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Wherefore wilt thou cause me to see vanity and cause me to look at labor? and oppression and violence before me, and there will be contention, and strife will be raised up.

For this, the law will be slack, and judgment will not go forth forever: for the unjust surrounds the just; for this perverted judgment will go forth.

See ye among the nations, and look, and wonder; ye shall wonder: for the working a work in your days ye will not believe if it shall be recounted.

Then the spirit changed, and he will pass over, and he transgressed: this his strength is his God.

And he brought up a completion with the book, he will drag him in his net, and he will gather him in his fishnet: for this he will rejoice and be glad.

For this he will sacrifice to his net and burn incense to his fish-net; for by them his portion fat and his food. growing fat

For this, will he empty his net; and he will not spare to slay the nations continually.

I will stand upon my watch, and be set me upon the fortress, and I will watch to see what he will speak in me, and what I shall turn back upon my reproof.

And Jehovah will answer me and say, Write the vision, and grave upon the tablets, so that he shall run reading in it

For yet the vision for the appointment, and it shall breathe to the end, and it shall not lie: if it shall delay, wait for it; for coming, it will come; and it shall not delay.

And also if a proud man transgressing by wine, and he will not rest; who enlarged his soul as hades, and he as death, and he will not be satisfied, and he will gather to him all nations, and he will collect to him all peoples.

Shall not these all of them lift up a parable against him, and an enigma of an oracle against him, and it shall be said, Wo! to him multiplying that not to him. how long making heavy upon him goods taken in pledge?

For thou didst spoil many nations, all the rest of the peoples shall spoil thee; from the bloods of man, and the violence of the land, of the city, and all dwelling in it.

For the stone from the wall shall cry out, and the cross-beam from the wood shall answer it.

For the violence of Lebanon shall cover thee, and the destruction of beasts shall terrify them from the bloods of man, and the violence of the earth, of the city, and all dwelling in it.

Before his face shall go the word, and a flame will go forth at his feet.

He stood, and he will measure the earth: he saw, and he will cause the nations to tremble, and the mountains of eternity will be dispersed, the perpetual hills bowed down: the goings everlasting to him.

The sun, the moon stood in her habitation: at the light of thine arrows they will go, at the shining of the lightning of thy spear.

Thou didst pierce with rods the head of the leader: they will rush on as a tempest to scatter me their exultation as to devour the poor in secret

I heard and my belly will tremble; at the voice my lips quivered: rottenness will come into my bones, and I shall tremble under me that I shall rest at the day of straits: to come up to the people he will invade him.

Jehovah the Lord my strength, and he will set my feet as the hinds, and upon my heights he will cause me to tread. For the overseer upon my stringed instruments.