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Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the divine appointment, and Timothy our brother, to the church of God, which is at Corinth, with all the christians throughout Achaia: favour,

Verse ConceptsChristiansApostles, DescriptionApostles, Basis Of AuthorityLettersAll Believers Are SaintsLetters To Local ChurchesWhat God's Will IsChurch Of God

and peace be to you from God our father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Verse ConceptsGrace Be To YouPeace To YouPeace And ComfortMercy And Grace

but whether I am afflicted, it is for your consolation and relief, which is effected by your perseverance, patiently enduring the same sufferings which I also undergo: or whether I am comforted, it is for your consolation and relief.

Verse ConceptsTypes Of ChristBrotherly LoveGod Will ComfortThe Gospel Of Salvation

In reality, we writ nothing to you, but what you may perceive by the reading, and I trust you ever will perceive.

Verse ConceptsLiteracyWriting LettersMaking The Message ClearReading Other Matter

as some of you have already own'd, that I am matter of joy to you, as you will be to me in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ:

Verse ConceptsLast DaysLordship, Human And DivineBrotherly LoveThe Fact Of That DayPaul's Boasting

not to call upon you as I pass into Macedonia, but in my return from thence, to be conducted by you toward Judea.

Verse ConceptsPeople Sending People

not that I would arbitrarily prescribe what you should believe, but rather encourage you to go on: for 'tis by faith you have stood.

Verse ConceptsStabilityStanding FirmLording ItWorking TogetherRespecting Authority

But I purposed in my self, I would not be the occasion of any uneasiness to you when I come again.

Verse ConceptsVisitingPeople Visiting

the punishment, which was inflicted by the community, is sufficient on this occasion.

Verse Conceptsdiscipline, divineComfort, Those In NeedDealing With Many Peoplerebuking

When an opportunity was given me by the Lord to preach the gospel of Christ, upon my arrival at Troas,

Verse Conceptsevangelists, identity ofevangelism, motivation forDoorsOpen DoorsThe Gospel PreachedOpportunity

by the one my preaching is taken as a deadly poison, to the other it is a reviving potion. and who is so sufficient for such a commission?

Verse ConceptsControlling Your ThoughtsLife And DeathBeing SavedDeath Of Loved OneDeath Of A MotherBeing LostFeeling Lostatheismothers

you are my epistle, your conversion being writ in. my heart, known and read by all men:

Verse ConceptsWritingReading Other MatterLoving EveryoneEclipseReading The Biblerecognition

shall not the ministration of the spirit be more glorious?

Verse ConceptsCovenant, the newGod, Unity Of

for if the ministration of condemnation was illustrious, the ministration of righteousness will be much more glorious.

Verse ConceptsCovenant, the newCondemnation, Causes OfCondemnation Of The WickedGod Bestowing GloryReconciliationMinistrycondemnation

if that which was only temporary was glorious, much more shall that which is permanent be glorious.

Verse ConceptsCovenant, the new

but this treasure is lodg'd in such earthen vessels as we are, that the exceeding efficacy of it may appear to be from God, and not from us.

Verse ConceptsClayPower Through GodGod, Power OfPower, HumanRiches, SpiritualTreasureSpiritual TreasuresNot MeExcellencegreatnesspot

for as long as I live I shall be exposed to death for the sake of Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest by the preservation of our mortal life.

Verse ConceptsDying With ChristSuffering For Christ's SakeLife With Christ

Having by the same spirit the same faith as David had when he said, "I believed, and therefore have I spoken:" I also believe, and therefore I speak;

Verse ConceptsSpirit, Emotional Aspects OfWitnessing, Importance OfBelievingThe Effects Of FaithSpeaking As From GodFaith KjvKeeping FaithHaving Faithspeakingbelief

tho' should I be divested of this body, I shall not even then be destitute of one.

Verse ConceptsNakednessClothed With Good ThingsNaked In Shame

we that are in this tabernacle do groan under the burden of it: not that we desire to be divested of it, but we desire to have our celestial body, that this mortal state may vanish into immortality.

Verse ConceptsCorruption Of Bodyeternal life, experience ofMortalityClothed With Good ThingsNaked In ShameLife And Death

wherefore I studiously endeavour, whether staying in it, or departing out of it, to be acceptable to him.

Verse ConceptsGoalsethics, incentives towardsPleasing GodMan's PurposesGone AwayAcceptanceAbsence

Shall I then, who know this terrible judgment of the Lord, endeavour to appease men? as for God, I am approved by him, and I trust also you are convinced of my being so approved.

Verse ConceptsConvincingevangelists, ministry ofHope, Nature OfPersuasionReverence, And ObedienceAmbassadors For ChristResponsibilityKnowing Godconsciencemotives

as for us, we give no occasion of offence, that our ministry may not be blamed:

Verse ConceptsBlamelessness, In Christian LivingOffenceDo Not HinderMinistrynegativity

I address myself to you as a parent, be not you wanting in the returns of filial respect to me.

Verse ConceptsChristians, Names OfLike ChildrenReciprocityChristians Are Called Children

but by the consolation I received from you by him, when he acquainted me with your earnest desire to see me, with your concern, and your zeal for me; which greatly increas'd my joy.

Verse ConceptsAffection, ExpressingJoy, Of The ChurchMourning In RegretRight Desires

'tis observable, even this religious sorrow which you had, what solicitude has it not wrought in you, what apologies, what indignation, what fear, what desire, what zeal, yea, what revenge! so that by your whole conduct, ye have shown your selves to be clear from guilt in this matter.

Verse ConceptsAffection, ExpressingeagernessPlea Of Innocence

my meaning is not, that you should be distress'd to relieve others, I only recommend an equality;

Verse ConceptsHelping OthersHard WorkHardshipHelping Others In Needfairnessrelaxation

that as your present sufficiency supplies their wants, their sufficiency may supply your occasions another way: and thus there will be an equality.

Verse ConceptsPeople ProvidingPlenty For The PoorSurplusAbundanceReciprocityHelping Those In NeedHelping Others In Needfairnesssales

But thanks be to God, who disposed Titus to be so industrious for you.

Verse ConceptsAffection, ExpressingThanksgiving, OfferedThank God!

with whom I have sent one of the brethren, who is not only distinguish'd among all the churches, by his preaching the gospel,

Verse ConceptsCommendation

but was chosen by the churches to accompany me with this collection; which service I undertook for the sake of Christ, and to encourage your generous design.

Verse ConceptsHonorReadinessMan Appointing

this I did, to prevent any suspicion that might be rais'd from my having the management of so great a sum:

Verse ConceptsMoney Managementcriticismaccounting

yet have I sent the brethren, that my character of you may not appear to be groundless, with respect to that part wherein I said, ye would be ready:

Verse ConceptsUseless LabourPeople Sending PeoplePaul's Boasting

for if the Macedonians should come with me, and find you unprepared, how shall I, not to say you, be ashamed for having had so little ground to boast of you?

I thought it therefore necessary to counsel the brethren to go before, and settle the management of the contribution by this previous notice, that it might have such dispatch, as shows a bountiful, and not a niggardly temper.

Verse ConceptsCovetingGenerosity, HumanResentment, Against PeoplePeople Going BeforePeople PromisingCovetousness

having this proof of you by such a supply, they will glorify God for your profess'd subjection to the gospel of Christ, and for your liberal distribution to them as well as others;

Verse ConceptsFaith, Nature OfIndividualismParticipation, In ChristPraise, Reasons ForCharacter Of SaintsGlorifying GodObeying The GospelServiceSharingThankfulness To OthersSpreading The GospelMinistry

and you will have the advantage of their earnest prayers, for the exceeding favour God has bestowed upon them by you:

Verse ConceptsGrace, Description OfThe Grace Given To MenPraying For Otherssupplication

I who am a person of a mean presence, when among you, but exert myself upon your account, when absent; I Paul intreat you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, not to let me exert that authority,

Verse ConceptsGentlenessFaultsTimidityJesus Christ, Meekness OfMeekness, Examples OfChrist's GentlenessA Bold FrontContact With PeopleGone AwayHumble PeopleIn Men's PresenceAbsenceGentleness As A Fruit Of The Spirithumbleserenitygraciousness

when I am present, which I think to exercise against some, who censure me, as if I was actuated by worldly views.

Verse ConceptsLifestylesBoldness, To PeopleLiving For The MaterialA Bold FrontIn Men's PresenceSpiritual WarfareBoldnessmotives

Do ye judge of things by the outward appearance? if any man is confident in himself, that he is Christ's, let him from himself conclude too, that as he is Christ's, even so are we.

Verse ConceptsOutward AppearanceThoughtAppearances ofperfectionism

but that I may not seem as if I would strike a terror in you by letters:

Verse ConceptsFearing Other People

I will not boast of any thing done without my province, but confine myself within that line by which God has mark'd out my bounds, and in which you are included.

Verse ConceptsPaul's BoastingBoastinglimitationsmeasurement

I don't assume to myself the credit of other men's labours in another province, but hope, that when your faith is increased, the bounds now prescribed will be enlarged by you yet farther;

Verse ConceptsFaith, Growth InHope, In GodGrowth In GracePaul's BoastingKeeping FaithHope And FaithFaith Hope And LoveGrowingHope KjvBelieving In YourselfBoastinglimitationsothersmeasurement

If I have degraded myself for your advantage by preaching the holy gospel to you gratis, is that such a trespass?

Verse ConceptsFree Of ChargeHumbling OneselfWhat Sin?Humble Yourselfpreachingordermyself

but this I do, and shall do, to make them drop their hire, who are so bent upon hire: and then indeed they will be as they pretend to be, like me.

Verse ConceptsUnceasingAlways Being ActivePersistencerecognition

therefore it is not strange if his agents are so disguised as to appear like ministers of the gospel; but their end shall be answerable to their actions.

Verse ConceptsServants Of The LorddisguisesServants Of PeoplePeople EndedRepaid For DeedsMinisterssurprises

as if I was inferior to them. but whatever they pretend to, (I must be so vain) I pretend to the like.

Verse ConceptsFoolish PeopleBeing Strongassertiveness

I might glory in being the man; but I will not glory in any thing relating to myself, unless it be my sufferings.

Verse ConceptsBoasting ExcludedPaul's BoastingIdentityBoasting

Am I become vain? 'tis you have forc'd me to it: for I ought to have been commended by you: since I am not inferior to the chiefest of the apostles, tho' in myself I am nothing.

Verse ConceptsCommendationApostles, IdentficationFalse Teachers, Examples OfFoolish PeopleRelative GreatnessFalse ApostlesOutward CompulsionPraising Specific PeopleI Am Unimportant

for in what were ye inferior to other churches, except it be that I myself was not burdensome to you? an injury I hope you will easily forgive.

Verse ConceptsPaul, Apostle To GentilesForgive One AnotherForgiving YourselfForgiving Others Who Hurt YouParents Being Wrong