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And Jesse begat David the King. And David begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Uriah;

But, when, these things, he had pondered, lo! a messenger of the Lord, by dream, appeared to him, saying, - Joseph, son of David! do not fear to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for, that which, in her, hath been begotten, is of the , Holy, Spirit.

But, all this, hath come to pass, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord, through the prophet, saying:

and sending them to Bethlehem, said - Go search out accurately concerning the child, - and, as soon as ye find it, bring report unto me, that, I also, may come and bow myself down to it.

Then Herod, seeing that he had been mocked by the wise men, was exceedingly enraged, - and sent and slew all the male children that were in Bethlehem, and in all its bounds, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had ascertained from the wise men.

Then was fulfilled, that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet, saying:

Hearing, however, that, Archelaus, was reigning over Judaea instead of his father Herod, he was afraid, thither, to go, - and so, being instructed by dream, he retired into the parts of Galilee;

and came and fixed his dwelling in a city called Nazareth, - that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophets - A Nazarene, shall he be called.

and think not to be saying within yourselves, - As our father, we have, Abraham; for, I say unto you, that God is able, out of these stones, to raise up children unto Abraham.

And, hearing that, John, had been delivered up, he retired into Galilee;

Neither light they a lamp, and place it under the measure; but upon the lampstand, and it giveth light to all that are in the house.

Ye have heard, that it was said, to them of olden time, - Thou shalt not commit murder, and, whosoever shall commit murder, shall be, liable, to judgment.

If, therefore, thou be bearing thy gift towards the altar, and, there, shouldst remember that, thy brother, hath aught against thee,

And, if, thy right hand, is causing thee to stumble, cut it off, and cast it from thee, - for it profiteth thee, that, one of thy members, should perish, and not, thy whole body, into gehenna, depart.

Again, ye have heard that it was said, to them of olden time, Thou shalt not swear falsely, - but shalt render unto the Lord, thine oaths.

Ye have heard, that it was said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.

And, if ye salute your brethren only, what, more than common, are ye doing? are not, even the nations, the same thing, doing?

And, when ye may be praying, ye shall not be as the hypocrites, because they love, in the synagogues, and at the corners of the broad ways, to take their stand and pray, that they may shine before men; Verily, I say unto you, they are getting back their reward.

And, being at prayer, use not vain repetitions, just like the nations, - for they think, that, in their much speaking, they shall be hoard;

And, when ye may he fasting, become not ye, as the hypocrites, of sullen countenance, - for they darken their looks, that they may appear, unto men, to be fasting: Verily, I say unto you, they are getting back their reward.

that thou do not appear, unto men, to be fasting, but to thy Father who is in secret, - and, thy Father who seeth in secret, will reward thee.

For, whosoever asketh, receiveth, and, he that seeketh, findeth, - and, to him that knocketh, shall it be opened.

Enter ye in at, the narrow gate; because broad and roomy is the way that leadeth unto destruction, - and, many, are they who enter thereby:

Many, will say unto me, in, that, day, Lord! Lord! did we not, in thy name, prophesy, and, in thy name, cast, demons, out, - and, in thy name, many works of power, perform?

And the rain descended, and the streams came, and the winds blew, and rushed against that house, and it fell not; for it had been founded upon the rock.

And the rain descended, and the streams came, and the winds blew, and dashed against that house, and it fell; and, the fall thereof, was, great.

But the centurion, answering, said, Lord! I am of no consideration, that, under my roof, thou shouldest enter, - but, only say with a word, and healed shall be my servant.

Now Jesus, hearing, marveled, and said to them that followed, - Verily, I say unto you, With no one in Israel, such faith as this, have I found.

And Jesus said unto the centurion, Withdraw! and, as thou hast believed, be it done for thee. And healed was the servant in that hour.

And 1o! a great squall, arose in the sea, so that, the boat, was being covered, by the waves, - but, he, was sleeping.

And, when he, came, unto the other side, into the country of the Gadarenes, there met him, two men demonized, out of the tombs, coming forth, - fierce exceedingly, so that no one could pass that way;

And lo! all the city, came out to meet Jesus, - and, seeing him, they besought that he would pass on from their bounds.

But, that ye may know, that the Son of Man hath, authority, upon the earth, to be forgiving sins, then, saith he to the paralytic, - Rise! take up thy couch, and withdraw unto thy house.

And it came to pass, as he was reclining in the house, that 1o! many tax-collectors and sinners, came, and were reclining together with Jesus and his disciples.

And forth went this report, into the whole of that land.

And, when he entered the house, the blind men came unto him, - and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye, that I can, do this? They say unto him, Yea, Lord!

They, however, going forth, made him known throughout the whole of that land.

Beg ye, therefore, of the Lord of the harvest, - That he would thrust forth labourers, into his harvest.

Verily, I say unto you, - More tolerable, will it be, for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for, that, city!

Sufficient for the disciple, that he become, as his teacher, and, the servant, as, his lord. If, the master of the house, Beelzebul, they called, how much more, the men of his house!

He that giveth welcome unto a prophet, in the name of a prophet, the reward of a prophet, shall receive; and, he that giveth welcome unto a righteous man, in the name of a righteous man, the reward of a righteous man, shall receive; -

But why went ye forth? A prophet, to see? Yea, I say unto you, and much more than a prophet.

Verily, I say unto you - There hath not arisen, among such as are born of women, a greater than John the Immerser, - yet, he that is less in the kingdom of the heavens, is, greater than he.

Moreover, I say unto you, For Tyre and Zidon, more tolerable, will it be, in the day of judgment, than for you.

And, thou, Capernaum! Unto heaven, shalt thou be uplifted? Unto hades, thou shall be brought down; because, if, in Sodom, had been done the works of power, which were done in thee, it would, in that case, have remained until this day.

Moreover, I say unto you - For the land of Sodom, more tolerable, will it be in a day of judgment, than, for thee.

Yea, O Father! That, so, it hath become, a delight, before thee.

In that season, went Jesus, on, the sabbath, through the cornfields, - and, his disciples, hungered, and began to pluck ears of corn, and to eat.

Or have ye not read, in the law, that, on the sabbaths, the priests, in the temple, the sabbath, profane, and are, blameless?

But I say unto you, - Something greater than the Temple, is here!

and lo! a man having, a withered hand, and they questioned him, saying, Is it allowable, on the sabbath, to heal? that they might accuse him.