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Show me a sign of your goodness, so that those who hate me will see it and be ashamed. For you, LORD, will help and comfort me. A psalm by the descendants of Korah. A song.

I will declare that your gracious love was established forever; in the heavens itself, you have established your faithfulness.

Where is your gracious love of old, Lord, that in your faithfulness you promised to David?

One thousand years in your sight are but a single day that passes by, just like a night watch.

plague that strikes in the darkness, or calamity that destroys at noon.

When I say that my foot is shaking, your gracious love, LORD, will sustain me.

do not be stubborn like your ancestors were at Meribah, as on that day at Massah, in the wilderness,

For forty years I loathed that generation, so I said, "They are a people whose hearts continuously err, and they have not understood my ways."

Declare among the nations, "The LORD reigns!" Indeed, he established the world so that it will not falter. He will judge people fairly.

The heavens will be glad and the earth will rejoice; even the sea and everything that fills it will roar.

The field and all that is in it will rejoice; then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy

In a pillar of cloud he spoke to them; they obeyed his decrees and the Law that he gave them.

Write this for the next generation, that a people yet to be created will praise the LORD.

He causes springs to gush forth into rivers that flow between the mountains.

The loftiest trees are satisfied, the cedars of Lebanon that he planted,

Remember his awesome deeds that he has done, his wonders and the judgments he declared.

He said: "I will give Canaan to you as the allotted portion that is your inheritance."

The water overwhelmed their enemies, so that not one of them survived.

Then a fire burned among their company, a flame that set the wicked ablaze.

So he swore an oath concerning them that he would cause them to die in the wilderness,

They had provoked anger by their deeds, so that a plague broke out against them.

But Phinehas intervened and prayed so that the plague was restrained.

For they rebelled against him, so that he spoke thoughtlessly with his lips.

The LORD's anger burned against his people, so that he despised his own inheritance.

Their enemies oppressed them, so that they were humiliated by their power.

So they rejoiced that the waves became quiet, and he led them to their desired haven.

They sowed fields and planted vineyards that yielded a productive harvest.

Let whoever is wise observe these things, that they may comprehend the gracious love of the LORD. A song. A Davidic psalm.

In order that those you love may be rescued, deliver with your power and answer me!

May those curses wrap around him like a garment, or like a belt that one always wears.

Then they will realize that your hand is in this that you, LORD, have accomplished it.

What happened to you, sea, that you fled? Jordan, that you ran backwards?

Mountains, that you skipped like rams? And you hills, that you skipped like lambs?

Indeed, you oppressed me so much that I nearly fell, but the LORD helped me.

You have commanded concerning your precepts, that they be guarded with diligence.

Oh, that my ways were steadfast, so I may keep your statutes.

I have spoken with my lips about all your decrees that you have announced.

Turn away the shame that I dread, because your ordinances are good.

Instruction that comes from you is better for me than thousands of gold and silver coins. Yod

Your hands made and formed me; give me understanding, that I may learn your commands.

May your mercies come to me that I may live, for your instruction is my delight.

May my heart be blameless with respect to your statutes so that I may not become ashamed. Kaf

Revive me according to your gracious love; and I will keep the decrees that you have proclaimed. Lamed

I keep away from every evil choice so that I may keep your word.

Support me, that I may be saved, and I will carry out your statutes consistently.

Your decrees are wonderful that's why I observe them.

I discovered long ago about your decrees that you have confirmed them forever. Resh

How terrible for me, that I am an alien in Meshech, that I reside among the tents of Kedar!

For evil's scepter will not rest on the land that has been allotted to the righteous, and so the righteous will not direct themselves to do wrong.

May the LORD bless you from Zion, and may you observe the prosperity of Jerusalem every day that you live!

May they become like a tuft of grass on a roof top, that withers before it takes root

If your sons keep my covenant and my statutes that I will teach them, then their sons will also sit on your throne forever."

Indeed, I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord surpasses all gods.

for it was there that our captors asked us for songs and our torturers demanded joy from us, "Sing us one of the songs about Zion!"

LORD, I thank you with all of my heart; because you heard the words that I spoke, I will sing your praise before the heavenly beings.

God, if only you would execute the wicked, so that the men guilty of bloodshed would get away from me,

May those who surround me discover that the trouble they talk about falls on their own head!

LORD, what are human beings, that you should care about them, or mortal man, that you should think about him?

Let them praise the name of the LORD, for he himself gave the command that they be created.

He has raised up a source of strength for his people, an object of praise for all of his holy ones, that is, for the people of Israel who are near him. Hallelujah!