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Now I want the men to offer prayer at any meeting of the church; and let the hands they lift to heaven be holy ??they must be free from anger and dissension.

through plausible sophists who are seared in conscience ??3 men who prohibit marriage and insist on abstinence from foods which God created for believing men, who understand the Truth, to partake of with thanksgiving.

Refuse to put young widows on the list, for when their wanton desires alienate them from Christ, they want to marry

Besides, they become idle unconsciously by gadding about from one house to another ??and not merely idle but gossips and busybodies, repeating things they have no right to mention.

to keep your commission free from stain, free from reproach, till the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ ??15 which will be brought about in due time by that blessed and only Sovereign, King of kings and Lord of lords,