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The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high, who says in his heart, 'Who will bring me down to the ground?'

Though you mount on high as the eagle, and though your nest is set among the stars, I will bring you down from there," says Yahweh.

How Esau will be ransacked! How his hidden treasures are sought out!

Your mighty men, Teman, will be dismayed, to the end that everyone may be cut off from the mountain of Esau by slaughter.

For the violence done to your brother Jacob, shame will cover you, and you will be cut off forever.

For the day of Yahweh is near all the nations! As you have done, it will be done to you. Your deeds will return upon your own head.

For as you have drunk on my holy mountain, so will all the nations drink continually. Yes, they will drink, swallow down, and will be as though they had not been.

But in Mount Zion, there will be those who escape, and it will be holy. The house of Jacob will possess their possessions.

The house of Jacob will be a fire, the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble. They will burn among them, and devour them. There will not be any remaining to the house of Esau." Indeed, Yahweh has spoken.

Those of the South will possess the mountain of Esau, and those of the lowland, the Philistines. They will possess the field of Ephraim, and the field of Samaria. Benjamin will possess Gilead.

The captives of this army of the children of Israel, who are among the Canaanites, will possess even to Zarephath; and the captives of Jerusalem, who are in Sepharad, will possess the cities of the Negev.

Saviors will go up on Mount Zion to judge the mountains of Esau, and the kingdom will be Yahweh's.