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Hear ye peoples, all of you, Hearken, O earth and the fulness thereof, - and let My Lord Yahweh be among you for a witness, My Lord out of his holy temple.

For the transgression of Jacob, is all this, and for the sin of the house of Israel, - Whose is the transgression of Jacob? Is it not Samaria's? And whose is the sin of Judah? Is it not Jerusalem?

Therefore will I make of Samaria a heap in a field, the plantings in a vineyard, - and I will pour down, into the valley, her stones, and, her foundations, will I lay bare;

And, all her images, shall be beaten in pieces, and, all her rewards for unchastity, shall be burned in the fire, and, all her idols, will I make a desolation, - for, out of the reward of unchastity, she gathered them , and, unto the reward of unchastity, shall they return.

For this cause, will I lament and howl, I will go stript and bare, - I will make a lamentation, like the wild dogs, and a mourning, like ostriches.

The time shall yet be when, the heir, I will bring unto thee, O inhabitress of Mareshah, - as far as Adullam, shall enter the glory of Israel.

Alas for them who devise iniquity and work wickedness upon their beds, - in the light of the morning, they will execute it, for it is in the power of their hand.

If there be a man, who goeth after wind, and, falsehood, hath woven, saying - I will discourse to thee, concerning wine and strong drink, then shall he become a fountain of discourse unto this people.

I will, surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee, I will, surely gather, the remnant of Israel, at once, will I make them like sheep in distress, - Like a flock in the midst of its pasture, shall they hum with men,

Who indeed have eaten the flesh of my people, and, their skin from off them, have stript, and, their bones, have they broken in pieces, - and will spread them out, as flesh with a fork, and as flesh, in the midst of a pot.

Then, shall they make outcry unto Yahweh, but he will not answer them, - that he may hide his face from them, at that time, even as they have made wicked their doings.

And the men of vision, shall turn pale, and the diviners, shall blush, and shall put a covering upon their lip, all of them, - because there is no answer of God.

Hear this, I pray you, ye heads of the house of Jacob, and ye judges of the house of Israel, - who abhor justice, and, all right, do pervert:

And he will judge between many peoples, and be umpire to strong nations far and wide, - and they will beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks, Nation - against nation - shall not lift up sword, neither shall they learn - any more - to make war.

For, all the peoples, walk, every man in the name of his god, - we, therefore, will walk in the name of Yahweh our God, to times age-abiding and beyond.

In that day, Declareth Yahweh, will I take up her teat is lame, and, her that hath been an outcast, will I carry, - even whomsoever I have afflicted;

And will make of her that was lame a residue, and of her that was removed far away a strong nation, - and Yahweh, shall be king, over them, in Mount Zion, from henceforth, even unto times age-abiding.

Be in labour, and bear, O daughter of Zion, as a woman in child-birth, - for, meanwhile, shalt thou go forth out of the city, and dwell in the field, and shalt come as far as Babylon, there, shalt thou be delivered, there, will Yahweh, redeem thee, out of the grasp of thine enemies.

Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion, for, thy horn, will I make to be iron, and, thy hoofs, will I make to he bronze, so shalt thou beat in pieces many peoples, - and shalt devote to Yahweh their unrighteous gain, and their substance, to the Lord of all the earth.

Meanwhile, shalt thou gather together in troops, thou daughter of a troop, siege, hath he laid against us, - with a sceptre, will they smite on the cheek, the judge of Israel!

Therefore, will he give them up, until the time when, one who is to bring forth, hath brought forth, - and, the remainder of his brethren, return unto the sons of Israel.

So shall this one be Prosperity. As for Assyria - when he shall enter our land, and when he shall tread down in our palaces, then will we raise up against him, seven shepherds, and eight princes of mankind.

Let thy hand be uplifted against thine adversaries, - and, all thine enemies, shall be cut off.

And it shall come to pass, in that day, Declareth Yahweh, That I will cut off thy horses out of thy midst, - and will destroy thy chariots;

And will cut off the cities of thy land, - and will pull down all thy fortresses;

And will cut off incantations, out of thy hand, - and, users of hidden arts, shalt thou not have;

And I will cut off thine images and thy pillars out of thy midst, - and thou shalt not bow thyself down, any more, to the work of thine own hands;

And I will uproot thy Sacred Stems out of thy midst, - and will destroy thy cities:

Then will I execute, with anger and with indignation, vengeance upon the nations, - of which they have not heard.

Hear, ye mountains, the controversy of Yahweh, and ye lasting rocks, the foundations of the earth, - for, a controversy, hath Yahweh, with his people, and, with Israel, will he dispute.

Will Yahweh, be pleased, with thousands of rams? with myriads of torrents of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression? the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?

Thou, shalt eat - and not be satisfied, but be shrunk with hunger within thee, - Though thou remove, yet shalt thou not set in safety, and, what thou dost set in safety, to the sword, will I deliver.

Thou, shalt sow, but shalt not reap, - thou, shalt tread the olive, but shalt not anoint thee with oil, also the grape, but shalt not drink the wine.

Perished is the man of lovingkindness out of the earth, and, upright among men, is there none, - they all, for bloodshed, lie in wait. Every man - for his brother, do they hunt as for one devoted to destruction.

The indignation of Yahweh, will I bear, for I have sinned against him, - until he take up my controversy, then will he do me justice, he will bring me forth to the light, I shall behold his righteousness.

As in the days of thy coming forth out of the land of Egypt, will I shew him wonders.

Nations, shall see, that they may turn pale at all their valour, - they shall lay hand on mouth, their ears, shall be silent:

He will again have compassion upon us, he will subdue our iniquities, - Thou wilt cast - into the depths of the sea - all their sins.