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The mountains tremble before him, the hills convulse; the earth is laid waste before him, the world and all its inhabitants are laid waste.

Verse ConceptsearthquakesEarth, Judgment OfMountainsMountains QuakingThe Universe DestroyedGod Saves From Sin And DeathThe Presence Of God

No one can withstand his indignation! No one can resist his fierce anger! His wrath is poured out like volcanic fire, boulders are broken up as he approaches.

Verse ConceptsAnger Of God, Nature OfGod's IndignationPunishment, By GodRocksSplitting RocksFire Of God's AngerStanding FirmGod Has AngerLake Of FirePassionwrathventing

This is what the Lord says: "Even though they are powerful -- and what is more, even though their army is numerous -- nevertheless, they will be destroyed and trickle away! Although I afflicted you, I will afflict you no more.

Verse ConceptsAliancesenemies, of Israel and JudahPeople Passing AwayMany EnemiesHow Death Is InevitableStrong PeopleGod Turned Back From Harming Them

And now, I will break Assyria's yoke bar from your neck; I will tear apart the shackles that are on you."

Verse ConceptsYokesGod Freeing CaptivesBreaking Chains

The Lord has issued a decree against you: "Your dynasty will come to an end. I will destroy the idols and images in the temples of your gods. I will desecrate your grave -- because you are accursed!"

Verse ConceptsThe DeadFalse ReligionExile, in assyriaTemples, HeathenDestruction Of Satan's WorksNames Blotted OutAbandoning Idols

Look! A herald is running on the mountains! A messenger is proclaiming deliverance: "Celebrate your sacred festivals, O Judah! Fulfill your sacred vows to praise God! For never again will the wicked Assyrians invade you, they have been completely destroyed."

Verse ConceptsFeetevangelists, identity ofevangelism, nature ofGospel, Descriptions OfHeraldGood TidingsNeverHow Death Is InevitableMaking VowsFeet In ActionBlessings From The MountainsGod Judges The WickedFestivals ObservedCelebration

The watchmen of Nineveh shout: "An enemy who will scatter you is marching out to attack you!" "Guard the rampart! Watch the road! Prepare yourselves for battle! Muster your mighty strength!"

Verse ConceptsScattering The PeoplesUsing RoadsPreparing For Action

The shields of his warriors are dyed red; the mighty soldiers are dressed in scarlet garments. The metal fittings of the chariots shine like fire on the day of battle; the soldiers brandish their spears.

Verse ConceptsCrimsonColors, ScarletAttacking With ChariotsSparklingRed ClothesSteelColor

The sluice gates are opened; the royal palace is deluged and dissolves.

Verse ConceptsThe Act Of OpeningOpening GatesCity GatesFear Of Other Things

Nineveh was like a pool of water throughout her days, but now her people are running away; she cries out: "Stop! Stop!" -- but no one turns back.

Verse ConceptsPoolsCessationStopping StillPeoples Who FledPeople not returning

Where now is the den of the lions, the feeding place of the young lions, where the lion, lioness, and lion cub once prowled and no one disturbed them?

Verse ConceptsMotionlessnessDwellings Of CreaturesOther Dwellings Of CreaturesUndisturbed

"I am against you!" declares the Lord who commands armies: "I will burn your chariots with fire; the sword will devour your young lions; you will no longer prey upon the land; the voices of your messengers will no longer be heard."

Verse ConceptsChariotsSmokeCessationDestroying ChariotsKilling Wild AnimalsDeliverance From Lions

The chariot drivers will crack their whips; the chariot wheels will shake the ground; the chariot horses will gallop; the war chariots will bolt forward!

Verse ConceptsNoiseWheelsWhipsAttacking With ChariotsSpeedWhippingBangsRumblingAutomobilesinvesting

I am against you," declares the Lord who commands armies. "I will strip off your clothes! I will show your nakedness to the nations and your shame to the kingdoms;

Verse ConceptsNakednessGod Stripping People

You are no more secure than Thebes -- she was located on the banks of the Nile; the waters surrounded her, her rampart was the sea, the water was her wall.

Verse ConceptsThings SurroundingFigurative WallsSea Dwellers

Cush and Egypt had limitless strength; Put and the Libyans were among her allies.

Verse ConceptsGroups HelpingHer Strength

Yet she went into captivity as an exile; even her infants were smashed to pieces at the head of every street. They cast lots for her nobility; all her dignitaries were bound with chains.

Verse ConceptsCruelty, examples ofChainsNoblesPeople Cut In PiecesExiled ForeignersStriking To DeathTragedy On The StreetsChildren Suffering

All your fortifications will be like fig trees with first-ripe fruit: If they are shaken, their figs will fall into the mouth of the eater!

Verse ConceptsFortressesFig treeMouthsThings ShakingEating With MouthsThings Falling

Your warriors will be like women in your midst; the gates of your land will be wide open to your enemies; fire will consume the bars of your gates.

Verse ConceptsFeeblenessPowerlessnessEffeminacyThe Act Of OpeningOpening GatesWeak WomenLocks And BarsWomen's Strength

Draw yourselves water for a siege! Strengthen your fortifications! Trample the mud and tread the clay! Make mud bricks to strengthen your walls!

Verse ConceptsBricksClayClay, UsesDrinking WaterThe Nations Attacked

Increase your merchants more than the stars of heaven! They are like the young locust which sheds its skin and flies away.

Verse ConceptsTradeCommerceThings StrippedPeople MultiplyingThose Flying

Your courtiers are like locusts, your officials are like a swarm of locusts! They encamp in the walls on a cold day, yet when the sun rises, they fly away; and no one knows where they are.

Verse ConceptsGrasshoppersHot WeatherCold WeatherUnknown ThingsEvil Fleeing

Your shepherds are sleeping, O king of Assyria! Your officers are slumbering! Your people are scattered like sheep on the mountains and there is no one to regather them!

Verse ConceptsInadequate ShepherdingScattering The PeoplesEscaping To Mountains

Your destruction is like an incurable wound; your demise is like a fatal injury! All who hear what has happened to you will clap their hands for joy, for no one ever escaped your endless cruelty!

Verse ConceptsClappingApplauseWoundsIn One AnotherPeople Actually Doing EvilBruisesHope And Healing