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People heard how I groan, with no one to comfort me. All my adversaries have heard about my troubles; they rejoice that you have caused them. Bring on the day you have promised, so my adversaries will become like me.

"The LORD is all I have," says my soul, "Therefore I will trust in him."

Even wild animals nurse, suckling their young; but the women of my people are cruel, like ostriches in the wilderness.

The LORD himself separated them; he will do nothing more for them. They did not respect their own priests; they did not honor their elders.

The LORD's anointed, the breath of our life, was captured in their pits. About him we had said, "Under his protection we will survive among the nations."

Celebrate and rejoice, you women of Edom, who live in the land of Uz. But to you the cup also will pass you will become drunk and stripped naked.

The punishment for your sin is complete, you women of Zion, and God will no longer exile you. He will punish your iniquity, you women of Edom, and he will expose your sins.