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And it will be in the thirtieth year, in the fourth, in the fifth to the month, and I in the midst of the captivity by the river Chebar, the heavens were opened and I shall see visions of God.

The word of Jehovah being, was to Jehezhel, son of Buzi, the priest, in the land of the Chaldean by the river Chebar; and the hand of Jehovah will be there upon him.

And they will go each over against his face; to where the spirit will be there to go, they will go; they will not turn in their going.

And I shall see the living creatures, and behold, one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, to his four faces.

The appearance of the wheels and their works as the appearance of topaz: and one likeness to these four: and their appearance and their works as a wheel will be in the midst of the wheel.

And in the going of the living creatures, the wheels will go by them: and in the lifting up of the living creatures from the earth the wheels will be lifted up.

To where the spirit will be there to go they will go, there the spirit to go; and the wheels will be lifted up with them: for the spirit of life in the wheels.

In their going, they will go: and in their standing, they will stand; and in their being lifted up from the earth the wheels will be lifted up with them: for the spirit of life in the wheels.

And a voice will be from above to the expansion which was over their head; in their standing their wings will slacken.

As the appearance of the bow which will be in the cloud in the day of rain, so the appearance of the shining round about This the appearance of the likeness of the glory of Jehovah. And I shall see it and I shall fall upon my face, and I shall hear the voice of him speaking.

And thou son of man, thou shalt not be afraid of them, and thou shalt not be afraid of their words, if rebels and thorns with thee, and thou art dwelling with scorpions: thou shalt not be afraid of their words, and thou shalt not be terrified from their face, for they a house of contradiction.

And thou son of man, hear what I speak to thee: Thou shalt not be contradiction as the house of contradiction: open thy mouth and eat what I give to thee.

And he will say to me, Son of man, thou shalt cause thy belly to eat, and thou shalt fill thy bowels with this roll which I give to thee. And eating it, it will be in my mouth as honey for sweetness.

As the diamond strong above the rock I gave thy forehead: thou shalt not fear them, and thou shalt not be terrified from their face, for they are a house of contradiction.

And the spirit will lift me up, and I shall hear behind me a voice of a great shaking: Praised be the glory of Jehovah from his place.

And it will be from the end of seven days, and the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

And in the just turning back from his justice and doing evil, and I gave a stumbling-block before his face, he shall die: for thou didst not admonish him, in his sins he shall die, and his justice shall not be remembered which he did; and his blood will I seek from thy hand.

And the hand of Jehovah will be there upon me; and he will say to me, Arise, go forth to the valley, and there I will speak with thee

And I shall arise and go forth to the valley: and behold there the glory of Jehovah stood as the glory which saw by the river Chebar: and I shall fall upon my face.

And the spirit will come into me, and will cause me to stand upon my feet, and will speak with me, and my to me, Come in and be shut up in the midst of thy house.

And will cause thy tongue to cleave to thy palate, and thou wert dumb, and thou shalt not be to them for a man reproving: for they are a house of contradiction.

An thy food which thou shalt eat by weight, twenty shekels for a day: from time even to time shalt thou eat it.

And water by measure shalt thou drink, the sixth of the bin: from time even to time shalt thou drink.

And thou shalt eat it cakes of barley, and it shall be baked with dung coming forth of man, before their eyes.

And he will say to me, Son of man, behold me breaking the staff of bread in Jerusalem: and they ate bread by weight and with fear; and they shall drink water by measure, and with astonishment

A third of thee in death shall die, and with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of thee: and a third shall fall by the sword round about thee; and the third I will scatter to every wind, and I will draw out the sword after them.

And I will give thee for a waste, and for a reproach among the nations which are round about thee, before the eyes of all passing by.

In all your dwellings the cities shalt be laid waste, and the heights shall be made desolate; so that your altars shall be laid waste and destroyed, and your blocks were broken and ceased, and your images were cut down, and your works were wiped away.

Thus said the Lord Jehovah: Strike with thy hand and stamp with thy foot, and say, Alas, for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel! for they shall fall by the famine and by the sword and by death.

He being far off, in death shall he die; and he being near shall fall by the sword; and he remaining and he being besieged shall die by famine: and I finished my wrath upon them.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

And mine eye shall not spare upon thee, and I will not pity: for I will give thy ways upon thee, and thine abominations shall be in the midst of thee: and ye knew that I am Jehovah.

And mine eye shall not spare, and I will not pity: I will give upon thee according to thy ways, and thine abominations, they shall be in the midst of thee; and ye knew that I am Jehovah striking.

For he selling shall not turn back to the sale, and it was in their yet living: for the vision for all her multitude; it shall not turn back, and a man shall not be strengthened in his iniquity of his life.

The sword without, and the death and the famine from within: who is in the field shall die by the sword; and who is in the city, the famine and death shall consume him.

They will cast their silver into the streets, and their gold shall be for uncleanness: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the outpouring of Jehovah: they shall not satisfy their souls, and they shall not fill their bowels: for it was the stumbling-block of their iniquity.

And ruin upon ruin shall come, and report shall be to report; and they sought a vision from the prophet; and law shall perish from the priest, and counsel from the old men.

And he sent forth the likeness of a hand, and he took me by a lock of my head; and the spirit lifted me up between the earth and between the heavens, and it brought me to Jerusalem in the visions of God, to the door of the gate within, looking to the north; where was there the seat of the image of jealousy possessing

And behold, six men coming from the way of the highest gate which looking to the north, and each a weapon of smiting in pieces in his hand; and one man in the midst of them clothed with linen, an inkhorn of the scribe upon his loins: and they will come and stand by the altar of brass.

And it will be as they were striking them, and I being left, and I shall fall upon my face, and I shall cry, and saying, Ah, Lord Jehovah! destroyest thou all the remnant of Israel in thy pouring forth thy wrath upon Jerusalem?

And he will say to me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah, great exceedingly, and the land will be filled with blood and the city being filled with wresting: for they said, Jehovah forsook the land, and Jehovah saw not

And the glory of Jehovah will rise from off the cherub over the threshold of the house, and the house will be filled with the cloud, and the enclosure was filled with the shining of the glory of Jehovah.

And it will be in his commanding the man clothed with linen, saying, Take the fire from between the wheel from between the cherubs; and he will go in and stand by the wheel.

And there will be seen to the cherubs the form of a man's hand under their wings.

And I shall see, and behold, the four wheels by the cherubs, one wheel by the one cherub, and one wheel by the one cherub: and the vision of the wheels as the eye of a stone of topaz.

And their appearances one likeness to them four, as the wheel will be in the midst of the wheel.

And the cherubs will be lifted up. This the living creature which I saw by the river Chebar.

And in the going of the cherubs, the wheels by them will go: and in the lifting up of the cherubs their wings to rise up from the earth, the wheels they also from beside them will not turn.

This the living creature I saw under the God of Israel by the river Chebar; and I shall know that they are the cherubs.

By the sword shall ye fall upon the bound of Israel; I will judge you and ye shall know that I am Jehovah.

This shall not be to you for a pot, and ye shall not be in the midst of her for flesh; upon the bound of Israel will I judge you.

And it will be as I prophesied, and Pelatiah son of Benaiah, died. And I shall fall upon my face and cry with a great voice, and saying, Ah. Lord Jehovah, thou makest a completion with the remnant of Israel.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

For this, say, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: If I put them far off among the nations, and if I scattered them in the lands, and I will be to them for a little holy place in the lands where they went there.

That they shall walk in my laws, and they shall watch my judgments and do them, and they were to me for a people and I shall be to them for God.

And the spirit lifted me up, and it will bring me to Chaldea to the captivity, in a vision by the spirit of God. And the vision which I saw will go up from me.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

And thou Son of man, make to thee vessels of captivity and emigrate by day before their eyes; and emigrating from thy place to another place before their eyes; perhaps they will see if they are a house of contradiction.

And bring forth thy vessels as vessels of captivity by day, before their eyes: and thou shalt go forth in the evening before their eyes, as the goings forth of captivity.

Before their eyes break through to thee in the wall, and bring forth by it

And I shall do thus as I was commanded: I brought forth the vessels as vessels of captivity by day, and in the evening I broke through for me in the wall with the hand; in the thick darkness I brought forth, upon the shoulder I lifted up before their eyes.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me in the morning, saying,

Say, I am your wonder: as I did, so it shall be done to them: by emigrating, they shall go into captivity.

And the prince which is in the midst of them shall lift up upon the shoulder in thick darkness, and go forth: they shall break through into the wall to bring forth by it: he shall cover his face so that be shall not see the earth with the eye.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

And say to the people of the land, Thus said the Lord Jehovah to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to the land of Israel: they shall eat their bread with dread, and they shall drink their waters with astonishment, that her land shall be laid waste from her fulness from the violence of all dwelling in her.

And the cities being inhabited shall be laid waste, and the land shall be a desolation; and they knew that I am Jehovah.

Son of man, what this parable to you upon the land of Israel, saying, The days will be prolonged and every vision perished?

For I am Jehovah: I will speak, what word I will speak and it shall be done; it shall no more be protracted: for in your days, O house of contradiction, I will speak the word, and I did it, says the Lord Jehovah.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

For this, say to them, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: No more shall my words be protracted, for I will speak the word and it shall be done, says the Lord Jehovah.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

And mine hand shall be upon the prophets seeing falsehood, and divining a lie: they shall not be in the assembly of my people, and they shall not be written in the writing of the house of Israel, and to the land of Israel they shall not come in; and ye knew that I am the Lord Jehovah.

And behold, the wall fell; shall it not be said to you, Where the plastering which ye plastered?

For this, thus said the Lord Jehovah: I rent a spirit of storms in my wrath; and there shall be a violent shower overflowing in mine anger, and stones of hail in my wrath to finish.

Ye will profane me to my people for handfuls of barley and for morsels of bread, to kill the souls which shall not die, and to preserve alive the souls which shall not live, by your falsehood to my people hearing the falsehood?

And I rent your cushions and I delivered my people from your hand, and they shall no more be in your hand for being laid in wait for; and ye knew that I am Jehovah.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

Son of man, these men brought up their blocks upon their heart, and they gave the stumbling-block of their iniquity before their face: shall I be sought out, shall I be sought oat for them?

So that taking the house of Israel in their heart, which were all of them separated from me by their blocks.

And if the prophet shall be deceived, and he spake a word, I Jehovah deceived that prophet, and I stretched forth my hand upon him, and I destroyed him from the midst of my people Israel.

And they bare their iniquity; as the iniquity of him seeking so shall be the iniquity of the prophet;

So that the house of Israel shall no more wander from after me, and they shall no more be defiled with all their transgressions; and they were to me for a people, and I will be to them for God, says the Lord Jehovah.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

And were these three men in its midst, Noah, Daniel, and Job, they by their justice shall deliver their souls, says the Lord Jehovah.

These three men in its midst, I live, says the Lord Jehovah, if sons and if daughters they shall deliver; they alone shall be delivered, and the land shall be a desolation.

And these three men in its midst, I live, says the Lord Jehovah, they shall not deliver sons and daughters, for they alone shall be delivered.

And Noah, Daniel, and Job, in its midst, I live, says the Lord Jehovah, if son if daughter they shall deliver; they by their justice shall deliver their soul.

And behold, there was left in it an escaping, sons and daughters being brought forth: behold them, they shall be brought forth to you, and ye saw their way and their doings: and ye were comforted concerning the evil which I brought upon Jerusalem, all which I brought upon her.

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

Shall wood be taken from it to do for work? or will they take from it a peg to hang upon it any vessel?

And the word of Jehovah will be to me, saying,

No eye spared upon thee to do one of these to thee, to pity upon thee; and thou wilt be east to the face of the field in loathing of thy soul in the day of bringing thee forth.

And I shall pass by thee and see thee being trodden under foot in thy bloods, and saying to thee in thy bloods, Live; and saying to thee in thy bloods, Live.

I gave thee ten thousand as the sprout of the field, and thou shalt be multiplied and enlarged, and come into ornament of ornaments: the breasts were set, and thy hair sprang up, and thou wert naked and nakedness.

And I shall pass by thee and see thee, and behold, thy time the time of loves; and I shall spread my wing over thee and cover thy nakedness: and I shall swear to thee, and come into covenant with thee, says the Lord Jehovah, and thou shalt be to me.

And thou shalt be decked with gold and silver, and thy clothing fine linen and silk, and variegation; fine flour and honey and oil thou didst eat; and thou wilt be fair, very exceedingly, and thou wilt prosper into a kingdom.