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And I hated Esau, and I will set his mountains a desolation, and his inheritance for the jackals of the desert

For Edom will say, We were broken down, and we will turn back and build the wastes; thus said Jehovah of armies: They shall build and I will pull down; and calling to them, The bound of injustice, and, The people with whom Jehovah was very angry, even to forever.

And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, Jehovah will be magnified from above to the bound of Israel.

A son will honor the father, and the servant his lord; and if I a father, where mine honor? and if I their lord, where my fear? said Jehovah of armies to you, O priests despising my name. And ye said, In what did we despise thy name?

And if ye shall bring near the blind for a sacrifice, is it not evil? and if ye shall bring near the lame and the sick, is it not evil? bring A near now to thy governor; will he delight in thee, or lift up thy face? said Jehovah of armies.

And now, beseech now, the face of God, and he will be gracious to us: this was from your hand: will he lift up from you the faces? says Jehovah of armies.

Who also among you and he will shut the doors? and ye shall not make light mine altar gratuitously. Not to me delight in you, said Jehovah of armies, and I will not delight in the gift of your hand.

If ye will not hear and if ye will not set upon your heart to give honor to my name, said Jehovah of armies, and I sent a curse upon you, and I cursed your blessings, and also I cursed it for your not setting upon the heart.

My covenant was with him of life and peace; and I will give them to him fearing, and he shall fear me, and from the face of my name he was terrified.

And also I set you despised and low to all the people, according as ye watch not my way, and lift up the face against the law.

Jehovah will cut off to the man which shall do it, him waking, and him answering from the tents of Jacob, and him bringing near a gift to Jehovah of armies.

And this ye will do the second time, covering with tears the altar of Jehovah, with weepings and shrieks, from not any more looking to the gift, and to take delight from your hand.

For from the days of your fathers ye departed from my laws, and ye watched not. Turn back to me and I will turn back to you, said Jehovah of armies. And ye said, In what shall we turn back?

Will man defraud God? For ye defraud me. And ye said, In what did we defraud thee? The tenths and the offerings.

Ye are cursed with a curse: and ye defrauded me, the nation all of it

And all nations pronounced you happy, for ye shall be a land of delight, said Jehovah of armies.

Then they fearing Jehovah spake each to his neighbor, and Jehovah will attend and will hear, and write a book of remembrance before him for those fearing Jehovah, and for thinking upon his name.

And they were to me, said Jehovah of armies, for the day which I make wealth; and I spared for them as a man will spare for the son serving him.

For behold, the day coming, burning as a furnace; and all the proud and all doing injustice were straw: and the day coming burnt them, said Jehovah of armies, that it shall not leave to them root and branch.

Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, the laws and the judgments.