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A day of darkness and of thick darkness; a day of cloud and gloom as the morning spread upon the mountains: great and strong people; the like to him was not from forever, and after him there shall not be added even to the years of generation and generation.

Before him a fire devoured, and after him a flame shall burn; the land as the garden of Eden before him, and after him a desert of desolation; and also there was no escaping to him.

They shall run as strong men; as men of war they shall come up upon the wall; and they shall go each in his ways; they shall not change their paths.

In the city they shall run up and down; on the wall shall they run, into the houses they shall come up, through the windows shall they come in as a thief.

The earth was moved before his face; the heavens trembled: the sun and the moon were darkened, and the stars took away their shining:

Between the porch and to the altar the priests serving Jehovah shall weep, and they shall say, Spare, O Jehovah, thy people, and thou wilt not give thine inheritance to reproach for the nations to rule over them: wherefore shall they say among the peoples, Where is their God?

Ye shall not fear, ye beasts of the field, for the pastures of the desert sprang forth, for the tree bore its fruit, the fig tree and the vine gave their strength.

And I gathered all nations, and I brought them down to the valley of Jehoshophat, and I contended with them there for my people and mine inheritance Israel whom they scattered among the nations, and they divided the land.

And the sons of Judah and the sons of Jerusalem ye sold to the sons of the Grecians, in order to remove them far off from their border.

Behold me raising them up from the place where ye sold them there, and I turned back your recompense upon your head:

Hasten and come all ye nations from round about, and be ye gathered together: there lead down, O Jehovah, thy strong ones.

The nations shall be roused and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there I will sit to judge all the nations from round about

Send ye forth the sickle, for the harvest was ripened: come ye, go down, for the wine press was filled, the vats, overflowed; for their evil is great

And ye knew that I am Jehovah your God dwelling in Zion my holy mountain: and Jerusalem was holy, and strangers shall no more pass through her.

Egypt shall be for a desolation, and Edom shall be for a desert of desolation from violence to the sons of Judah, because they poured out innocent blood in their land.

And I cleansed their blood I cleansed not: and Jehovah dwelt in Zion.