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For the knowledge of wisdom and correction, for discerning the sayings of intelligence;

For receiving the correction of prudence, righteousness and justice, and equity;

For, a wreath of beauty, shall they be to thy head, and chains of ornament, to thy neck.

If they say - Come with us, - Let us lie in wait for blood, Let us watch in secret for him who is needlessly innocent;

For, their feet, to mischief, do run, and haste to the shedding of blood.

Yet, they, for their own blood, lie in wait, They watch in secret for their own life.

For, the turning away of the simple, will slay them, - and, the carelessness of dullards, will destroy them.

Yea if, for understanding, thou cry aloud, for knowledge, utter thy voice;

For, the upright, shall abide on the earth, - and, the men of integrity, shall remain therein;

For better is her merchandise, than the merchandise of silver, yea, than gold, her increase;

For, an abomination to Yahweh, is the tortuous man, but, with the upright, he is intimate.

For, good teaching, have I given you, mine instruction, do not ye forsake.

She will give for thy head, a wreath of beauty, A crown of adorning, will she bestow upon thee.

Take fast hold of correction, let her not go, - keep her, for, she, is thy life.

For they sleep not, unless they can do mischief, - They rob themselves of their sleep, if they cannot cause someone to stumble,

For they consume bread gotten by lawlessness, and, wine obtained by violence, they drink.

For, life, they are, to them who find them, - and, to every part of one's flesh, they bring healing.

That thou mayest preserve discretion, - and, as for knowledge, that thy lips may guard it.

For, with sweet droppings, drip the lips of her that is a stranger, and, smoother than oil, is her mouth;

Keep far from her thy way, and do not go near the opening of her house:

Let them be for thyself, alone, and not for strangers with thee.

For, before the eyes of Yahweh, are the ways of a man, - and, all his tracks, doth he consider:

He, shall die, for lack of discipline, and, by the abounding of his perversity, shall he be lost.

My son, if thou have become surety for thy neighbour, - have struck for a stranger thy hands,

Because, for the sake of an impure woman, a man may be brought even to a cake of bread, - and, a man's wife, for a precious soul, may hunt!

Can a man snatch up fire in his bosom, and, his clothes, not be burned?

For, in the window of my house, through my lattice, I looked out;

For this cause, came I forth to meet thee, to seek diligently thy face, and I have found thee:

Until an arrow cleaveth his liver, as a bird hasteth into a snare, and knoweth not, that, for his life, it is!

For, many, wounded, hath she caused to fail, - yea strong men, slain wholly by her:

Hear, for, princely things, will I speak, and the opening of my lips shall be of equity;

For, faithfulness, shall my mouth softly utter, but, the abomination of my lips, shall be lawlessness;

For better is wisdom, than ornaments of coral, and, no delightful things, can equal her.

When he fixed for the sea its bound, that, the waters, should not go beyond his bidding, when he decreed the foundations of the earth: -

Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither, as for him that lacketh sense, she saith to him -

Whoso is simple, let him turn aside hither, and, as for him that lacketh sense, she saith to him:

Blessings, are for the head of the righteous man, but, the mouth of the lawless, covereth up wrong.

In the lips of the intelligent, is found wisdom, but, a rod, is for the back of him that lacketh sense.

The lips of the righteous, feed multitudes, but, the foolish, for lack of sense, shall die.

A refuge for the blameless, is the path of Yahweh, but, destruction, awaiteth the workers of iniquity.

He that keepeth back corn, the populace will curse him, but there is, a blessing, for the head of him that selleth.

The words of the lawless, are - of lying in wait for blood, but, the mouth of the upright, shall deliver them.

A lip that is faithful, shall be firm to futurity, but, only for a twinkling, is the tongue that is false.

Much food, is in the fallow ground of the poor, but there is that is swept away, for want of justice.

He that sheweth contempt for his neighbour, sinneth, but, he that sheweth favour to the afflicted, how happy is he!

There is, grievous correction, for him that forsaketh the right path, He that hateth rebuke, shall die.

The appetite of the toiler, hath toiled for him, for his mouth, hath urged him on.

Surely, to chastise the righteous, is not good, to smite the noble-minded for equity.

A man seeketh, for satisfaction, going his own way, through all safe counsel, he breaketh.

The gift of a man, maketh room for him, and, before great men, setteth him down.

Unseemly for dullard, is delicate living, how much more for, a servant, to bear rule over princes.

A man in a rage, taketh away the penalty, - nevertheless, if thou let him go free, the more stripes must thou add.

Take his garment who is pledge for a stranger, - then, for a woman unknown, accept him as surety.

Crooked is the way of a guilty man, but, as for the pure, straight is his dealing.

A ransom for the righteous, is the lawless, and, instead of upright men, the traitor.

A lawless man emboldeneth his face, but, as for the upright, he, directeth his ways.

Thorns and snares, are in the way of the perverse, - he that guardeth his soul, shall be far from them.