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The son of forty years, the man of shame, son of Saul, in his reigning over Israel; and two years he reigned: but the house of Judah was after David

And he will say, Good; I will cut out with thee a covenant: but one word I ask from thee, saying, Thou shalt not see my face if before thy bringing Michal, Saul's daughter, in thy coming to see my face.

And the sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, Rechab and Baanah, will go, and they will come about the heat of the day to the house of the man of shame; and he lay down upon the bed at noon.

And they will come to the house, and he will lie upon his couch in his bed-chamber, and they will strike him and kill him, and take away his head, and they will take his head and go the way of the sterile region all night

Much more when wicked men killed a just man in his house upon his bed; and now shall I not seek out his blood from your hand and take you away from the earth?

And he will smite Moab, and measure them with a cord, laying them down upon the earth; and he will measure with two cords to put to death, and a full cord to save alive. And Moab will be to David for servants, lifting up gifts.

And David will put garrisons in Aram of Damascus: and Aram will be to David for servants, lifting up gifts. And Jehovah saved David in all which he went

And from Betah and from Berothai, cities of Hadadezer, king David took exceeding much brass.

And he will put garrisons in Edom; in all Edom he put garrisons, and all Edom will be servants to David. And Jehovah will save David in all which he went

And it will be at the time of the evening, and David will rise from off his bed, and will go upon the roof of the king's house: and he will see from the roof a woman washing herself; and the woman good of aspect exceedingly.

And David will call for him, and he will eat before him and drink; and he will make him drunk: and he will go forth in the evening to lie upon his bed with the servants of his lord; and he will not go down to his house.

And the people which were in it he brought forth, and he will put at the saw and at the threshing-sledge of iron, and at axes of iron, and caused them to pass over through the brick-kiln: and thus he will do to all the cities of the sons of Ammon. And David will turn back, and all the people, to Jerusalem.

And Jonadab will say to him, Lie upon thy bed and be sick, and thy father coming to see thee, and say to him, Now my sister Tamar shall come and give me to eat bread and make the food before mine eyes, so that I shall see and eat from her hand.

And Tamar will take ashes upon her head, and she rent the tunic reaching to the feet which was upon her, and she will put her hand upon her head and will go, going and crying.

And Joab will send to Tekoah and take from thence a wise woman, and he will say to her, Thou shalt mourn, and put on now garments of mourning, and thou shalt not be anointed with oil, and be thou as a woman this many days mourning for the dead:

And come to the king and speak to him according to this word. And Joab will put words in her mouth.

And the king will say, The hand of Joab with thee in all this? And the woman will answer and say, Thy soul living, my lord the king, if there is to the right or to the left from all which my lord the king spake: for thy servant Joab he commanded me, and he put in the mouth of thy servant all these words.

And David will review the people which are with him, and he will put over them captains of thousands, and captains of hundreds.

And the people will say, Thou shalt not go forth, for if fleeing, we shall flee, they will not set the heart to us; and if half of us shall die they will not set the heart to us: but now like us ten thousand: and now it is good that thou shalt be to us from the city for help.

And they will take Absalom and cast him in the forest into a great pit, and they will set upon him a very great heap of stones: and all Israel fled each to his tent.

And Abishai son of Zeruiah, will say, For this shall not Shimei be put to death? for he cursed Jehovah's Messiah.

And David will say, What to me, and to you, ye sons of Zeruiah, that ye shall be to me for an adversary? Shall there this day be a man put to death in Israel? Did I not know that this day I am king over Israel?

For was not all my father's house but men of death before my lord the king? and thou wilt set thy servant among those eating at thy table. And what is there to me yet of right and to cry yet to the king?

They by the great stone which is in the hill, and Amasa went before them. And Joab girded his garment being put upon him, and upon it he girded the sword being bound upon his loins in its sheath; and he going forth and it will fall.

And the king will call for the Gibeonites, and say to them; (and the Gibeonites not of the sons of Israel, but they from the remainder of the Amorites; and the sons of Israel sware to them: and Saul will seek to strike them in his jealousy for the sons of Israel and Judah.)

And the Gibeonites will say to him, Not to me silver and gold with Saul and with his house; and not for us to put a man to death in Israel. And he will say, What ye say, I will do for you.

And he will give them into the hand of the Gibeonites, and they will hang them in the mountain before Jehovah: and the seven will fall together, and they were put to death in the days of harvest in the first of the beginning of the harvest of barley.

He will send arrows and scatter them lightning, and put them in commotion.

And I will rub them as the dust of the earth: As the mire of the streets I will stamp them, I will beat them:

And the king will say to Araunah, Nay, but buying, I will buy of thee at a price; and I will not bring up to Jehovah my God a burnt-offering gratuitously. And David will buy the threshing-floor and the oxen for the silver of fifty shekels.