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For these being to you, and abounding, they establish you not without effort, neither unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

For in whom these are not present, he is blind, being affected with shortness of sight, having taken 2Peter 1:forgetfulness of the cleansing formerly of his sins.

And I deem just, in as far as I am in this tent, to arouse you by putting in mind;

And I shall also be earnest for you always to have, after my exit, this putting in mind to be done.

And just Lot, being harassed by the licentiousness of the lawless for the turning back, he delivered:

(For the just one in seeing and hearing, dwelling among them, from day to day tried the just soul with lawless works;)

And he had reprehension for his own iniquity: the dumb ass speaking in man's voice impeded the insanity of the prophet.

For speaking excessive things of vanity, they decoy with the eager desires of the flesh, for licentiousness, them having truly escaped from those turned back in error.

For if having escaped the pollutions of the world by the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and again entangling with these, they be conquered, the last things have been to them worse than the first.

Knowing this first, that in the last of the days shall mockers come for deceiving, going according to their own eager desires,