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Concerning which salvation the prophets that prophesied of the grace that should be for you, did inquire, and search diligently,

For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass; the grass withers, and its flower fails away: but the word of the Lord abides forever: and this is the word which has been preached as gospel to you.

Since, then, Christ has suffered for us in the flesh, do you also arm yourselves with the same determination; for he that has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin,

For this cause, indeed, even those who have died had the gospel preached to them, that though they might be judged according to the will of men in the flesh, yet they might live according to the will of God in the spirit.

for no one of you should suffer as a murderer, or a thief, or an evil-doer, or as a busybody in other men's matters.