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If an ascending-sacrifice, be his oblation - of the herd, a male without defect, shall he bring near, - unto the entrance of the tent of meeting, shall he bring it, for its acceptance, before Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsLaw, OtSacrifices At The DoorwayMale AnimalsPerfect Sacrifices

Then shall he lean his hand, upon the head of the ascending-sacrifice, - and it shall be accepted for him to put a propitiatory covering over him;

Verse ConceptsHeadsHandsSubstitutionLaying On Of HandsAnimal Sacrifices, BurntHands On HeadsLaying Hands On SacrificesAtoning By SacrificesAcceptance

And the sons of Aaron the priest shall place fire upon the altar, - and arrange wood, upon the fire.

Verse ConceptsPutting In OrderBurning SacrificesFirewood

And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall arrange the pieces, the head and the fat, - upon the wood, that is on the fire, that is on the altar.

Verse ConceptsPriests, Function In Ot TimesPutting In OrderFat Of The Sacrifices

But, if of the flock, be his oblation, - of the sheep or of the goats, for an ascending-sacrifice, a male without defect, shall he bring near.

Verse ConceptsGoatsSheepMale AnimalsPerfect SacrificesSheep And Goats

And he shall cut it up into its pieces, and its head, and its fat, - and the priest shall arrange them upon the wood that is on the fire, that is on the altar,

Verse ConceptsAnimals Cut In PiecesPutting In OrderFirewoodFat Of The Sacrifices

and he shall cleave it in its wings - he shall not divide it asunder, so shall the priest make a perfume therewith, at the altar, upon the wood that is on the fire, - an ascending-sacrifice, it is, an altar-flame of a satisfying odour, unto Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsWingsAnimals Torn To PiecesWings Of BirdsRefreshing God

None of the meal-offerings which ye bring near unto Yahweh shall be made into anything leavened, - for, of no leaven and Of no syrup, may ye make a perfume, as an altar-flame unto Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsLeavenFoodGrain OfferingUnleavened BreadYeastHoneyMeat offerings

As for an oblation of first-fruits, ye shall bring them near unto Yahweh, - but unto the altar, they shall not take them up, as a satisfying odour.

Verse ConceptsLeavenedRefreshing GodFirst fruits

But, if thou wouldst bring near a meal-offering of first-ripe corn, unto Yahweh, of green ears roasted in fire crushed grain of garden-land, shalt thou bring near thy meal-offering of first-ripe corn.

Verse ConceptsCrushingMeat offerings

Then shall the sons of Aaron make thereof a perfume at the altar, upon the ascending-sacrifice which is on the wood, which is on the fire, - an altar-flame of a satisfying odour unto Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsAromasPleasing GodSmellsRefreshing God

But, if out of the flock, be his oblation for a peace-offering unto Yahweh, whether male or female - without defect, shall he bring it near.

Verse ConceptsPerfect SacrificesMale And Female AnimalsSheep And Goats

Then shall the priest make a perfume at the altar, - the food of an altar-flame for a satisfying odour, - all the fat - unto Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsFatnessFat Of AnimalsRefreshing GodAll Things Belong To God

If, the anointed priest, shall sin, so as to bring guilt upon the people, then shall he bring near for his sin which he hath committed a choice young bullock without defect, unto Yahweh as a sin-bearer.

Verse ConceptsCripplesHigh Priest, In OtSin OfferingPerfect SacrificesSacrificing CattleGuilt

and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them which is upon the loins, - and as for the caul upon the liver, upon the kidneys, shall he remove it:

Verse ConceptsResidueTwo Of Body Parts

But, as for the skin of the bullock and all its flesh with its head and with its legs, - and its inwards, and its dung,

Verse ConceptsDefecation

he shall take forth the entire bullock - unto the outside of the camp, unto a clean place unto the outpoured heap of fat-ashes, and shall burn it up on wood in the fire, - upon the outpoured heap of fat-ashes, shall it be burned up.

Verse ConceptsOutside The CampBurning SacrificesClean Objects

and, as for all the fat thereof, he shall heave up therefrom, - and make a perfume at the altar.

Verse ConceptsFat Of The Sacrifices

or his sin which he hath committed shall be made known unto, him, then shall he bring in, as his oblation, a kid of the goats a female, without defect, for his sin which he hath committed;

Verse ConceptsGoatsFemale AnimalsSin Made KnownPerfect SacrificesSacrificing Goats

and all the fat thereof, shall he remove as the fat from off the peace-offering was removed, and the priest shall make a perfume at the altar, for a satisfying odour unto Yahweh, - so shall the priest put propitiatory-covering over him, and it shall be forgiven him.

Verse ConceptsAromasSmellsFat Of The SacrificesRefreshing GodPriests Atoning

And, if a lamb, he bring in. as his oblation for a sin-bearer, a female without defect, shall he bring in;

Verse ConceptsLambsFemale AnimalsPerfect Sacrifices

and shall bring in as his guilt-bearer unto Yahweh for his sin which he hath committed, a female from the flock - a lamb or a kid of the goats - as a sin-bearer, - so shall the priest put propitiatory-covering over him, because of his sin.

Verse ConceptsGoatsFemale AnimalsSheep And GoatsPriests Atoning

And, if his hand cannot reach sufficient for a lamb, then shall he bring in to bear his guilt - for that he hath sinned - two turtle-doves, or two young pigeons unto Yahweh, - one for a sin-bearer, and one for an ascending-sacrifice.

Verse ConceptsdovesPigeonsPoverty, Remedies ForTwo AnimalsBeing Poor

And he shall take them in unto the priest, who shall bring near that which is for a sin-bearer first, - and shall nip through the neck close to the head but shall not divide it asunder.

Verse ConceptsAnimals Torn To Pieces

But if his hand cannot lay hold of two turtledove, or two young pigeons, then shall he bring in as his oblation - because he hath sinned - the tenth of an ephah of fine meal for bearing sin, - he shall not put thereon oil, neither shall he lay thereon frankincense, for a sin-bearer, it is.

Verse ConceptsFooddovesFrankincenseIncenseOilPigeonsWeights And Measures, DryOil On SacrificesFragranceA Tenth Of ThingsBeing PoorEphah [Ten Omers]Regulations For The Sin Offering

Whensoever, any person, shall commit a trespass, and shall take away by mistake, from the holy things of Yahweh, then shall he bring in as his guilt-bearer unto Yahweh, a ram without defect out of the flock, with thine estimate in silver by shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, for a guilt-bearer:

Verse ConceptsGuilt OfferingRamsSilverPerfect SacrificesUnintentionalUnfaithful

Command Aaron and his sons, saying, This is the law of the ascending-sacrifice, - the same, is the ascending-sacrifice, which is upon the hearth, upon the altar, nil the night until the morning, - and the fire of the altar, shall be kept burning therein.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in OTOvernightBurning Sacrifices

So then the priest shall put on his upper garment of linen, and, breeches of linen, shall he put on over his flesh, then shall he take up the fat-ashes, whereto the fire consumeth the ascending-sacrifice on the altar, - and shall put them beside the altar.

Verse ConceptsLinenClothing OneselfAshes Of SacrificesLinen ItemsUndergarments

And, the fire on the altar, shall be kept burning therein, it shall not be suffered to go out, but the priest shall kindle up thereon pieces of wood, morning by morning, - and shall set in order thereupon the ascending-sacrifice, and shall make a perfume thereon with the fat-pieces of the peace-offerings:

Verse ConceptsMorning WorshipOfferingsUnceasingBurning SacrificesFirewoodFat Of The Sacrifices

fire, shall continually be kept burning on the altar, it shall not be suffered to go out.

Verse ConceptsUnceasingBurning SacrificesBurnout

But, no sin-bearer whereof any of the blood is taken into the tent of meeting to make a propitiatory-covering in the sanctuary, shall be eaten, - with fire, shall it be consumed.

Verse ConceptsBlood Of SacrificesBurning SacrificesAtoning By SacrificesFood For Priests Defined

and, as for all the fat thereof, one shall bring near therefrom, - the fat-tail, and the fat that covereth the inwards;

Verse ConceptsTailsFat Of The Sacrifices

As the sin-bearer, so the guilt-bearer, - one law, for them, - the priest who maketh a propitiatory-covering, therewith, - to him, shall it belong,

Verse ConceptsExpiationPriests PossessingPriests Atoning

And, as for the priest who bringeth near the ascending-sacrifice of any man, the skin of the ascending-sacrifices which he hath brought near, to the priest himself, shall it belong.

Verse ConceptsLeatherBurnt offeringAnimal Sacrifices, BurntAnimal SkinsPriests Possessing

And as for any meal-offering that may be baked in an oven, or anything that hath been prepared in a boiler or on a girdle, to the priest that bringeth it near - to him, shall it belong,

Verse ConceptsBakingOvensPriests Possessingcooking

And, as for any meal-offering overflowed with oil or dry, - to all the sons of Aaron, shall it belong, to one as much as to another.

Verse ConceptsOil On Sacrifices

If, for thanksgiving, he bring it near, then shall he bring near, with the thanksgiving sacrifice perforated cakes unleavened, overflowed with oil, and wafers unleavened anointed with oil, - and of fine flour moistened, perforated cakes overflowed with oil.

Verse ConceptsFoodOilOil On SacrificesThanking God

But, as for the flesh of his peace-offering of thanksgiving, on the day of bringing it near, shall it be eaten, - he shall not leave thereof until morning,

Verse ConceptsThank OfferingSanitation, FoodBodies Of AnimalsOvernightRemaining OfferingsPeace offerings

but as for the remainder of the flesh of the sacrifice, on the third day - in fire, shall it be consumed.

Verse ConceptsBurning SacrificesRemaining Offerings

And, the flesh that toucheth anything unclean, shall not be eaten, in fire, shall it be consumed, - but, as for the other flesh, any one who is clean, may eat flesh.

Verse ConceptsSanitation, DisinfectionTouching Unclean ThingsUnclean SpiritsForbidden FoodUnclean Animals

But as for the person who shall eat flesh from the peace-offering, which pertaineth unto Yahweh, while his uncleanness is on him, then shall that person be cut off from among his kinsfolk.

Verse ConceptsPollution ForbiddenThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

Yea, as for, any person, whensoever he shall touch anything unclean - the uncleanness of man or an unclean beast, or any unclean disgusting thing, - and then eateth of the flesh of a peace-offering that pertaineth unto Yahweh, then shall that person be cut off from among his kinsfolk.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsAbominations, Ceremonial MattersPollutionsTouching Unclean ThingsPeople Being PollutedThose To Be Cut Off From Israel

and though the fat of what dieth of itself and the fat of that which has been torn in pieces, may be used for any other service, yet shall ye, in nowise eat it.

Verse ConceptsAnimals Torn To PiecesFat Of AnimalsDeath Of CreaturesForbidden FoodUseful Things

Then shall the priest make a perfume with the fat at the altar, - and the breast shall be for Aaron and for his sons.

Verse ConceptsFat Of The SacrificesFood For Priests DefinedPriests Possessing

he that bringeth near the blood of the peace-offerings and the fat from among the sons of Aaron, to him, shall belong the right shoulder for a portion.

Verse ConceptsThighs Of AnimalsFat Of The SacrificesPriests Possessing

For, the wave-breast and the heave-shoulder, have I taken of the sons of Israel, out of their peace-offerings, - and have given them unto Aaron the priest and unto his sons as an age-abiding statute, from the sons of Israel.

Verse ConceptsWave OfferingsThighs Of AnimalsFood For Priests Defined

This is the law - for the ascending-sacrifice, for the meal-offering, and for the sin-bearer, and for the guilt-bearer, - and for the installation-offerings, and for the peace-offering:

Verse ConceptsAaron, Priestly ResponsibilitiesOrdinationConsecrationGod Appointing OthersRegulations For Cereal OfferingsRegulations For The Sin OfferingRegulating SacrificesPeace offeringsMeat offerings

And Moses brought near the sons of Aaron and clothed them with tunics and girded them with bands, and wrapped round for them turbans, - As Yahweh commanded Moses.

Verse ConceptsPriests, Institution In Ot TimesPriests GarmentsTurban And Caps

But the bullock itself, and its skin and its flesh and its dung, consumed he with fire, outside the camp, - As Yahweh commanded Moses,

Verse ConceptsOffalOutside The CampAnimal SkinsDefecationBurning Sacrifices

Then was brought near the ram for the ascending-sacrifice, - and Aaron and his sons leaned their hands upon the head of the ram;

Verse ConceptsOrdinationHands On HeadsLaying Hands On Sacrifices

but the inwards and the legs, were bathed in water, - and Moses made a perfume with the whole ram at the altar, an ascending-sacrifice, it was - for a satisfying odour an altar-flame, it was unto Yahweh, As Yahweh commanded Moses.

Verse ConceptsAromasLegsSmellsClean AnimalsRefreshing God

And Moses took them from off their opened palms, and made a perfume at the altar upon the ascending-sacrifice, - an installation, they were for a satisfying odour, an altar-flame, it was unto Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsRefreshing God

But, that which is left of the flesh, and of the bread, with fire, shall ye consume.

Verse ConceptsBurning SacrificesRemaining Offerings

And from the entrance of the tent of meeting, shall ye not go forth for seven days, until the day that filleth up the days of your installation, - because for seven days, will he install you:

Verse ConceptsSeven DaysPresented At The DoorwayGoing OutsideOutside The House

Even at the entrance of the tent of meeting, shall ye abide day and night for seven days, and shall keep the watch of Yahweh and shall not die, - for, so, am I commanded.

Verse ConceptsSeven DaysPresented At The DoorwayDeath As Punishment

And it came to pass on the eighth day, that Moses called for Aaron, and for his sons, - and for the elders of Israel;

Verse ConceptsAaron, As High PriestDay 8The Elders Gathered

and said unto Aaron - Take for thyself a choice calf, as a sin-bearer, and a ram for an ascending-sacrifice, each without defect, - and bring them near before Yahweh;

Verse ConceptsAnimal Sacrifices, BurntPerfect SacrificesSacrificing Cattle

and unto the sons of Israel, shalt thou speak, saying, - Take ye a he-goat, as a sin-bearer, and a calf and a young sheep, each a year old, without defect for an ascending-sacrifice;

Verse ConceptsGoatsPerfect SacrificesAnimals At Specific AgesSacrificing GoatsSacrificing Cattle Sheep And Goats

and an ox and a ram for peace-offerings, to sacrifice before Yahweh, and a meal-offering overflowed with oil, - for, to-day, doth, Yahweh, appear unto you.

Verse ConceptsRamsRitualOil On SacrificesGod AppearingRegulations For Cereal OfferingsSacrificing Cattle Sheep And GoatsPeace offerings

So Aaron drew near unto the altar, - and slew the sin-bearing calf which was for himself;

Verse ConceptsKilling Sacrifices

But, the flesh and the skin, consumed he with fire, outside the camp.

Verse ConceptsOutside The CampAnimal SkinsBurning Sacrifices

yea, there came forth fire from before Yahweh, and consumed upon the altar, the ascending-sacrifice and the portions of fat, - and all the people beheld and shouted, and fell down upon their faces.

Verse ConceptsGesturesFireProstrationShoutingTheophanyShouting For JoyAnswers By FireFire From HeavenBurning SacrificesGroups ShoutingSacrifice On The Bronze Altar

Then Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, took each man his censer and placed therein fire, and put thereon incense, - and brought near before Yahweh strange fire, which he had not commanded them.

Verse ConceptsFireWorship, Acceptable AttitudesAaron, CharacterDisobedience, Examples OfSacrilegeCensersForeign ThingsBurning SacrificesIncense Offered Amiss

Then came there forth fire from before Yahweh, and consumed them, - and they died before Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsAnger Of God, Examples OfDeath As PunishmentBurning PeopleThe Presence Of God

Then said Moses unto Aaron and to Eleazar and to Ithamar, his sons - Your heads, ye may not bare and your garments, ye shall not rend so shall ye not die, neither against all the assembly, will he be wroth, - but let, your brethren the whole house of Israel, bewail the consuming fire wherewith Yahweh hath consumed.

Verse ConceptsClothingClothing, Tearing OfHairsCovering HeadsBare HeadsDeath Due To God's PresenceBurning PeopleNot Tearing ClothesDo Not MournGod Will Be AngryMourning The Death Of Others

But, from the entrance of the tent of meeting, shall ye not go forth, lest ye die, for, the anointing oil of Yahweh is upon you. And they did according to the word of Moses.

Verse ConceptsOilPresented At The DoorwayGoing OutsideAnointing PriestsDeath Due To God's Presence

Then spake Moses unto Aaron and unto Eleazar and unto Ithamar his sons that were left, Take ye the meal-offering that is left of the altar-flames of Yahweh, and eat it unleavened beside the altar, - for, most holy, it is;

Verse ConceptsYeastSacrifice On The Bronze Altar

therefore shall ye eat it in a holy place, for, thine by statute, and thy sons by statute, it is, from among the altar-flames of Yahweh, - for, so, am I commanded.

Verse ConceptsAnimal Sacrifices, Meal Offering

And the wave-breast, and the heave-shoulder, shall ye eat in clean place, thou, and thy sons and thy daughters with thee, - for as thine by statute and thy sons by statute, have they been given, from among the peace-offerings of the sons of Israel.

Verse ConceptsdaughtersFellowship OfferingWave OfferingsAnimal Sacrifices, Heave OfferingSwingingThighs Of AnimalsPermitted To Eat Offerings

Now, as for the sin-bearing goat, Moses diligently sought it but lo! it had been burnt up, - then was he wroth against Eleazar and against Ithamar, the sons of Aaron that were left, saying:

Verse ConceptsAnger, HumanAnger, Justified ExamplesBurning SacrificesSeeking For Concrete ThingsNamed People Angry With Others

Wherefore did ye not eat the sin-bearer in the holy place? for most, holy, it is, - and thee same, hath he given you that ye may bear the iniquity of the assembly, to put a propitiatory-covering over them before Yahweh.

Verse ConceptsIncurring GuiltSin BearerFood For Priests DefinedWhy Do People Not Do This?Priests Atoning

But every other creeping thing that flieth, which hath four feet, an abomination, it is unto you;

Verse ConceptsAbominationsGod Hating Things

and, for these, shall ye count yourselves unclean - whosoever toucheth the carcase of them shall be unclean until the evening;

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfTouching Unclean ThingsUnclean Until Eveningbugs

As for every kind of beast which, though it parteth the hoof, yet is not cloven-footed nor cheweth the cud, unclean, they are unto you, - every one who toucheth them shall be unclean.

Verse ConceptsSanitation, FoodTouching Unclean ThingsCleft HoofsNoting What Animals Eat

And, as for any earthen vessel whereinto any of them may fall, everything therein shall be unclean, and, the vessel itself, shall ye break in pieces.

Verse ConceptsClayBreaking Containers

And, everything whereon shall fall any part of the carcase of them shall be unclean, oven or fire-range, it shall be destroyed, unclean, they are, - and, unclean, Shall they remain to you.

Verse ConceptsBakingOvensBreaking Containersporkcookingpot

And when any part of the carcase of them shall fall upon seed for sowing, which is to be sown, the same is, clean.

Verse ConceptsSowing Seeds

And, when any of the beasts which are yours for food shall die, he that toucheth the carcase of it shall be unclean until the evening.

Verse ConceptsAnimals, religious role ofTouching Unclean ThingsUnclean Until EveningRules About Corpses

Everything that goeth upon the belly, and everything that goeth upon all-fours, even to everything having many feet, as regardeth any creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, ye shall not eat them for, an abomination, they are.

Verse ConceptsAbominationsCrawlingUnclean SpiritsFeet Of CreaturesClean And UncleanClean AnimalsForbidden FoodUnclean AnimalsEating Meatbugsworms

For, I - Yahweh, am your God, therefore shall ye hallow yourselves and remain holy; for, holy, am, I, - therefore shall ye not make your persons unclean, with any creeping thing that crawleth upon the earth;

Verse ConceptsGod, The LordLaw, OtSexual Sin, Nature OfSin, And God's CharacterUnclean SpiritsPeople Polluting ThemselvesThe Lord Is GodBe Holy For I Am Holy

for, I - Yahweh, am he that brought you up out of the land of Egypt, that I might become your God, - therefore shall ye be holy, for, holy, am, I.

Verse ConceptsFreedom, Acts Of In OtClaimsI Am The LordBe Holy For I Am HolyI Will Be Their GodGod Bringing Israel Out Of Egypt

And, for thirty-three days, shall she continue in the blood of purification, - no hallowed thing, shall she touch, and, into the sanctuary, shall she not enter, until her days of purification are fulfilled.

Verse ConceptsSanctuaryTouchMore Than One MonthTouching Holy ThingsTouching Unclean ThingsPurifying OneselfHallowed

But if, a female child, she bear, then shall she be unclean two weeks as in her removal, - and, for sixty-six days, shall she continue in the blood of purification.

Verse ConceptsPurity, Nature OfWeeksTen Or More DaysTwo To Four MonthsBleedingPurifying OneselfHaving A Babychildbearing

And, when the days of her purification are fulfilled, whether for a son or for a daughter, she shall bring in a lamb, the choice of its year, as an ascending-sacrifice, and a young pigeon or a turtle-dove, as a sin-bearer, unto the entrance of the tent of meeting, unto the priest;

Verse ConceptsBirds, Types Of BirdsSacrifices At The DoorwayAnimals At Specific Ages

and he shall bring it near before Yahweh so shall the priest put a propitiatory-covering over her, and she shall be clean from her fountain of blood. This, is the law for her that hath given birth, to a male child or to a female.

Verse ConceptsBleedingBirthRegulations For Men And WomenPriests Atoning

But, if her hand findeth not sufficiency for a lamb, then shall she take two turtle doves or two young pigeons, one for an ascending-sacrifice and one for a sin-bearer, - so shall the priest put a propitiatory-covering over her, and she shall he clean.

Verse ConceptsLambsPigeonsPoverty, Remedies ForBeing PoorPriests Atoning

an old leprosy, it is in the skin of his flesh, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean, - he shall not shut him up, for unclean, he is.

But, if the leprosy, cometh quite out, in the skin, and the leprosy covereth all the skin of him that, is plagued, from his head even unto his feet, - so far as appeareth to the eyes of the priest,

Verse ConceptsHeads

so then the priest shall view the raw flesh, and pronounce him unclean, - as for the raw flesh, unclean, it is, leprosy, it is.

Verse ConceptsLiving Things

But, if, in its place the bright spot hath stayed, and hath not spread in the skin, but, itself, is faint, the rising of a burning, it is, - and the priest shall pronounce him clean, for only the inflaming of the burning, it is.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingscars

then shall the priest take a view, and lo! if the scall hath spread in the skin, the priest shall not search for the yellow hair - unclean, he is.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingThe Hair Of The BodyYellowBrown

Now, as for the leper in whom is the plague, His clothes, shall be rent, And, his head, shall be bare, And, his beard, shall he cover, - And, Unclean! Unclean! shall he cry.

Verse ConceptsCovering The MouthPurity, Nature OfVeilsQuarantiningCovering HeadsFacial Hair

then shall he view the spot, on the seventh day if the spot hath spread in the garment whether in warp or in weft, or in the skin, or anything which may be made of skin for service, the spot is a fretting leprosy, unclean, it is.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingThe Seventh Day Of The WeekCordsAnimal SkinsDay 7Unclean Thingsmold

Then shall he burn up the garment whether it be m the warp or the weft in wool or in flax, or any utensil of skin, wherein shall be the plague-spot, - for, a fretting leprosy, it is, in fire, shall it be burnt up.

Verse ConceptsCordsAnimal Skinsmold

then shall the priest take a view after the plagued garment hath been washed and lo! if the spot hath not changed its look, then though the spot hath not spread, yet unclean, it is, in the fire, shalt thou burn it up, - a sunken spot, it is, in the back thereof, or in the front thereof.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingUnclean Things

and, if it appear still in the garment - either in the warp or in the weft, or in any utensil of skin, a breaking out, it is, - in the fire, shalt thou burn up that wherein is the plague.

Verse ConceptsSpreadingCordsAnimal Skinsmold

But, as for the garment - whether the warp or the weft or any utensil of skin which thou shalt wash, and the plague shall depart therefrom, then shall it be washed a second time, and shall be clean.

Verse ConceptsRitual WashingCordsAnimal SkinsClean Clothes

then shall the priest give command, - and there shall be taken - for him that is to be cleansed - two living clean birds, - and cedar wood, and crimson am hyssop;

Verse ConceptsColors, ScarletRed CordsCedar WoodTwo AnimalsWhilst Alive

as for the living bird, he shall take, it, and the cedar wood and the crimson, and the hyssop, - and shall dip them and the living bird, in the blood of the bird that hath been slain over the living water;

Verse ConceptsRed CordsCedar Wood

And, on the eighth day, he shall take two he-lambs, without defect, and one ewe-lamb, the choice of its year without defect, - and three-tenths of fine meal for a meal-offering, overflowed with oil, and one log of oil.

Verse ConceptsWeights And Measures, LiquidDay 8Oil On SacrificesMale AnimalsFemale AnimalsPerfect SacrificesAnimals At Specific AgesEphah [Ten Omers]Making Cereal Offerings And LibationsOther Volume Measures