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Rebuking upon the sea, and he will dry it up, and all the rivers he laid waste, and Bashan languished, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon languished.

The mountains shook from him, and the hills melted, and the earth will lift up from his face, and the habitable globe and all dwelling in it

Before the face of his wrath who shall stand? and who will rise up in the burning of his anger? his wrath was poured out as fire, and the rocks were torn down from him.

What will ye purpose against Jehovah? he made a completion: straits shall not rise up twice.

Behold upon the mountains the feet of him announcing good news, causing peace to be heard. O Judah, keep thy festivals, complete thy vows: for Belial shall no more add to pass through thee: he was completely cut off.

For Jehovah turned back the pride of Jacob as the pride of Israel: for they emptying emptied them out, they corrupted their vineshoots

It was fixed, she was led away captive, she went up and her maids being led as the voice of doves smiting upon their heart

And Nineveh it is as a pool of water from the days, and they fleeing, stood: they stood, and none looking back.

And it was all serving thee shall flee from thee, and say, Nineveh was laid waste: who shall be moved for her? from whom shall I seek those consoling to thee?

Also she being carried away captive went into captivity: also her young children shall be dashed in pieces at the head of every street, and upon her honored ones they cast the lot, and all her great ones were bound in chains.

There shall the fire devour thee; the sword shall cut thee off, it shall devour thee as the feeder: make thee numerous as the feeder, make thee numerous as the locust

Thou didst multiply thy traffics above the stars of the heavens: the feeder spread out and it will fly away.