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with the salutary doctrine of the gospel of immortality, which the blessed God committed to my trust.

for such offices are commendable, and agreeable to God our saviour,

as for the widow, who is really such, and without any assistance, let her place all her hopes in God, and be assiduous in supplication and prayer.

such as have been recommended by their good actions, by the education of their children, by their hospitality, by their officiousness to the faithful, by relieving the afflicted, and by the practice of every virtue.

besides, having nothing to do, they get the habit of rambling from one house to another, and are not only idling, but prattle and intermeddle, and utter what is not decent.

I conjure you before God, before our Lord Jesus Christ, and his chosen angels, to observe these rules without prepossession and partiality.

Let those who are in a state of servitude, consider the entire respect due to their masters, that the name of God, and the doctrine of the gospel may not be blasphemed.

I enjoin you, before God, who gives life to all, and before Christ Jesus, who made a glorious confession before Pontius Pilate;