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For the word of the Lord has resounded from you and has echoed [like thunder], not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but in every place [the news of] your [great] faith in God has spread, so that we never need to say anything about it.

Verse ConceptsCommunicationThe Gospel PreachedWithout SpeechBelief In GodSpreading The GospelFaith In God

For they themselves report about us, telling what kind of reception we had among you, and how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God,

Verse Conceptsdiscipleship, nature ofServing JesusGod, Living And Self sustainingHonestyRepentance, Nature OfSin, Accepting Forgiveness OfTurning To GodWelcoming BelieversIdolatryAvoiding Idolatry

For you know, brothers and sisters, that our coming to you has not been ineffective (fruitless, in vain),

Verse ConceptsVisitingPeople VisitingUseless Labour

For our appeal does not come from delusion or impure motives, nor [is it motivated] by deceit [our message is complete, accurate, and based on the truth—it does not change].

Verse ConceptsMinisters, Way They Should TeachAvoiding Deceitmotives

For as you well know, we never came with words of flattery nor with a pretext for greed—God is our witness—

Verse ConceptsCoveting, prohibition ofCloaksGreed, Believers' Response ToAppealing To GodThe Witness Of GodCovetousnessGreedmotives

For you know how we were exhorting and encouraging and imploring each one of you just as a father does [in dealing with] his own children, [guiding you]

Verse ConceptsSpiritual FathersPeople Encouraging OthersFathers Loving CareEncouragementencouraginguplifting

And we also thank God continually for this, that when you received the word of God [concerning salvation] which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of [mere] men, but as it truly is, the word of God, which is effectually at work in you who believe [exercising its inherent, supernatural power in those of faith].

Verse ConceptsHearingPreaching, Effects OfResponseThe Authority Of ScriptureSpeech, DivineThanksgiving, OfferedReceiving God's WordThose Who Had FaithMan's TeachingWe Thank GodGod's Work In UsAcceptanceThe Word Of GodBelieving In Yourself

For you, brothers and sisters, became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea, because you too suffered the same [kind of] persecution from your own countrymen, as they did from the Jews,

Verse ConceptsImitating OthersImitatingTeachingImitating Good PeopleAntagonism From Jew And Gentile

But since we were taken away from you, believers, for a little while—in person, but not in heart—we endeavored, with great longing to see you face to face.

Verse ConceptsBeing Earnest For The ChurcheagernessSpiritual DesiresAbsenceContact With PeopleRight Desireseffort

Therefore, when we could no longer endure our separation [from you], we thought it best to be left behind, alone at Athens,

Verse ConceptsIsolated PersonsPeople Abandoning People

so that no one would be unsettled by these difficulties [to which I have referred]. For you know that we have been destined for this [as something unavoidable in our position].

Verse ConceptsAfflictions, In Christian LivingDestinyAfflictions Of MinistersGod Appointed AfflictionsChrist's Disciples Will SufferAfflictionstrails

For even when we were with you, we warned you plainly in advance that we were going to experience persecution; and so, as you know, it has come to pass.

Verse ConceptsPersecution, Nature OfDistressPredicting The FutureChrist's Disciples Will Suffer

For this reason, when I could no longer endure the suspense, I sent someone to find out about your faith [how you were holding up under pressure], for fear that somehow the tempter had tempted you and our work [among you] would prove to be ineffective.

Verse ConceptsdefeatLabor, Spiritual Aspects OfSatan, As TempterSin, Causes OfSpiritual VitalitySpiritual Warfare, Enemies InTemptation, Sources OfNames And Titles For SatanUseless LabourBeing TemptedThose Who Had FaithThe Devil Tempting PeopleResisting Temptationuncertainty

for this reason, brothers and sisters, during all our distress and suffering we have been comforted and greatly encouraged about you because of your faith [your unwavering trust in God—placing yourselves completely in His loving hands];

Verse Conceptsencouragement, examples ofGospel, Responses ToDistressComfort In AfflictionChrist's Disciples Will SufferThose Who Had Faithreassurance

For what [adequate] thanks can we offer to God for you in return for all the joy and delight we have before our God on your account?

Verse ConceptsAppreciationHappinessJoy, Of The ChurchThanking God For PeopleThank YouBeing GratefulThanksgiving And Gratitude

For you know what commandments and precepts we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in NTApostles, Authority In ChurchChrist's Orders

and that [in this matter of sexual misconduct] no man shall transgress and defraud his brother because the Lord is the avenger in all these things, just as we have told you before and solemnly warned you.

Verse ConceptsCheatingInjustice, Hated By GodManipulationPunishment, Nature OfSin, God's Judgment OnDo Not StealBusinessInfidelitySexual Puritycheaters

Now concerning brotherly love, you have no need for anyone to write you, for you have been [personally] taught by God to love one another [that is, to have an unselfish concern for others and to do things for their benefit].

Verse ConceptsIncreaseBrotherly KindnessCommitment, to God's peopleLearning From GodAttitudes, to other peopleLove, For One AnotherCharacter Of SaintsLoving OthersLove To OthersBrotherly LoveGod TeachingNot WritingLoving One AnotherBrothers Love

For we say this to you by the Lord’s [own] word, that we who are still alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will in no way precede [into His presence] those [believers] who have fallen asleep [in death].

Verse ConceptsPeople Going BeforeDeath Of God's PeopleLiving OnThe Timing Of His ComingThe Rapture

Now as to the times and dates, brothers and sisters, you have no need for anything to be written to you.

Verse ConceptsNot WritingMan's NeedsEncouraging One AnotherSigns Of The End Times

For you yourselves know perfectly well that the day of the [return of the] Lord is coming just as a thief [comes unexpectedly and suddenly] in the night.

Verse ConceptsDays, Description OfThe Final Days Of TimeLast DaysLordship, Human And DivineStealingUrgencyThe Time UnknownThe Lord As A ThiefA New DayThe Second ComingThe Rapturethieves

While they are saying, “Peace and safety [all is well and secure!]” then [in a moment unforeseen] destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains on a woman with child, and they will absolutely not escape [for there will be no way to escape the judgment of the Lord].

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceDestructionPeace, Human Search ForPregnancyPunishment, By GodSecurityThe Insecurity Of The WickedSudden DestructionUnreadinessLabour PainsNo EscapeNo PeacePeace And SafetyPeacePeace And ComfortTragedydistractionsrumors

But you, believers, [all you who believe in Christ as Savior and acknowledge Him as God’s Son] are not in spiritual darkness [nor held by its power], that the day [of judgment] would overtake you [by surprise] like a thief;

Verse ConceptsComing Out Of DarknessThe Time UnknownThe Lord As A ThiefSpiritual Darknesssurprises

who died [willingly] for us, so that whether we are awake (alive) or asleep (dead) [at Christ’s appearing], we will live together with Him [sharing eternal life].

Verse ConceptsDeath, Of Believerseternal life, nature ofSubstitutionUnselfishnessLife With ChristThe Effect Of Christ's Death