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those preach the gospel of Christ, not in sincerity, but from a principle of contention, with a view to inflame the persecution against me:

agreeably to that expectation and persuasion I have, that I shall not labour in vain; but as I always have, so I shall still glorify Christ in my body, whether it be by life or by death: for if I live, I live to Christ;

for I am not yet secure of the prize, I have not yet finish'd my course: but I press to obtain the reward, which Jesus Christ invited me to.

Now I joyfully thank the Lord, that your concern for me has at length reviv'd. not that you wanted the disposition, but only the opportunity.

and you yourselves know, O Philippians, that when I first preach'd the gospel, at my departure from Macedonia, I receiv'd no manner of assistance from any other church but yours;

not that I desire a present; but what I desire is, that the fruits of your liberality may greatly redound to your own account.