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Be firm and bold, - for, thou, shalt cause this people to inherit the land which I sware unto their fathers, - to give unto them.

This scroll of the law must not cease out of thy mouth, but thou must talk to thyself therein, day and night, that thou mayest take heed to do according to all that is written therein, - for, then, shalt thou make thy way prosperous, and, then, shalt thou have good success.

Pass ye through the midst of the camp, and command the people, saying: Make ready for yourselves, provisions, - for, in three days more, are ye to pass over this Jordan, to go in and possess the land which Yahweh your God is giving you, to possess.

So the king of Jericho sent unto Rahab, saying, - Bring forth the men that are come in unto thee who have entered thy house, for, to search out all the land, have they come.

and it came to pass, as the gate was about to be shut in the darkness, that, the men, went out, I know not whither the men went, - pursue them quickly for ye shall overtake them.

But, she, had taken them up to the roof, - and concealed them with the stalks of flax which she had laid in order for herself upon the roof.

For we have heard how Yahweh, dried up, the waters of the Red Sea from before you, when ye came forth out of Egypt, - and what ye did unto the two kings of the Amorites who were over the Jordan unto Sihon and unto Og, whom ye devoted to destruction;

and, when we heard, then did our heart melt, and there rose up no longer any spirit in any man because of you, - for, as for Yahweh your God, he, is God - in the heavens above, and upon the earth beneath.

And she let them down with a cord through the window, - for, her house, was within the wall of the rampart, and, within the rampart, she was dwelling.

And the men said unto her, - Free, will we be from this thine oath which thou hast made us swear:

And it shall be, whosoever shall go forth out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood, shall be on his own head and, we, shall be free, - but, whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood, shall be on our heads, if a, hand, be upon him.

Or, if thou utter this our business, then shall we be free from this thine oath which thou hast made us swear.

So then Joshua rose early in the morning, and they brake up from The Acacias and came as far as the Jordan, he and all the sons of Israel, - and they lodged there before they passed over.

Yet shall there be, a distance, between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure, - do not come near unto it that ye may get to know the way by which ye must go, for ye have not passed this way, heretofore.

Then said Joshua unto the people, Hallow yourselves, - for, to-morrow, will Yahweh do in your midst, wonderful things.

Thou, therefore, shalt command the priests who am bearing the ark of the covenant, saying, - When ye are come as far as the edge of the waters of the Jordan, in the Jordan, shall ye stand.

Now, therefore, take you twelve men, out of the tribes of Israel, - one man severally for each tribe;

then, as the bearers of the ark came as far as the Jordan, and, the feet of the priests who were bearing the ark, were dipped in the edge of the waters, - the Jordan being full over all his banks, all the days of harvest,

that this may be a sign in your midst, - for your sons will ask in time to come, saying, What mean these stones to you?

about forty thousand, equipped for the war, passed over before Yahweh, to battle, into the waste plains of Jericho.

For, though all the people who came forth had been circumcised, yet, all the people who were born in the desert by the way, after they came forth out of Egypt, had they not circumcised.

Because, for forty years, did the sons of Israel journey in the desert, until all the nation who were men of war, who came forth out of Egypt, were consumed, because they hearkened not unto the voice of Yahweh, - unto whom Yahweh sware that he would not let them see the land, which Yahweh sware unto their fathers, that he would give unto us, a land flowing with milk and honey.

Their sons, therefore, whom he had raised up in their stead, them, did Joshua circumcise, - for, uncircumcised, they were, in that they had not circumcised them by the way.

And it came to pass, while Joshua was at Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes, and looked, and lo! a man standing over against him, with his sword drawn, in his hand, - so Joshua went unto him, and said to him, For us, art thou, or for our adversaries?

Then said the prince of the host of Yahweh unto Joshua - Slip off thy sandals from thy feet, for, as for the place whereon thou art standing, holy, it is. And Joshua did so.

And it came to pass, at the seventh time - when the priests blew with the horns, then did Joshua say unto the people - Shout, for Yahweh hath delivered unto you the city.

And it shall be, that, as for the city, devoted, shall it be and all that is therein unto Yahweh, - nevertheless, Rahab the harlot, shall live, she and all who are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers whom we sent.

But, as for all silver and gold and vessels of bronze and iron, hallowed, it is to Yahweh, - unto the treasury of Yahweh, shall it come.

But, the city, burned they with fire, and all that was therein, - save only, the silver and the gold and the vessels of bronze and of iron, put they into the treasury of the house of Yahweh.

But the sons of Israel had committed an act of unfaithfulness in respect of what was devoted, - for Achan son of Carmi son of Zabdi, son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah had taken of what was devoted, and the anger of Yahweh had kindled against the sons of Israel.

And they returned unto Joshua and said unto him - Let not all the people go up, about two thousand men or three thousand men, can go up and smite Ai, - do not weary the whole people to go thither, for, but few, they are.

And the men of Ai smote of them about thirty-six men, and pursued them before the gate as far as the Shebarim, and smote them on the slope, - so that the heart of the people melted and became as water.

Only let the Canaanite and all the inhabitants of the land hear, and they will surround us, and cut off our name out of the earth, - what then wilt thou do for thy great name?

Up! hallow the people, and thou shalt say, Hallow yourselves by to-morrow, - for, Thus, saith Yahweh, God of Israel: A devoted thing, is in the midst of thee O Israel, Thou canst not stand before thine enemies, until ye have put away the devoted thing out of your midst.

and it shall be, that - He that is seized with the devoted thing, shall be burned with fire, he and all that he hath, - because he hath transgressed the covenant of Yahweh, and because he hath wrought impiety in Israel.

And Joshua said - Why hast thou troubled us? Yahweh, will trouble thee, this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them up with fire, and covered them with stones;

yea they raised over him a great heap of stones which remaineth until this day. And Yahweh turned from the fierceness of his anger, - for which cause, hath the name of that place been called - The Valley of Achor, until this day.

Then said Yahweh unto Joshua - Do not fear nor be dismayed, take with thee all the army, and arise, go up to Ai, - see! I have given into thy hand, the king of Ai and his people, and his city, and his land;

so shalt thou do unto Ai and to her king, as thou didst unto Jericho unto her king, save only, the spoil thereof and the cattle thereof, shall ye take as your own prey, - set thee an ambush for the city, behind it.

And he commanded them, saying - See! ye, shall be lying in ambush against the city, behind the city, do not go very far from the city, - so shall ye all be ready.

so will they come out after us, until we have drawn them away from the city, for they will say, Fleeing before us, as at the first! therefore will we flee before them.

And it shall be, when ye have seized the city, then shall ye burn the city with fire, according to the word of Yahweh, shall ye do, - see! I have commanded you.

And it came to pass, when the king of Ai saw it, that they hasted, and rose up early, and the men of the city came out to meet Israel for battle, he and all his people, at an appointed time, before the waste plain, - he not knowing that there was an ambush lying in wait for him, behind the city.

Then said Yahweh unto Joshua - Stretch out with the javelin which is in thy hand, towards Ai, for, into thy hand, will I deliver it. So Joshua stretched out with the javelin which was in his hand, towards the city.

And, the ambush, rose up quickly, out of their place, and ran, when he stretched out his hand, and entered the city, and captured it, - and hasted, and set the city on fire.

they, however, acted craftily, and went and started, - and took old sacks for their asses, and leathern wine bottles, old, and rent, and bound up;

So they took their journey unto Joshua, unto the camp, at Gilgal, - and said unto him, and unto the men of Israel, From a far country, are we come, Now, therefore, solemnise with us a covenant.

And they said unto him - From a very far country, have thy servants come, because of the name of Yahweh thy God, - because we had heard his fame, and all that he had done in Egypt;

So our elders and all the inhabitants of our land spake unto us, saying - Take ye, in your hand, provision for the journey, and go your way to meet them, - then shall ye say unto them, Your servants, we are. Now, therefore, solemnise with us a covenant.

This our bread, took we, hot, for our provision, out of our houses, on the day we came forth to journey unto you, - but, now, lo! it is dry, yea it is broken;

and, these leathern wine bottles, which we filled new, lo! also, they are rent, - and, as for these our mantles and our sandals, they are worn out, by reason of the very long journey.

And Joshua called for them, and spake unto them, saying, - Wherefore did ye deceive us, saying - We are, very far, from you, whereas, ye, in our midst, are dwelling?

Now, therefore, accursed, ye are, - and ye shall not cease to be in bond-service as hewers of wood and drawers of water, for the house of my God.

And they responded to Joshua, and said - Because it was, plainly told, thy servants, how that Yahweh thy God had commanded Moses his servant to give unto you all the land, and to destroy all the inhabitants of the land from before you, - therefore feared we greatly, for our lives, because of you, and did this thing.

Come up unto me and help me, that we may smite Gibeon, - for it hath made peace with Joshua, and with the sons of Israel.

So the men of Gibeon sent unto Joshua, unto the camp at Gilgal, saying, Do not withhold thy hand from thy servants, - Come up unto us quickly, and save us, and help us, for all the kings of the Amorites that dwell in the hill-country, are gathered together against us.

And Yahweh said unto Joshua: Do not fear because of them, for, into thy hand, have I delivered them, - not a man of them shall stand before thee.

And Yahweh confused them before Israel, and smote them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, - and chased them along the way that goeth up Beth-horon, and smote them as far as Azekah and as far as Makkedah.

And it came to pass, when they fled from before Israel, they, being on the slope of Beth-horon, that, Yahweh, cast down upon them great stones out of the heavens, as far as Azekah, and they died, - more, were they who died by the hailstones, than they whom the sons of Israel slew with the sword.

And there was no day like that - before it or after it, when Yahweh hearkened unto the voice of a man, - in that, Yahweh, himself fought for Israel.

but do not, ye, stay, chase after your enemies, so shall ye attack them in the rear, - do not suffer them to enter into their cities, for Yahweh your God hath delivered them into your hand.

And it came to pass, when they brought out these kings unto Joshua, that Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and said unto the captains of the men of war who had been with him, Come near, put your feet upon the necks of these kings. So they came near, and put their feet upon the necks of them.

Then said Joshua unto them: Do not fear, nor be alarmed, - be firm and bold, for, thus and thus, will Yahweh do unto all your enemies, against whom ye do fight.

Yea Joshua smote them, from Kadesh-barnea, even as far as Gaza, - and all the land of Goshen, even as far as Gibeon.

Yea, all these kings and their land, did Joshua capture at one time, - because, Yahweh, God of Israel, fought for Israel.

and they came out - they, and all their hosts with them, much people, like the sand that is upon the seashore for multitude, - with horses and chariots very many.

Then said Yahweh unto Joshua - Do not fear because of them, for, to-morrow, about this time, am I going to deliver up all of them, slain, before Israel, - their horses, shalt thou ham-string, and, their chariots, shalt thou burn up with fire.

And Yahweh delivered them up into the hand of Israel, and they smote them, and chased them as far as great Zidon, and as far as Misrephoth-maim, and as far as the valley of Mizpeh, eastward, - yea they smote them until they left them not a survivor.

And Joshua did unto them, as Yahweh had said unto him, - their horses, he ham-strung, and, their chariots, burned he up with fire.

Then Joshua turned back, at that time, and captured Hazor, and, the king thereof, smote he with the sword, - for, Hazor, aforetime, was the head of all these kingdoms.

And they smote all the souls that were therein, with the edge of the sword, devoting them to destruction, there was left no breathing thing, - and, Hazor, burned he up with fire.

from Mount Halak, that goeth up to Seir, even as far as Baal-gad, in the valley of the Lebanon, under Mount Hermon, - and, all their kings, he captured, and smote them, and put them to death.

For, from Yahweh, came it to pass, that their heart was emboldened to come out to war with Israel, that he might devote them to destruction, that they might find no favour, - but that he might destroy them, - as Yahweh commanded Moses.

So Joshua took the whole land, according to all that Yahweh had spoken unto Moses, and Joshua gave it for an inheritance unto Israel, according to their portions by their tribes, - and, the land, had rest from war.

Now, these, are the kings of the land, whom the sons of Israel had smitten, and of whose land they had taken possession, over the Jordan, towards the rising of the sun, - from the ravine of Arnon, as far as Mount Hermon, and all the waste plain, on the east:

Sihon, king of the Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon, - ruling from Aroer, which is on the edge of the ravine of Arnon, and the middle of the ravine, and half Gilead, even as far as the ravine Jabbok, the boundary of the sons of Ammon;

and the waste plain as far as the sea of Chinneroth, on the east, even as far as the sea of the waste plain, the salt sea, on the east, the way to Bethjeshimoth, - and, on the south, under the slopes of Pisgah;

ruling also in Mount Hermon, and in Salecah, and in all Bashan, as far as the boundary of the Geshurites, and the Maacathites, - and half Gilead, the boundary of Sihon king of Heshbon: -

And, these, are the kings of the land, whom Joshua and the sons of Israel smote over the Jordan, towards the west, from Baal-gad in the valley of the Lebanon, even as far as the Mount Halak that goeth up towards Seir, - and Joshua gave it unto the tribes of Israel, as a possession, according to their portions;

from the Shihor which faceth Egypt, even as far as the boundary of Ekron, northward, to the Canaanites, is it counted, - five princes of Philistines, the Gazites, and the Ashdodites, the Ashkalonites, the Gittites, and the Ekronites, also the Avvim

on the south: all the land of the Canaanites, and Mearah which belongeth to the Zidonians, as far as Aphek, - as far as the boundary of the Amorites;

and the land of the Gebalites, and all the Lebanon, to the rising of the sun, from Baal-gad, under Mount Hermon, - as far as the entering in of Hamath:

all the inhabitants of the hill country, from the Lebanon as far as Misrephoth-maim - all the Zidonians, I myself, will dispossess them from before the sons of Israel, - nevertheless, assign thou it by lot unto Israel, for an inheritance, as I have commanded thee.

from Aroer, which is on the edge of the ravine of Arnon, and the city, which is in the midst of the ravine, and all the table-land of Medeba, as far as Dibon;

and all the cities of Sihon, king of the Amorites, who reigned in Heshbon, - as far as the boundary of the sons of Ammon;

and Gilead, and the boundary of the Geshurites and the Maacathites, and all Mount Hermon, and all Bashan, as far as Salecah;

and their boundary was - Jazer, and all the cities of Gilead, and half the land of the sons of Ammon, - as far as Aroer, which faceth Rabbah;

and from Heshbon as far as Ramath-mizpeh, and Botonim, - and from Mahanaim as far as the boundary of Debir;

and in the valley - Beth-haram and Beth-nimrah and Succoth and Zaphon, the rest of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon, the Jordan and district, - as far as the end of the sea of Chinnereth, beyond the Jordan eastward.

These, are the portions which Moses gave for inheritance, in the waste plains of Moab, - over the Jordan by Jericho eastward.

For Moses had given the two tribes and the half tribe their inheritance over the Jordan, - but, unto the Levites, gave he no inheritance in their midst;

for the sons of Joseph became two tribes: Manasseh and Ephraim, - so they gave no portion to the Levites in the land, save only cities to dwell in, with the pasture lands thereof, for their cattle and for their substance.

So then Moses sware on that day saying, Surely, the land on which thy foot hath trodden, unto thee, shall belong, for an inheritance, and unto thy sons, unto times age-abiding, - because thou hast wholly followed Yahweh my God.

I remain, to-day, as courageous as on the day when Moses sent me, as my strength was then, so also my strength is now, - for war, both to go out and to come in.

Now, therefore, give me this mountain, whereof Yahweh spake, on that day, - for, thou thyself, didst hear, on that day, that, Anakim, were there, and great cities fortified, if so be Yahweh be with me, then shall I dispossess them, as spake Yahweh.

So Joshua blessed him, and gave Hebron unto Caleb son of Jephunneh, for an inheritance.

For this cause, hath Hebron belonged unto Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenezzite, for an inheritance, unto this day, - because he wholly followed Yahweh, God of Israel.

And, a boundary eastward, is the Salt Sea, as far as the end of the Jordan. And, the boundary on the north side, is from the bay of the sea, from the end of the Jordan.

And she said - Give me a present, for, dry land, hast thou given me, therefore must thou give me, pools of water. So he gave her upper pools and lower pools.