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in the abundance of his mercy which he has lavished upon us.

He has given us perfect insight into his secret purpose and understanding of it, in following out the design he planned to carry out in Christ,

He came with the good news of peace for you who were far away and for those who were near;

This is why I, Paul, whom Jesus the Christ has made a prisoner for the sake of you heathen??2 if at least you have heard how I dealt with the mercy of God that was given me for you,

and how the secret was made known to me by revelation, as I have just briefly written.

and making clear how the secret purpose is to be worked out which has been hidden away for ages in God the creator of all things,

What does "he went up" mean, except that he had first gone down to the under parts of the earth?

In order that you also may know how I am, our dear brother Tychicus, a faithful helper in the Lord's service, will tell you all about it.

That is the very reason I am sending him, to let you know how I am, and to cheer your hearts.