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For to what angel did God ever say, "You are my Son! I have today become your Father"? Or again, "I will become his Father, and he shall become my Son"?

But of the time when he is to bring his firstborn Son back to the world he says, "And let all God's angels bow before him."

Where your forefathers put my doings to the proof for forty years, Though they saw them all the time.

So while we can still speak of Today, if you hear him speak, do not harden your hearts, as they provoked him by doing.

For we who have believed are admitted to that Rest, of which he said, "As I made oath in my anger, They shall never be admitted to my Rest!" And yet God's work was finished at the creation of the world,

For all who are admitted to God's Rest rest after their work, just as God did after his.

So even Christ did not claim for himself the dignity of the high priesthood, but he was appointed to it by him who said to him, "You are my Son! I have today become your Father!"

I have much to say to you about this, but it is difficult to make it clear to you, because you have become so slow of apprehension.

Ground that drinks in frequent showers and produces vegetation that is of use to those for whom it is cultivated receives God's blessing.

But about you, dear friends, even though we say this, we are sure of better things that promise salvation.

For when God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to make oath by, he did so by himself,

so that by these two unalterable things, which make it impossible for God to break his promise, we who have taken refuge with him may be greatly encouraged to seize upon the hope that is offered to us.

Now see how great this man must have been to have the patriarch Abraham give him a tenth of the spoil.

for none of Abraham's posterity was yet begotten at the time of his meeting with Melchizedek.

So an earlier regulation is abrogated because it was poor and ineffective

And in proportion as Jesus was not appointed priest without God's making oath to it,

Now the main point in what I am saying is this: We have such a high priest as this, and he has taken his seat in heaven at the right hand of God's Majesty,

But every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices, and so this high priest also must have some sacrifice to offer.

But in his dissatisfaction with them he says, " 'See! the time is coming,' says the Lord, 'When I will conclude a new agreement with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah,

Not like the one that I made with their forefathers, On the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out from the land of Egypt, For they would not abide by their agreement with me, So I paid no attention to them,' says the Lord.

stood the gold incense-altar and the chest that contained the agreement, entirely covered with gold, with the gold jar in it that held the manna, and Aaron's staff that budded, and the tablets containing the agreement;

but only the high priest could enter the inner part, and he but once a year, and never without taking some victim's blood, to offer on his own behalf and for the sins committed through ignorance by the people.

So even the old agreement could not be ratified without the use of blood.

So I said, 'See, I have come! as the Book of the Law says of me, O God, to do your will!' "

At first he says, "You never wished or cared for sacrifices or offerings, or burnt-offerings or sacrifices for sin"??ll of which the Law prescribes??9 and then he adds, "See, I have come to do your will!" He is taking away the old to put the new in its place.

Every other priest stands officiating day after day, offering over and over again the same sacrifices, though they were powerless ever to remove people's sins.

But Christ has offered for all time one sacrifice for sin, and has taken his seat at God's right hand,

For if we choose to go on sinning after we have so fully learned the truth, there is no sacrifice left to be offered for our sins,

but only the dreadful prospect of judgment and that blazing indignation which is to devour God's enemies.

For it was by it that the men of old gained God's approval.

Faith made Abel's sacrifice greater in the sight of God than Cain's; through faith he gained God's approval as an upright man, for God himself approved his offering, and through faith even when he was dead he still spoke.

And so from one man, for any prospect of descendants as good as dead, there sprang a people in number like the stars in the heavens or the countless sands on the seashore.

Faith enabled them to cross the Red Sea as though it were dry land, although the Egyptians when they tried to follow them across it were drowned.

Yet though they all gained God's approval by their faith, they none of them received what he had promised,

And keep your feet in straight paths, so that limbs that are lame may not be dislocated but instead be cured.

Be careful that no one fails to gain God's favor, or some poisonous root may come up to trouble and contaminate you all??16 some immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his very birthright for one single meal.

and so awful was the sight that Moses said, "I am aghast and appalled!"

You must know that our brother Timothy has been released from prison. If he comes here soon, we will see you together.