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For it hath been signified unto me, concerning you, my brethren, - by them who are of the household of Chloe, - that there are strifes among you,

The Christ is divided! Was, Paul, crucified for you? Or, into the name of Paul, were ye immersed?

For it is written - I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and, the discernment of the discerning, will I set aside.

But, as for us, - not the spirit of the world, have we received, but the Spirit which is of God, - that we might know the things which, by God, have been given in favour unto us: -

For, as soon as one beginneth to say - I, indeed, am of Paul! and another - I, of Apollos! are ye not, men?

Each one's work, shall be made, manifest; for, the day, will make it plain, because, by fire, is it to be revealed, - and, each one's work, of what sort it is, the fire itself will prove: -

If, anyone's work, shall be burnt up, he shall suffer loss, but shall, himself, be saved - though, thus, as through fire.

With me, however, it counteth for the very smallest thing, that, by you, I should be examined, or by a human day. Nay! I am not even examining myself,

For, of nothing, to myself, am I conscious: nevertheless, not hereby, am I declared righteous, but, he that doth examine me, is the Lord.

But, these things, brethren, have I transferred unto myself and Apollos, for your sakes, that, in us, ye might learn the lesson - Not beyond the things that are written -- ! that ye do not puff yourselves up, individually, for this one against that.

For I think that, God, hath set forth, us the apostles, to be last of all, as men devoted to death, - in that, a spectacle, have we been made, unto the world, - both unto messengers and unto men.

For, though myriads of tutors ye should have in Christ, yet not many fathers; for, in Christ Jesus, through means of the joyful message, I, begat you.

For, I, indeed, - being absent in the body, but present in the spirit, have already judged, as present, him who, thus, this thing hath perpetrated: -

To deliver such a one as this, unto Satan, for the destruction of the flesh, - that, the spirit, may be saved in the day of the Lord.

If, then, for matters of this, life ye have judgment-seats, them who are of no account in the assembly, these, are ye seating thereupon?

But, brother with brother, sueth for judgment, and that before unbelievers?

Already, indeed, it is an utter defeat for you, that ye are having, law-suits, one with another. Wherefore are ye not rather taking wrong? Wherefore are ye not rather suffering yourselves to be defrauded?

Know ye not that, your bodies, are, members of Christ? Shall I, then, take away the members of the Christ and make them members of a harlot? Far be it!

For, he who in the Lord was called, being a bond-servant, is, a freed-man of the Lord: in like manner, he that was called being, a freeman, is Christ's bond-servant: -

I consider this, then, to be, good, in the circumstances, by reason of the existing distress, - that it is, good for a man, so, to be:

But, happier, is she, if, so, she remain, - in my judgment; for I think, I also, have the Spirit of God.

For, if indeed there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or upon earth, - as indeed there are gods many and lords many,

For, if anyone should see theewho hast knowledge, in an idol-temple, reclining, will not, his conscience, being, weak, be built up for the eating of the idol-sacrifices?

In fact, he that is weak, is being destroyed, by thy knowledge - the brother for whose sake Christ died.

Am not free? Am I not an apostle? Jesus our Lord, have I not seen? Are not, ye, my work, in the Lord?

If, unto others, I am not an apostle, certainly at least, unto you, I am; for, the seal of my apostleship, ye, are in the Lord.

For, in the law of Moses, it is written - Thou shalt not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the corn: - Is it, for the oxen, God is caring?

Or, for our sakes altogether, is he saying it? For our sakes, it was written; because, he that ploweth, ought, to plow, in hope, - and, he that thresheth, to thresh in hope of partaking.

I, however, have not used any of these things; and have not written these things, in order that, so it should be done, in my case; for it were, good for me, rather to die than - - my boast, shall, no man, make void!

For, if I be telling the glad-message, it is, with me, no matter of boasting; for, necessity, upon me, lieth, - for it is, Woe to me, if I should not be telling the glad-message;

For, if, by choice, this thing I am doing, I have, a reward; but, if not by choice, with a stewardship, have I been entrusted!

But, all things, am I doing, for the sake of the glad-message, that a joint-partaker thereof, I may become.

For I wish not ye should be ignorant, brethren, that, all our fathers, were, under the cloud, and, all, passed through the sea, -

And, all, drank, the same spiritual drink, - for they continued to drink of the spiritual rock that followed them, and, the rock, was the Christ: -

Nevertheless, with the most of them, God, was not well-pleased, for they were strewed along in the desert.

But, in these things, they became, ensamples for us, to the end we should not be covetous of evil things, even as, they, also coveted;

Whatsoever, in the market, is sold, eat, - asking no question, for conscience sake;

If one of them who believe not invite you, and ye are disposed to go, whatsoever is set before you, eat, - asking no question, for conscience sake.

But, if anyone should say unto you, - This, is, a holy sacrifice, do not eat, for that man's sake who disclosed it, and for conscience sake: -

But, conscience, I mean, not thine own, but the other's, - for why is my freedom to be judged by another's conscience?

But, every woman, praying, or prophesying, with her head, unveiled, putteth to shame her head, - for it is, one and the same, with her having been shaven.

For, if a woman doth not veil herself, let her also be shorn; but, if it were a shame in a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be veiled.

Among your own selves, judge ye, - Is it becoming for a woman, - unveiled, to be praying unto God?

But, in giving you the following charge, I praise you not, - in that, not for the better, but for the worse, ye come together.