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For when the sun comes up with its burning heat, the grass gets dry and the grace of its form is gone with the falling flower; so the man of wealth comes to nothing in his ways.

Let no man say when he is tested, I am tested by God; for it is not possible for God to be tested by evil, and he himself puts no man to such a test:

And you do honour to the man in fair clothing and say, Come here and take this good place; and you say to the poor man, Take up your position there, or be seated at my feet;

Do they not say evil of the holy name which was given to you?

What use is it, my brothers, for a man to say that he has faith, if he does nothing? will such a faith give him salvation?

If a brother or a sister is without clothing and in need of the day's food,

But a man may say, You have faith and I have works; let me see your faith without your works, and I will make my faith clear to you by my works.

You see that his faith was helping his works and was made complete by them;

Now if we put bits of iron into horses' mouths so that they may be guided by us, we have complete control of their bodies.

And again ships, though they are so great and are moved by violent winds, are turned by a very small guiding-blade, at the impulse of the man who is using it.

Out of the same mouth comes blessing and cursing. My brothers, it is not right for these things to be so.

Is a fig-tree able to give us olives, my brothers, or do we get figs from a vine, or sweet water from the salt sea?

You are burning with desire, and have not your desire, so you put men to death; you are full of envy, and you are not able to get your desire, so you are fighting and making war; you have not your desire, because you do not make request for it.

Or does it seem to you that it is for nothing that the holy Writings say, The spirit which God put into our hearts has a strong desire for us?

Do not say evil against one another, my brothers. He who says evil against his brother or makes himself his brother's judge, says evil against the law and is judging the law: and in judging the law you become, not a doer of the law but a judge.

But most of all, my brothers, do not take oaths, not by the heaven, or by the earth, or by any other thing: but let your Yes be Yes, and your No be No: so that you may not be judged.