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for I know that this shall turn to my deliverance, thro' your prayers, by the spirit, which Jesus Christ will supply me with,

agreeably to that expectation and persuasion I have, that I shall not labour in vain; but as I always have, so I shall still glorify Christ in my body, whether it be by life or by death: for if I live, I live to Christ;

and my inclination to abide in this life, as being more advantageous for YOU:

for there is no one that is so dear to me as he, and no one will more sincerely interest himself in your concerns.

for he long'd to see you all, and was greatly concern'd, that you should hear he was sick. and indeed he was sick almost unto death:

for he was upon the brink of death for the service of Christ, having expos'd his life to the greatest dangers, to perform those kind offices, which you could not do yourselves.

for I am not yet secure of the prize, I have not yet finish'd my course: but I press to obtain the reward, which Jesus Christ invited me to.

in the mean while, as we are already advanc'd so far, pursue your course, and keep it still in view:

for there are many that wander about, of whom I have frequently told you, and now repeat it with tears, that they are enemies to the cross of Christ:

yea, I intreat thee too, my faithful collegue, to assist them both, for they assisted me in the gospel, as well as Clement, and my other collegues, whose names are in the book of life.

Now I joyfully thank the Lord, that your concern for me has at length reviv'd. not that you wanted the disposition, but only the opportunity.

it is not my indigence that makes me say this: for I have learn'd, in whatevever state I am, therewith to be content: I know how to be in want,

I know how to abound: every where, and in every circumstance, I have been prepar'd for fulness or famine, for plenty or penury:

for you sent more than once to Thessalonica to supply my occasions.