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I will gather up man and beast: I will gather up the fowls in the air and the fish in the sea, to the great decay of the wicked: and will utterly destroy the men out of the land, sayeth the LORD.

I will stretch out mine hand upon Judah, and upon all such as dwell at Jerusalem. Thus will I root out the remnant of Baal from this place, and the names of the Chemarims and priests:

And thus shall it happen in the day of the LORD's slain offering: I will visit the princes, the king's children, and all such as wear strange clothing.

In the same day also will I visit all those that tread over the threshold so proudly, which fill their lords' house with robbery and falsity.

At the same time will I seek through Jerusalem with lanterns, and visit them that continue in their dregs, and say in their hearts, "Tush, the LORD will do neither good nor evil."

I will bring the people to such vexation, that they shall go about like blind men; because they have sinned against the LORD. Their blood shall be shed as the dust, and their bodies as the mire.

Woe unto you that dwell upon the sea coast, ye murderous people: the word of the LORD shall come upon you. O Canaan, thou land of the Philistines, I will destroy thee so that there shall no man dwell in thee any more.

which will not hear, nor be reformed. Her trust is not in the LORD, neither will she hold her to her God.

But the just LORD that doth no unright, was among them, every morning showing them his law clearly, and ceased not. But the ungodly will not learn to be ashamed.

Therefore will I root out this people, and destroy their towers: yea, and make their streets so void, that no man shall go therein. Their cities shall be broken down, so that no body shall be left, nor dwell there any more.

And then will I cleanse the lips of the people, that they may every each one call upon the name of the LORD, and serve him with one shoulder.

In that time shalt thou no more be confounded, because of all thy imaginations, wherethrough thou hadst offended me: for I will take away the proud boasters of thine honour from thee, so that thou shalt no more triumph because of my holy hill.

Such as have been in heaviness, will I gather together, and take out of thy congregation: as for the shame and reproof that hath been laid upon thee, it shall be far from thee.

And lo, in that time will I destroy all those that vex thee: I will help the lame, and gather up the cast away: yea, I will get them honour and praise in all lands, where they have been put to shame.

At the same time will I bring you in, and at the same time will I gather you. I will get you a name and a good report among all people of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, sayeth the LORD.