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Now in a great house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also wood and earthen, and some for esteem and some for disesteem.

Verse ConceptsClayGoldWoodPeople Have HonourWood And StonePurposehonourVarieties

If therefore any man purges himself from these things, he will be a vessel for esteem, sanctified and useful to the master, prepared for every good work.

Verse ConceptsFutilityGood WorksReadinessSelf DenialChristians, Names OfHoly VesselsPurgingPeople Have HonourUseful PeoplePreparationSanctificationChanging Yourselfcleansinginstrumentsmasterpiece

for from these are those who creep into houses, and take captive petty women laden with sins, being led away by various impulses,

Verse ConceptsLicentiousnessCharacter Of WickedCaptivesHeavy BurdensWeak WomenProblem Peoplevulnerabilityimpulsivenessworms

But they will not advance in much more, for their folly will be evident to all men, as also that of those men came to be.

Verse ConceptsFolly, Effects OfManifesting (making Something Clear)Foolishness Of MenAspects Of People Made Knowncancer

For there will be time when they will not tolerate sound doctrine, but they will accumulate teachers to themselves according to their own desires, who tickle the ear,

Verse ConceptsFalse TeachingsFalse Teachers, Characteristics OfEarsGuidance, Need For God'sManipulationTeachingCultsApostasy, CauseEvil TimesRefusing To HearSound DoctrineDoctrines of the The Gospelphotographydoctrine

Only Luke is with me. Having taken Mark, bring him with thee, for he is useful to me for service.

Verse ConceptsdisagreementsApostasy, RestoredCompanionshipServing IndividualsUseful PeopleMinistryministering

of whom thou also beware, for he extremely opposed our words.

Verse ConceptsGuarding Yourself