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And John was clothed with camel's hair, and had a leathern girdle about his loins, and ate locusts and wild honey.

And, passing along by the sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew, Simon's brother, casting a net in the sea; for they were fishers.

And going on a little further, He saw James, the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, and those in the ship mending the nets.

And Simon's mother-in-law was lying sick with fever, and straightway they tell Him of her;

and found Him, and say to Him, "All are seeking Thee."

and saith to him, "See that you say nothing to any one, but go, show yourself to the priest, and offer for your cleansing what Moses directed, for a testimony to them."

But he, going forth, began to publish it much, and to spread abroad the matter; so that He could no more openly enter into a city, but was without in desert places. And they were coming to Him from every quarter.

And many were gathered together, so that there was no longer room, not even about the door; and He was speaking the word to them.

Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Arise, and take up your bed, and walk?'

I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house."

And he arose, and, straightway taking up the bed, went forth before them all; so that all were amazed, and glorified God, saying, "We never saw it thus!"

And He went again by the sea; and all the multitude were coming to Him, and He was teaching them.

And John's disciples and the Pharisees were fasting; and they come and say to Him, "Why do John's disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but Thy disciples fast not?"

And Jesus with His disciples withdrew to the sea; and a great multitude from Galilee followed Him; and from Judaea,

Verily I say to you, all the sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and the blasphemies whatsoever they blaspheme;

And a multitude was sitting about Him; and they say to Him, "Behold, Thy mother and Thy brothers without are seeking for Thee."

And again He began to teach by the seaside. And there is gathered to Him a very great multitude, so that He, having entered into a boat, was sitting in the sea; and all the multitude were by the sea on the land.

that, seeing, they may see, and not perceive; and, hearing, they may hear, and not understand; lest haply they should turn, and be forgiven."

And He said, "So is the Kingdom of God, as if a man should cast the seed upon the earth;

yet, when it is sown, grows up, and becomes greater than all the herbs, and puts out great branches; so that the birds of the heaven can lodge under its shadow."

And there arises a great storm of wind, and the waves were beating into the boat, so that the boat was now being filled.

And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, "Who, then, is This, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!"

And they came to the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gerasenes.

And He permitted them. And, coming out, the unclean spirits entered into the swine; and the herd rushed down the steep into the sea, about two thousand, and were drowned in the sea.

And those feeding the swine fled, and reported it in the city and in the country. And they came to see what it was that had come to pass.

And those who saw it declared to them how it befell the demoniac, and concerning the swine.

And, Jesus having crossed over in the boat again to the other side, a large multitude was gathered to Him; and He was by the sea.

And He was looking around to see her who did this.

While He was yet speaking, they come from the synagogue-ruler's house, saying, "Your daughter died; why do you trouble the Teacher any further?"

And, having taken hold of the child's hand, He saith to her, "Talitha cumi;" which is, being interpreted, "Damsel, (I say to you), arise."

And the people saw them going on their way, and many knew them, and they ran together there on foot from all the cities, and outwent them.

And, coming forth, He saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd; and He began to teach them many things.

But He saith to them, "How many loaves have ye? go and see." And, having ascertained, they say, "Five, and two fishes."

And, when it was evening, the boat was in the midst of the sea, and He was alone on the land.

And, seeing them distressed in rowing, for the wind was contrary to them, about the fourth watch of the night He cometh to them, walking on the sea; and He wished to pass by them;

but, seeing Him walking on the sea, they supposed that it was a ghost, and they cried out;

for they all saw Him; and were troubled. But he straight-way talked with them, and saith to them, "Be of good courage! it is I, be not afraid."

But ye say, 'If a man say to his father or mother, That wherewith you might be profited by me is Corban,' that is, 'an offering to God,'

And He said to her, "Suffer the children first to be satisfied; for it is not good to take the children's bread, and cast it to the little dogs."

But she answered, and says to Him, "Yes, Lord; even the little dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs."

And again, going forth out of the borders of Tyre, He came through Sidon to the sea of Galilee, through the midst of the borders of Decapolis.

And, sighing deeply in His spirit, He saith, "Why does this generation seek a sign? verily I say to you, there shall no sign be given to this generation."

Having eyes, do ye see not? and, having ears, do ye hear not? And, do ye not remember?

When I broke the five loaves among the five thousand, how many baskets full of pieces did ye take up?" They say to Him "Twelve."

And, taking hold of the blind man's hand, He brought him out of the village; and, spitting in his eyes, and putting His hands upon him, He asked him, "Do you see anything?"

And, looking up, he said, "I behold men, because I see them as trees walking."

And Jesus went forth, and His disciples, into the villages of Caesarea Philippi. And, on the way, He asked His disciples, saying to them, "Who do men say that I am?"

And He said to them, "Verily I say to you, there are some of those standing here, who shall not taste of death, till they see the Kingdom of God come with power."

And, suddenly looking around, they no longer saw with themselves any one, except Jesus only.

And, as they were coming down from the mountain, He charged them that they should tell no one what they saw, until the Son of Man should arise from the dead.

And they were asking Him, saying, "How is it that the scribes say that Elijah must first come?"

but I say to you that Elijah has both come, and they did to him whatsoever they wished, as it has been written of him."

And, coming to the disciples, they saw a great multitude about them, and the scribes questioning with them.

And, having cried out, and convulsed him much, it came out; and he became as one dead; so that many said, "He died!"

John said to Him, "Teacher, we saw one casting out demons in Thy name; and we forbade him, because he was not following us."

Verily I say to you, whosoever does not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, will in no wise enter therein."

And, hearing that it was Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out, and say, "Son of David! Jesus! have mercy on me!"

And, if any one say to you, 'Why do ye this?' say ye, 'The Lord hath need of him;' and straight-way he will send him back hither."

And, passing by the next morning, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.

Verily I say to you, whosoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says comes to pass; he shall have it.

"If we say, 'From Heaven,' He will say, 'Why then did ye not believe him!' But, should we say, 'From men,'"??hey feared the people; for all held John to be a prophet indeed.

And, answering, they say to Jesus, "We do not know." And Jesus saith to them, "Neither do I tell you by what authority I am doing these things."

And, coming, they say to Him, "Teacher, we know that Thou art true, and carest not for any one; for Thou lookest not into the face of men, but in truth teachest the way of God. Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?

Shall we give, or shall we not give?" But He, knowing their hypocrisy, said to them, "Why are ye tempting Me? Bring Me a denary, that I may see it."

And they brought it. And He saith to them, "Whose is this image and inscription?" And they said to Him, "Caesar's."

And there come to Him the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection; and they were asking Him, saying,

"Teacher, Moses wrote to us, 'If any man's brother die, and leave a wife behind, and leave no child, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed to his brother.'

The scribe said to Him, "Well, Teacher, Thou didst say truly that He is One, and there is not another beside Him;

And Jesus, answering, said, while teaching in the temple, "How do the scribes say that the Christ is David's Son?

And, calling to Him His disciples, He said to them, "Verily I say to you, this poor widow cast in more than all who are casting into the treasury;

And Jesus said to him, "Do you see these great buildings? There shall not be left here a stone upon a stone, which shall not be thrown down."

And Jesus began to say to them, "Take heed, lest some one lead you astray.

But when ye see the abomination of desolation standing where it ought not, (let him that reads understand), then let those who are in Judaea flee to the mountains;

And, unless the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh would have been saved; but, for the elect's sake, whom He chose, He shortened the days.

And then, if any one shall say to you, 'Lo, here is the Christ!' or, 'Lo, there!' believe him not;