eagerly];

Yes, if you cry out for insight,
And lift up your voice for understanding;

Then you will understand the [reverent] fear of the Lord [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome]
And discover the knowledge of God.

He stores away sound wisdom for the righteous [those who are in right standing with Him];
He is a shield to those who walk in integrity [those of honorable character and moral courage],

Then you will understand righteousness and justice [in every circumstance]
And integrity and every good path.

For [skillful and godly] wisdom will enter your heart
And knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.

For the upright [those who are in right standing with God] will live in the land
And those [of integrity] who are blameless [in God’s sight] will remain in it;

For wisdom’s profit is better than the profit of silver,
And her gain is better than fine gold.

Do not be afraid of sudden fear
Nor of the storm of the wicked when it comes [since you will be blameless];

Do not quarrel with a man without cause,
If he has done you no harm.

For the devious are repulsive to the Lord;
But His private counsel is with the upright [those with spiritual integrity and moral courage].

For I give you good doctrine;
Do not turn away from my instruction.

“The beginning of wisdom is: Get [skillful and godly] wisdom [it is preeminent]!
And with all your acquiring, get understanding [actively seek spiritual discernment, mature comprehension, and logical interpretation].

Take hold of instruction; [actively seek it, grip it firmly and] do not let go.
Guard her, for she is your life.

For the wicked cannot sleep unless they do evil;
And they are deprived of sleep unless they make someone stumble and fall.

For they are life to those who find them,
And healing and health to all their flesh.

My son, be attentive to my wisdom [godly wisdom learned by costly experience],
Incline your ear to my understanding;

For the lips of an immoral woman drip honey [like a honeycomb]
And her speech is smoother than oil;

Let your way [in life] be far from her,
And do not go near the door of her house [avoid even being near the places of temptation],

[Confine yourself to your own wife.] Let your children be yours alone,
And not the children of strangers with you.

For the ways of man are directly before the eyes of the Lord,
And He carefully watches all of his paths [all of his comings and goings].

He will die for lack of instruction (discipline),
And in the greatness of his foolishness he will go astray and be lost.

My son, if you have become surety (guaranteed a debt or obligation) for your neighbor,
If you have given your pledge for [the debt of] a stranger or another [outside your family],

For on account of a prostitute one is reduced to a piece of bread [to be eaten up],
And the immoral woman hunts [with a hook] the precious life [of a man].

Can a man take fire to his chest
And his clothes not be burned?

My son, keep my words
And treasure my commandments within you [so they are readily available to guide you].

For at the window of my house
I looked out through my lattice.

For she has cast down many [mortally] wounded;
Indeed, all who were killed by her were strong.

“Listen, for I will speak excellent and noble things;
And the opening of my lips will reveal right things.

“For my mouth will utter truth,
And wickedness is repulsive and loathsome to my lips.

“Take my instruction rather than [seeking] silver,
And take knowledge rather than choicest gold,

“For wisdom is better than rubies;
And all desirable things cannot compare with her.

“For whoever finds me (Wisdom) finds life
And obtains favor and grace from the Lord.

“Whoever is naive or inexperienced, let him turn in here!”
As for him who lacks understanding, she says,

He who corrects and instructs a scoffer gets dishonor for himself,
And he who rebukes a wicked man gets insults for himself.

If you are wise, you are wise for yourself [for your own benefit];
If you scoff [thoughtlessly ridicule and disdain], you alone will pay the penalty.

She sits at the doorway of her house,
On a seat by the high and conspicuous places of the city,

“Whoever is naive or inexperienced, let him turn in here!”
And to him who lacks understanding (common sense), she says,

On the lips of the discerning, [skillful and godly] wisdom is found,
But discipline and the rod are for the back of the one who is without common sense and understanding.

He who learns from instruction and correction is on the [right] path of life [and for others his example is a path toward wisdom and blessing],
But he who ignores and refuses correction goes off course [and for others his example is a path toward sin and ruin].

The lips of the righteous feed and guide many,
But fools [who reject God and His wisdom] die for lack of understanding.

He who puts up security and guarantees a debt for an outsider will surely suffer [for his foolishness],
But he who hates (declines) being a guarantor is secure [from its penalties].

The merciful and generous man benefits his soul [for his behavior returns to bless him],
But the cruel and callous man does himself harm.

As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout,
So is a beautiful woman who is without discretion [her lack of character mocks her beauty].

The [malevolent] words of the wicked lie in wait for [innocent] blood [to slander],
But the mouth of the upright will rescue and protect them.

Better is he who is lightly esteemed and has a servant,
Than he who [boastfully] honors himself [pretending to be what he is not] and lacks bread.

Truthful lips will be established forever,
But a lying tongue is [credited] only for a moment.

From the fruit of his mouth a [wise] man enjoys good,
But the desire of the treacherous is for violence.

A scoffer seeks wisdom and finds none [for his ears are closed to wisdom],
But knowledge is easy for one who understands [because he is willing to learn].

The [reverent] fear of the Lord [that leads to obedience and worship] is a fountain of life,
So that one may avoid the snares of death.

There is severe discipline for him who turns from the way [of righteousness];
And he who hates correction will die.

A scoffer [unlike a wise man] resents one who rebukes him and tries to teach him;
Nor will he go to the wise [for counsel and instruction].

He who profits unlawfully brings suffering to his own house,
But he who hates bribes [and does not receive nor pay them] will live.

The Lord is far from the wicked [and distances Himself from them],
But He hears the prayer of the [consistently] righteous [that is, those with spiritual integrity and moral courage].

The [reverent] fear of the Lord [that is, worshiping Him and regarding Him as truly awesome] is the instruction for wisdom [its starting point and its essence];
And before honor comes humility.

By mercy and lovingkindness and truth [not superficial ritual] wickedness is cleansed from the heart,
And by the fear of the Lord one avoids evil.

It is repulsive [to God and man] for kings to behave wickedly,
For a throne is established on righteousness (right standing with God).

The appetite of a worker works for him,
For his hunger urges him on.