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And John was dressed in camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and eating locusts and wild honey;

And Jesus, having felt compassion, having stretched out the hand, touched him, and says to him, I will: be thou cleansed.

And he says to them, Know ye not this parable? and how will ye know all parables?

And the daughter of this Herodias, having come in, and danced, and pleased Herod and those reclining together at table, the king said to the little girl, Ask me whatever thou wishest, and I will give thee.

And he swore to her, That whatever thou shouldest ask, I will give thee, even to half my kingdom.

And if I loose them fasting to their house, they will be relaxed in the way: for some of them have come from far.

Salt good: but if the salt be saltless, with what will ye prepare it? Have salt in yourselves, and live in peace one with another.

And if any say to you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord has need of him; and quickly will he send him here.

And Jesus having answered, said to them, And I will ask you one word, and answer ye me, and I will tell you by what power I do these things.

And they reasoned with themselves, saying, If we say, From heaven; he will say, Wherefore did ye not believe him

Yet therefore having one dearly beloved son, and him he sent last to them, saying, That they will be changed by my son.

And in the first day of the unleavened, when they sacrificed the pascha, his disciples say to him, Where wilt thou, we, having gone, should prepare that thou eat the pascha

And he will shew you a great apartment spread, ready: there prepare for us.

Truly I say to you that I will no more drink of the fruit of the vine, till that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.

And Jesus says to them, That all ye shall be offended with me in this night: for it has been written, I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered.

But after I have risen, I will lead before you into Galilee.

That we heard him saying, That I will abolish this temple made with hands, and in three days will I build another, made without hands.

And Pilate answered them, saying, Will ye I loose to you the King of the Jews?

And Pilate having answered, again said to them, What then will ye I should do to him whom ye call King of the Jews?

And one running and having filled a sponge with vinegar, and put round a reed, gave him to drink, saying, Let alone; let us see if Elias will come to take him down.