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for which I suffer affliction, even unto chains as a malefactor; but the word of God is not bound.

But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and pottery; and some for an honourable use, and others for baser service.

If therefore a man preserve himself pure from these things, he shall be a vessel for honour, sanctified and highly useful to the master, ready for every good work.

For such are they who insinuate themselves into houses, and captivate weak women laden with accumulated sins, and actuated by a variety of passions,

But they shall not proceed to the uttermost; for their infatuation shall be evident to all men, as theirs also was.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own inclinations will set up a herd of teachers for themselves, having the itch of hearing;

Luke alone is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with thee; for he is very useful to me in the ministry.

against whom be thou also on thy guard, for he hath greatly resisted our words.