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The way you are faithfully enduring [such] suffering for the kingdom of God is clear evidence that God's judgment is right in [eventually] counting you worthy of it [i.e., of entering the eternal phase of the kingdom].

Verse ConceptsKingdom Of God, Entry IntoWorthinessWorthy PeopleKingdom Of GodSufferingMaking DecisionsDecision MakingJudgement DayJudgement

and to provide [future] rest for you, along with us, who are afflicted. [This will occur] when Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire [i.e., at His second coming], accompanied by His mighty angels.

Verse ConceptsTrouble, Causes OfAngels as agents of judgmentAngels, Ministry To ChristFire Of ChristChrist And HeavenAccompanying The Second ComingVoice Of The Archangelrelaxingrelaxation

This is why we always pray for you also, so that our God will consider you worthy to be [i.e., to have been] called [into the kingdom] by Him, and will fulfill, by His power, every good purpose [or, "desire for goodness"] of yours and every act produced by [your] faith.

Verse ConceptsPower Through GodPower, HumanPrayerfulnessWatchfulness, Of LeadersWorthinessGod's Call, ResultsFaith That WorksConsider Your Call To SalvationI Pray For YouWorks Of FaithWorthy PeopleMan's Work FinishedGod's CallPrayer, And God's WillKeeping Faithvocation

Do not allow anyone to deceive you in any way, for it will not occur until the rebellion comes first and the man of lawlessness becomes evident. [Note: This "rebellion" refers to a significant falling away from the teaching and practice of true Christianity (See I Tim. 4:1), characterized by the rise of an authoritarian religious leader]. This man is doomed to be destroyed

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDBeing FirstAntichrist, Names ForApostatesWarnings Against ApostasyWarnings Against DeceptionDeceivers, Of ChristiansHell, As An ExperienceHeraldRebellion, Against GodAbounding, In The Last DaysFalse Miracles, Nature OfAmbition, Example OfAntichrist, Described AsApostasy, Types OfPerditionApostasy In The Last DaysThe DestroyerAvoiding DeceitPeople Made KnownAll Have SinnedFinal RevoltDeception In The End TimesMan Of SinRebellion against GodDeceptionrebellionmovementapostasyFalling Away From God

[for] he opposes [the true Gospel message] and exalts himself against everything that is called "God" or that which is worshiped. So, he sits in God's temple [i.e., the church ?] displaying himself as [though he were] God.

Verse ConceptsSelf ExultationBlasphemy, At GodLove, Abuse OfPride, Evil OfTribulation PeriodWorldly Ambition ExamplesAntichrist, Described AsSelf ExaltationEnemies Of GodInterlopers In The TempleSeeking HonourImage Of The BeastMan Of SinThe World Ruleratheism

[But] for now, there is something holding him back [i.e., holding back the man of lawlessness from emerging, See verses 3-4], and you people know what it is. [It is restraining him] so that he will not be revealed until his own [due] time.

Verse ConceptsPeople Made KnownHindrances

For this mysterious lawlessness is already at work [or, "this lawlessness is already secretly at work"]; but the one who is holding it back [will continue to do so] until he is removed.

Verse ConceptsLawlessnessMysterySecrecy

But we ought to thank God for you always, brothers [who are] dearly loved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning [Note: Some manuscripts use the Greek word for "firstfruits" instead of "beginning" here, but it is difficult to know in what sense the Thessalonian Christians were "first"], in order to be saved through being set apart by the Holy Spirit and through belief of the truth [of the Gospel].

Verse Conceptsethics, and graceelection, to salvationElection, Results InElection, Characteristics OfChristiansBeing ChosenBeginningGod, Purpose OfGrace, And Holy SpiritHoliness, Believers' Growth InPeople Of God, In NtPredestined PeopleSanctification, Means And ResultsSanctification, Nature And BasisAcceptance, Of The GospelBeing ForeordainedThe Holy Spirit And PraiseThe Holy Spirit, And SanctificationSaved By FaithFrom The BeginningChosen DisciplesThanking God For PeopleThe Gospel Of SalvationElectSanctificationChristians Being Called Brothers

Finally, brothers, pray for us, so that the Lord's message will spread quickly and be honored [by people], even as it was among you.

Verse ConceptsHonorHonouring GodMissionaries, Support ForPrayer, In The ChurchPreaching, Effects OfLast WordsPray For UsSpreading The Gospelevangelising

For you, yourselves, know how you ought to follow our example, for we did not live in idleness when we were among you;

Verse Conceptsdiscipleship, nature ofImitatingLaborImitating Good People

neither did we eat anyone's food without paying for it. But by hard labor and toil, we worked night and day so as not to be a burden to any of you.

Verse ConceptsdiligenceNightPoverty, Remedies ForLabour Day And NightThose Who ToiledHardship

[We did this], not because we did not have a right [to support], but so we could become an example for you to imitate.

Verse ConceptsImitatingMinisters, Should BeImitating Good PeopleExample Of Believers