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Let a Brother in humble circumstances be proud of his exalted position, but a rich Brother of his humiliation;

But he who looks carefully into the perfect Law, the Law of Freedom, and continues to do so, not listening to it and then forgetting it, but putting it into practice--that man will be blessed in what he does.

And you are deferential to the man who is wearing grand clothes, and say--"There is a good seat for you here," but to the poor man--"You must stand; or sit down there by my footstool,"

But, if you worship rank, you commit a sin, and stand convicted by that same law of being offenders against it.

For a man who has laid the Law, as a whole, to heart, but has failed in one particular, is liable for breaking all its provisions.

He who said 'Thou shalt not commit adultery' also said 'Thou shalt not murder.' If, then, you commit murder but not adultery, you are still an offender against the Law.

When we put bits into horses' mouths, to make them obey us, we control the rest of their bodies so.

And the tongue is like a spark. Among the members of our body it proves itself a very world of mischief; it contaminates the whole body; it sets the wheels of life on fire, and is itself set on fire by the flames of the Pit.

Does a spring give both good and bad water from the same source?

But, while you harbor envy and bitterness and a spirit of rivalry in your hearts, do not boast or lie to the detriment of the Truth.

Do not disparage one another, Brothers. He who disparages his Brother, or passes judgment on his Brother, disparages the Law and passes judgment on the Law. But, if you pass judgment on the Law, you are not obeying it, but judging it.

But, as it is, you are constantly boasting presumptuously! All such boasting is wicked.