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By so much becoming superior to the messengers, by as much as, going beyond them, he hath inherited a more distinguished name.

They, shall perish, but, thou, abidest still, and, all, as a mantle, shall be worn out,

And, as if a robe, wilt thou fold them up, - as a mantle, and they shall be changed; but, thou, art the same, and thy years shall not fail.

For this cause, it behoveth us, with unwonted firmness, to be holding fast unto the things that have been heard, lest, at any time, we drift away.

how shall, we, escape, if, so great a salvation as this, we have neglected, - which, indeed, having received, a beginning, of being spoken through the Lord, by them who heard, unto us was confirmed,

and again - I, will be confident upon him; and again - Lo! I, and the children which, unto me, God, hath given.

For, of more glory than Moses, hath, this one been counted worthy - by as much as more honour than, the house, hath, he that prepared it;

For, every house, is prepared by someone, - but, he that hath prepared all things, is, God.

When your fathers tested by proving, and saw my works forty years.

But, with whom, was be sore vexed forty years? Was it not with them who sinned, whose dead bodies fell in the desert?

Let us therefore fear, lest at any time, although there is left behind a promise of entering into his rest, - any one from amongst you should be deemed, to have come short;

For we have had delivered to us the joyful message, just as even, they; but the word which was heard did not profit them, they not having been blended, by faith, with the things heard.

Seeing, therefore, that it is left over for, some, to enter into it, and, they who formerly had delivered to them the joyful message, entered not in by reason of obstinacy, -

For, every high-priest who from among men is taken, on behalf of men, is appointed, as to the things pertaining unto God, that he may be offering bothgifts and sacrifices for sins, -

And, for this cause, is he obliged - as for the people, so also, for himself, - to be offering for sins;

Who, in the days of his flesh, having offered up, both supplications and entreaties unto him that was able to save him out of death, with mighty outcries and tears, and been hearkened to by reason of his devoutness,

Being addressed by God as high-priest - according to the rank of Melchizedek.

For, even when ye ought to be teachers, by reason of the time, again, have ye, need, that one be teaching, you, what are the first principles of the oracles of God, and have become such as have, need, of milk, not, of strong food;

And have tasted God's utterance to be, sweet, mighty works also of a coming age,

And who have fallen away, again, to be remoulding them into repentance; seeing they are again crucifying unto themselves the Son of God, and holding him up as an example.

But, should it be bringing forth thorns and briars, it is disapproved, and, unto cursing, nigh, - whose end is for burning.

For, when to Abraham God made promise, seeing he had no one greater by whom to swear, He sware, by himself, -

For, men, by the greater one, swear, and, with them, an end of all gainsaying by way of confirmation is, the oath:

But, apart from all gainsaying, the less, by the greater, is blessed.

If indeed, therefore, there had been, a perfecting through means of the Levitical priesthood, - for, the people, thereon, have had based a code of laws, what further need, according to the rank of Melchizedek, for a different priest to be raised up, and, not according to the rank of Aaron, to be designated?

For, seeing there is to be a change of the priesthood, of necessity, of law too, a change cometh.

And, yet more abundantly evident it is - that, according to the likeness of Melchizedek, there is to be raised up, a different priest.

For, a setting aside, doth, indeed, take place, of a foregoing commandment, by reason of its own weakness and unprofitableness, -

By as much as this, hath, Jesus, become surety of a better covenant also.

And, they, indeed, in greater numbers, have been made priests, because, by reason of death, are they hindered from remaining at hand;

But, he, by reason of his remaining age-abidingly, untransmissible, holdeth, the priesthood.

Who hath no daily necessity, like the high-priests, beforehand, over his own sins, to be offering sacrifices, after that, over those, of the people, - for, this, he did once for all when, himself, he offered up.

But, now, hath he attained unto, a more distinguished public ministry, - by as much as of a better covenant also he is, mediator, which indeed, upon better promises, hath been legislated.

Not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers, in the day when I took them by their hand, to lead them forth out of the land of Egypt, - because, they, abode not in my covenant, and, I, disregarded them, saith the Lord.

But, over-above it, Cherubim of glory overshadowing the propitiatory: - concerning which things, it is not now needful to be speaking, particularly.

But, when Christ approached, as high-priest of the coming good things, through the greater and more perfect tent, not made by hand, that is, not of this creation, -

For, when every commandment according to the law had been spoken by Moses unto all the people, taking the blood of the calves and the goats, with water and scarlet wool and hyssop, both, the scroll itself, and all the people, he sprinkled;

It was indeed therefore necessary for the glimpses of the things in the heavens with these to be purified; but, the heavenly things themselves, with better sacrifices than these.

For, not into a Holy place made by hand, entered Christ, - counterpart of the real Holy place ; but, into the heaven itself, now, to be plainly manifested before the face of God in our behalf; -

Nor yet that, ofttimes, he should be offering himself, - just as the high-priest entereth into the Holy place, year by year, with alien blood; -

Else would they not, in that case, have ceased being offered, by reason of those rendering the divine service having no further conscience at all of sins, being once for all purified?

But, in them, is a recalling to mind of sins, year by year,

He also saith - of their sins, and of their lawlessnesses, I will in nowise be mindful any more.

For, if, by choice, we be sinning, after the receiving of the full-knowledge of the truth, no longer, for sins, is there left over, a sacrifice,

By faith, a fuller sacrifice, did Abel, offer unto God, than Cain, - through which, he received witness that he was righteous, there being a witnessing upon his gifts, by God; and, through it, though he died, he yet is speaking.

By faith, Enoch was translated, so as not to see death, and was not found, because that, God, had translated him; for, before the translation, he had received witness that he had become well-pleasing unto God; -

By faith, being called, Abraham obeyed - to come forth into a place he was destined to receive for an inheritance; and he came forth, not well knowing whither he was coming.

By faith, he sojourned in the land of promise, as a foreign land, in tents, dwelling, along with Isaac and Jacob, the joint-heirs of the same promise;

Wherefore, even from one, were born, and, as to these things, one who had become dead, - like the stars of the heaven, for multitude, and as the sand that is by the lip of the sea, that cannot be numbered.

Even him of whom it had been said - In Isaac, shall there be called to thee, a seed:

By faith, Joseph, when drawing to his end - concerning the exodus of the sons of Israel, called to remembrance, and, concerning his bones, gave commandment.

By faith, he hath kept the passover and the besmearing of the blood, lest, he that was destroying the first-born, should be touching them.

By faith, they passed through the Red Sea, as over dry land, - which the Egyptians, seizing an attempt to do, were swallowed up.

By faith, the walls of Jericho, fell, having been surrounded for seven days.