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For to what angel did God ever say, 'Thou art my son, to-day have I become thy father'? Or again, 'I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me'?

how shall we escape the penalty for neglecting a salvation which was originally proclaimed by the Lord himself and guaranteed to us by those who heard him,

For the world to come, of which I am speaking, was not put under the control of angels.

One writer, as we know, has affirmed, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou carest for him?

For a little while thou hast put him lower than the angels, crowning him with glory and honour,

(For of course it is not angels that he succours, it is the offspring of Abraham.)

he is faithful to Him who appointed him. For while Moses also was faithful in every department of God's house,

where your fathers put me to the proof, and for forty years felt what I could do.

And with whom was he exasperated for forty years? Was it not with those who sinned, whose corpses fell in the desert?

For he says this somewhere about the seventh day: And God rested from all his works on the seventh day.

Since then it is reserved for some to enter it, and since those who formerly got the good news failed to enter owing to their disobedience,

(for once a man enters his rest, he rests from work just as God did).

Every high priest who is selected from men and appointed to act on behalf of men in things divine, offering gifts and sacrifices for sins,

can deal gently with those who err through ignorance, since he himself is beset with weakness ??3 which obliges him to present offerings for his own sins as well as for those of the People.

Also, it is an office which no one elects to take for himself; he is called to it by God, just as Aaron was.

In the days of his flesh, with bitter cries and tears, he offered prayers and supplications to Him who was able to save him from death; and he was heard, because of his godly fear.

On this point I have a great deal to say, which it is hard to make intelligible to you. For you have grown dull of hearing.

For land which absorbs the rain that often falls on it, and bears plants that are useful to those for whom it is tilled, receives a blessing from God;

For in making a promise to Abraham God swore by himself (since he could swear by none greater),

For as men swear by a greater than themselves, and as an oath means to them a guarantee that ends any dispute,

so that by these two solid facts (the Promise and the Oath), where it is impossible for God to be false, we refugees might have strong encouragement to seize the hope set before us,

For Melchizedek, the king of Salem, a priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham on his return from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him ??2 who had a tenth part of everything assigned him by Abraham ??this Melchizedek is primarily a king of righteousness (that is the meaning of his name); then, besides that, king of Salem (which means, king of peace).

for he was still in the loins of his father when Melchizedek met him.

Further, if the Levitical priesthood had been the means of reaching perfection (for it was on the basis of that priesthood that the Law was enacted for the People), why was it still necessary for another sort of priest to emerge with the rank of Melchizedek, instead of simply with the rank of Aaron

(for when the priesthood is changed, a change of law necessarily follows)?

for it is evident that our Lord sprang from Judah, and Moses never mentioned priesthood in connexion with that tribe.

for the witness to him is, Thou art priest for ever, with the rank of Melchizedek.

Previous priests became priests apart from any oath, but he has an oath from Him who said to him, The Lord has sworn, and he will not change his mind, thou art a priest for ever.

he holds his priesthood without any successor, since he continues for ever.

one who has no need, like yonder high priests, day by day to offer sacrifices first for their own sins and then for those of the People ??he did that once for all in offering up himself.

For the Law appoints human beings in their weakness to the priesthood; but the word of the Oath appoints a Son who is made perfect for ever.

Were he on earth, he would not be a priest at all, for there are priests already to offer the gifts prescribed by Law

For if the first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion for a second.

on the day I took them by the hand to lead out of Egypt's land; for they would not hold to my covenant, so I let them alone, saith the Lord.

one citizen will no longer teach his fellow, one man will no longer teach his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for all will know me, low and high together.

The first covenant had indeed its regulations for worship, and a material sanctuary.

above this were the cherubims of the Glory, overshadowing the mercy seat ??matters which it is impossible for me to discuss at present in detail.

Such were the arrangements for worship. The priests constantly enter the first tent, in the discharge of their ritual duties,

since they relate merely to food and drink and a variety of ablutions ??outward regulations for the body, that only hold till the period of the New Order.

For if the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkled on defiled persons, give them a holiness that bears on bodily purity,

for after Moses had announced every command in the Law to all the people, he took the blood of calves and goats, together with water, scarlet wool and hyssop, sprinkling the book and all the people,

For Christ has not entered a holy place which human hands have made (a mere type of the reality!); he has entered heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf.

Nor was it to offer himself repeatedly, like the high priest entering the holy place every year with blood that was not his own: ??26 for in that case he would have had to suffer repeatedly, ever since the world was founded. Nay, once for all, at the end of the world, he has appeared with his self-sacrifice to abolish sin.

Otherwise, they would surely have ceased to be offered; for the worshippers, once cleansed, would no longer be conscious of sins!

Hence, on entering the world he says, Thou hast no desire for sacrifice or offering; it is a body thou hast prepared for me ??6 in holocausts and sin-offerings thou takest no delight.

He begins by saying, thou hast no desire for, thou takest no delight in, sacrifices and offerings and holocausts and sin-offerings (and these are what are offered in terms of the Law);

Again, while every priest stands daily at his service, offering the same sacrifices repeatedly, sacrifices which never can take sins away ??12 He offered a single sacrifice for sins and then seated himself for all time at the right hand of God,

Besides, we have the testimony of the holy Spirit; for after saying,

by the fresh, living way which he has inaugurated for us through the veil (that is, through his flesh),

For if we sin deliberately, after receiving the knowledge of the Truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left,

It was for this that the men of old won their record.

It was by faith that Enoch was taken to heaven, so that he never died (he was not overtaken by death, for God had taken him away). For before he was taken to heaven, his record was that he had satisfied God;

and had been told that it is through Isaac that your offspring shall be reckoned ??19 for he considered that God was able even to raise men from the dead. Hence he did get him back, by what was a parable of the resurrection.