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After three years, I went up to Jerusalem, to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days:

and the rest of the Jews dissembled likewise with him, insomuch that Barnabas himself was carried away with their hypocrisy.

but when I saw, they conformed not their conduct to the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter before them all: if you being a Jew, live after the manner of the Gentiles, and not according to that of the Jews, why do you constrain the Gentiles to judaize?

Is the law then opposite to the promises? by no means. for if there had been a law given, which could have given life, certainly justification should have been by the law.

It is not you that have done me any injury: tho' you knew through what infirmity of the flesh I heretofore preached the gospel to you,

for it is there written, Abraham had two sons, the one by a bond-maid, the other by a free-woman.

I have confidence in you, that, through the Lord, you will be of the same mind with me, so that he who troubles you shall fall under the censure he deserves, whoever he be.

as for me, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why am I yet persecuted? for then there would not be so much objection to the doctrine of the cross.