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May the Lord show favour to the household of Onesiphorus, for many a time he braced me up; he was not ashamed of my imprisonment ??17 no, he made eager search for me when he reached Rome, and he found me

for which I have to suffer imprisonment as if I were a criminal. (But there is no prison for the word of God.)

In any great house there are indeed vessels not only of gold and silver but also of wood and clay, some for noble, some for menial service.

If one will only keep clear of the latter, he will be put to noble use, he will be consecrated and useful to the Owner of the House, he will be set apart for good work of all kinds.

For these guides of theirs are hostile to the Truth, just as Jannes and Jambres were hostile to Moses; they are depraved in mind and useless for all purposes of faith.

However, they will get no further, for their aberration will be detected by everyone, as was the case with these magicians.

Luke is the only one who is with me. Pick up Mark and bring him along with you, for he is of great use in helping me.

for he has been bitterly hostile to anything I have said.