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{Beth} She weepeth sore in the night, so that the tears run down her cheeks: for among all her lovers, there is none that giveth her any comfort. Yea, her next friends transgress against her, and are become her enemies.

Verse ConceptsCheeksBetrayalNightFeelings Of Rejection By GodWeepingAfflictions, Consolation DuringHanding Over PeopleFriends FailingNo ComfortPeople Mourning Catastrophe

{Gimel} Judah is taken prisoner, because she was defiled: and for serving so many strange gods, she dwelleth now among the heathen. She findeth no rest: all they that persecuted her, took her in strait places where she could not escape.

Verse ConceptsPursuing PeopleWorryExile Of Judah To BabylonOvertaking

{He} Her enemies have been rulers over her, and have prospered: because the LORD hath chastened her for her great wickedness. Her children are led away captive before their enemy.

Verse ConceptsChastisementLamentingSorrowYoung People SufferingThe Wicked ProsperGod Troubling

{Zayin} Now doth Jerusalem remember the time of her misery and disobedience, yea the joy and pleasure that she hath had in times past: seeing her people is brought down through the power of their enemy, and there is no man for to help her. Her enemies stand looking at her, and laughing her Sabbath days to scorn.

Verse ConceptsInfidelity To GodWanderersPeople RememberingHistory Of NationsNo HelpScoffers

{Khet} Jerusalem sinned ever more and more, therefore is she come in decay. All they that had her in honour, despise her: for they have seen her filthiness. Yea she sigheth and is ashamed of herself.

Verse ConceptsNakednessSin, Effects OfTurning RoundLosing HonourGod's People SinningCatastrophic Events

{Tet} Her skirts are defiled, she remembered not what would follow: therefore is her fall so great, and there is no man to comfort her. O LORD, consider my trouble, for my enemy hath the upper hand.

Verse ConceptsAbsence Of ThoughtFringe Of ClothesDownfall Of IsraelPeople Being UncleanI Am SufferingNo ComfortSeeking Honour

{Khaf} All her people seek their bread with heaviness, and look: what precious things every man hath, that giveth he for meat to save his life. Consider, O LORD, and see, how vile I am become.

Verse ConceptsBarteringInferioritySearchingSeeking FoodSeeking For Concrete Things

{Lamed} O ye all that go fore by, behold and see, if there be any sorrow like unto mine. wherewith the LORD hath troubled me in the day of his fearful wrath.

Verse ConceptsPassing BySuffering, Emotional Aspects OfHeartlessnessUnique EventsI Am SufferingGod Troubling

{Mem} From above hath he sent down a fire into my bones: and it burned them cruelly. He hath laid a net for my feet, and thrown me wide open: he hath made me desolate, so that I must ever be mourning.

Verse ConceptsNetsUnceasingContinual HardshipCausing People To TurnDamage To The BodyFire From HeavenGod Trapping

{Ayin} Therefore do I weep, and mine eyes gush out of water: for the comforter that should quicken me is far from me. My children are driven away. For why? The enemy hath gotten the over hand.

Verse ConceptsBeing ForsakenPeace, Human Destruction OfSympathyRestoring SinnersI Mourn CatastropheNo Comfort

{Tsadi} The LORD is righteous, for I provoked his countenance unto anger. O take heed all ye people, and consider my heaviness: My maidens and my young men are led away in to captivity.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in OTGod, Righteousness OfRebellion, Against GodYoung People SufferingI Am Suffering

{Kuf} I called for my lovers, but they beguiled me; for my Priests and counselors, but they perished: even while they sought for meat, to save their lives.

Verse ConceptsAliancesTrapSeeking FoodJudgement On Old PeopleDeath Of Office HoldersDeposed PriestsThose Who DeceivedMisleading Children

{Tav} From thee shall come all their adversity: thou shalt pluck them away, even as thou hast plucked me, because of all my wickedness. For my sorrow is very great, and my heart is heavy.

Verse ConceptsSighingLike The NationsFound GuiltyOther References To The HeartWithout Strengthlonliness

{Aleph} Alas, how hath the LORD darkened the daughter of Zion so sore in his wrath? As for the honour of Israel, he hath casten it down from heaven: How happeneth it, that he remembered not his own foot stool when he was angry?

Verse ConceptsFootstoolsZion, As A SymbolGod ForgettingLosing HonourThe Coming Day Of God's WrathFeelings Of Alienation

{Gimel} In the wrath of his indignation he hath broken all the horn of Israel: he hath withdrawn his righthand from the enemy. Yea, a flame of fire is kindled in Jacob, and hath consumed up all round about.

Verse ConceptsHand Of GodHornsRight Hand Of GodHorns WeakenedSevering Body Parts

{Daleth} He hath bent his bow like an enemy, he hath fastened his righthand as an adversary: and everything that was pleasant to see, he hath smitten it down. He hath poured out his wrath like a fire, into the tabernacle of the daughter of Zion.

Verse ConceptsBow And Arrows, Symbol Of StrengthRight Hand Of GodArchers, Likened To GodGod KillingFire Of God's AngerPleasing MenGod As EnemyGod Killed His People

{Khaf} Mine eyes begin to fail me through weeping, my body is disquieted, my liver is poured upon the earth, for the great hurt of my people, seeing the children and babes did swoon in the streets of the city.

Verse ConceptsAffection, ExpressingIntestinesTearsFaintingEyes HarmedTragedy On The StreetsYoung People SufferingI Am Sufferingknots

{Lamed} Even when they spake to their mothers, "Where is meat and drink?" For while they so said, they fell down in the streets of the city, like as they had been wounded, and some died in their mothers' bosom.

Verse ConceptsAppetite, PhysicalPhysical HungerWineSeeking FoodEarly DeathFaintingWoundsMotherhood

{Nun} Thy prophets have looked out vain and foolish things for thee: they have not showed thee of thy wickedness, to keep thee from captivity; but have overladen thee, and through falsity scattered thee abroad.

Verse ConceptsFutilityOraclesVisionsFalse VisionsSin Made KnownMen DeceivingFalse Prophets DenouncedWhat Sin?Peace And SafetyFake Friends

{Samekh} All they that go by thee clap their hands at thee - hissing and wagging their heads upon the daughter Jerusalem - and say, "Is this the city that men call so fair, wherein the whole land rejoiceth?"

Verse ConceptsBeautifulClappingBeauty Of JerusalemNames For JerusalemApplauseShaking The HeadHissingSpectatorsPeople Made Perfect

{Ayin} All thine enemies gape upon thee, whispering and biting their teeth, saying, "Let us devour, for the time that we looked for is come: we have found and seen it."

Verse ConceptsBitingTeethGnashing Of TeethHissingPeople WaitingSpeaking With The Mouth

{Kuf} Stand up and make thy prayer in the first watch of the night; pour out thine heart like water before the LORD. Lift up thine hands for the lives of thy young children that die of hunger in the streets.

Verse ConceptsHandsNightPouringAll Night PrayersLifting HandsThings Like WaterPouring WaterFaintingTragedy On The StreetsYoung People SufferingBeginning Of PeriodsLike Water

{Daleth} He layeth wait for me like a Bear, and as a lion in a hole.

Verse ConceptsLionsGod Like A LionAmbushLike Creatureslieing

Yea, thou shalt remember them, for my soul melteth away in me.

Verse ConceptsPeople RememberingI Am SadDepression

For he doth not plague, and cast out the children of men from his heart.

Verse ConceptsGod UnwillingTragedygrieving

Fear and snare is come upon us; yea, despite and destruction.

Verse ConceptsDestructionPitfalls

{Pe} Mine eyes run, and cannot cease, for there is no rest.

Verse ConceptsUnceasingContinual Hardship

Thou hast inclined thyself unto me, when I called upon thee, and haste said, "Fear not."

Verse ConceptsFear And Worry

{Daleth} The tongues of the sucking children, cleave to the roof of their mouths for very thirst. The young children ask bread, but there is no man that giveth it them.

Verse ConceptsBeggarsTongueBeggingSeeking FoodNo FoodYoung People Suffering

{He} They that were wont to fair delicately, perish in the streets; they that afore were brought up in purple, make now much of dung.

Verse ConceptsProperty, HousesColors, ScarletThe HomelessSavourinessPurple ClothesTragedy On The StreetsAshes Of Humiliation

{Tet} They that be slain with the sword, are happier than such as die of hunger, and perish away famishing for the fruits of the field.

Verse ConceptsWasteNo FoodPersonal GoodKilling Will Happenhunger

{Khaf} The LORD hath performed his heavy wrath; he hath poured out the furiousness of his displeasure. He hath kindled a fire in Zion, which hath consumed the foundations thereof.

Verse ConceptsFoundationsDestruction Of JerusalemBurning Jerusalemventing

{Mem} Which nevertheless is come to pass for the sins of her prophets, and for the wickedness of her priests that have shed innocents' blood within her.

Verse ConceptsPriests, Function In Ot TimesInnocent BloodSheddingKilling The InnocentWicked ProphetsA Righteous PeopleLeaders Sinning

{Ayin} The countenance of the LORD hath banished them, and shall never look more upon them: For they themselves neither regarded the priests, nor pitied the elders.

Verse Conceptsdispersion, theSin, God's Judgment OnGod Scattering IsraelGod Not SeeingDeposed PriestsLosing Honourelders

{Pe} Wherefore yet our eyes fail us, while we look for vain help: seeing we be ever waiting upon a people that can do us no good.

Verse ConceptsFutilityFalse ConfidenceDisappointmentsMan Keeping WatchTowersEyes HarmedUseless LabourNo HelpThings Which Cannot Save

{Tsadi} They lay so sharp wait for us, that we can not go safe upon the streets: for our end is come, our days are fulfilled, our end is here.

Verse ConceptsStreetsPeople EndedPeople Following People

{Kuf} Our persecutors are swifter than the Eagles of the air, they followed upon us over the mountains, and laid wait for us in the wilderness.

Verse ConceptsPursuing PeopleSkySpeedEaglesAmbushrelentless

{Shin} And thou, O daughter Edom, that dwellest in the land of Uz, be glad and rejoice: for the cup shall come unto thee also, which when thou suppest of thou shalt be drunk.

Verse ConceptsCup, God's WrathPeople Stripping OffGod Making DrunkRejoicing In Evil

{Tav} Thy sin is well punished, O thou daughter Zion: he shall not suffer thee to be carried away anymore. But thy wickedness, O daughter Edom, shall he visit, and for thy sins' sake, he shall lead thee into captivity.

Verse ConceptsSin Made Known

We are fain to drink our own water for money, and our own wood must we buy with money.

Verse ConceptsBuying and sellingDrinking WaterFirewoodPaying For Goods

for thou hast now banished us long enough, and hast been sore displeased at us.