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as set forth in the glorious good news of the blessed God with which I have been intrusted.

If you point this out to the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, living on the principles of the faith and the excellent teaching you have had.

No one under sixty years of age should be put on the list of widows. A widow must have been married but once,

and have a good reputation for Christian service, such as bringing up children, being hospitable to strangers, washing the feet of God's people, helping people in distress, or devoting herself to any form of doing good.

For some widows have already turned aside to follow Satan.

Those who have Christian masters must not think lightly of them because they are brothers; they must serve them all the more faithfully, because those who benefit by it are believers and hence dear to them. These are the things you must teach and preach.

through professing which some people have made a failure of the faith. God bless you all.