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In that day, shall one take up against you a by-word, and lament a lamentable lamentation, saying - we are made, utterly desolate, the portion of my people, he passeth to others, - How doth he set me aside! To an apostate, our fields, doth he apportion.

O thou who art said to be the house of Jacob, Is the spirit of Yahweh, impatient? Or are, these, his doings? Are not, his words, pleasant to him who is upright in his walk?

Then said I, Hear, I pray you, ye heads of Jacob, and ye judges of the house of Israel, - Is it not yours to know justice?

But it shall come to pass, in the afterpart of the days, that the mountain of the house of Yahweh shall be, set up, as the head of the mountains, and, exalted, shall it be, above the hills, - and peoples, shall stream thereunto;

Thou, shalt eat - and not be satisfied, but be shrunk with hunger within thee, - Though thou remove, yet shalt thou not set in safety, and, what thou dost set in safety, to the sword, will I deliver.

Do not rejoice, O mine enemy, against me, Though I fall, I shall rise again! Though I sit in darkness, Yahweh, is a light to me.