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Art thou not from of old, O Jehovah, my holy God? We shall not die. O Jehovah, thou didst set him for judgment; and O Rock, thou didst found him for correction.

I will stand upon my watch, and be set me upon the fortress, and I will watch to see what he will speak in me, and what I shall turn back upon my reproof.

Shall not these all of them lift up a parable against him, and an enigma of an oracle against him, and it shall be said, Wo! to him multiplying that not to him. how long making heavy upon him goods taken in pledge?

In nakedness thou shalt raise thy bow, the oaths of the tribes, he said. Silence. Thou wilt divide the earth with rivers.

Jehovah the Lord my strength, and he will set my feet as the hinds, and upon my heights he will cause me to tread. For the overseer upon my stringed instruments.